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Volume Septimo

Modal0154 June 27th, 2021

Millenials are a 'sandwich generation' btw taking care of the 'Gen X'ers' and 'Boomers' who were heavily influenced by the '1st 1/2 of the 20th c. cohorts'^1 (more than they would like to admit--I heard how Boomer and Gen X Germans had difficulties relating to their parents b/c of the complacency in the infamy of the 1930's, which in turn got a lot of it's momentum from prejudices which got 'dangerously bubbly' by the mid 1800s onwards --Otto Bismarck's nationalism apparently needed to unify and shlock like social Darwinism) and 'the Zoomers' who they 'want to relate to' despite steady changes in the relatability of the 'bells and whistles' (consumer tech and media) which hold the attention spans of those more developmentally disimilar and vulnerable..

Not to mention the offspring of 'the millenials who made it' even w/auto and living space ownership struggles.

* who were really more like a '19th c. part III' group so much than most would prefer to admit not only if you factor in how different tech exposure and literacy demographics let different attitudes thrive and what that meant when it comes to say outcomes of 'Flynn effect' graphs but
Modal0154 OP July 24th, 2021

*sigh* I wish that 'deviant art' was one of those sites accesible via facebook or a google account esp. when you mean to look into things briefly.

Modal0154 OP July 25th, 2021

I'd want to exercise like a fencer much like how ppl get exercise benefits out of fitness apparently based on boxing or kickboxing regimens even if they don't say competitively spar.

I'm getting it out of my system before I get carried away w/it

Modal0154 OP July 25th, 2021

I watch this out of sympathy
and now stupid part of my mind is saying stuff like how I will not be able to bike home from work tomorrow =_=

This might be a part of what they call 'self-sabotage'

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021


It didn't happen as I biked to and from work.

Modal0154 OP July 25th, 2021

Gj: having lifted myself however brief on an old football post while out w/dog :D

Modal0154 OP July 25th, 2021

`_` that headline and we're allowed to dream aren't we ?

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

-Gj: =_= throwing out pine nuts which got moldy

Papaya +almond milk + maple syrup

Chopped Yucca+ grated cheese

That frozen cheese pizza + 'additional toppings'

There's needs to be more formally deep and detailed accounts on the history of southern U.S. border region illegal immigration be more widely known since goodness knows how, whether ppl want to believe it or not the borders were more porous not all the long ago..

" in his late teenage years, he moved to Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, to study in one of the most renowned universities of that time, the Escuela Superior de Agricultura "Hermanos Escobar", where he studied Agricultural Engineering.[3]

Once in Juárez, he would regularly cross into the United States, since according to his memoir, "it was so easy to cross the border back then, I remember I would put on my college jacket on and since the ['sounds like Ringo'] would see that you were a student, he would let you through". Rubén Aguirre worked many times as a gardener in El Paso to make ends meet."

this would've been sometime btw the mid 40's to say the late 50's or early 60's during this actor's life Rubén Aguirre - Wikipedia

..`_` my dad once said it =_= , it started becoming 'more of a thing' once transport systems (trains and..?) developed
Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

On a 'waiting list' status to invigilate an online exam come the evening of August the 4th

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

There is a difference btw following news on cryptocurrency and following news on blockchain tech.

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

Gj: finding out about 'Tasting history with Max Miller'

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

Has anyone else ever worried that they wanted to kidney stones because when the impulse to use the washroom wakes them up there is already someone else using the washroom ?.

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

Being able to produce mood whiplash is..

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

`_` BtwTatsuhiro Yonemitsu and more recently Hidilyn Diaz, it's curious to know how many Olympians or other competitive circuit athletes for that matter also have military backgrounds

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

-Gj: :( When birds collide into your windows

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

-Gj:being ~15 minutes off from the amount I'd like to exercise before heading to work.

=_= It s--ks to be getting your cardio from stress rather than alloted time for quality exercise.

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

After today a 3rd week off which was a hassle to request begins.

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

If people are unreluctant to use extinct animals as part of their logos and/or as mascot, dinosaurs aside I could imagine the now extinct Moa bird as being part of a company logo, not at least because the word is fairly convenient to pronounce; in Russia there's a company called called 'Dodo pizza'.

Modal0154 OP July 26th, 2021

There's plenty to take away from chess even if your rating might never surpass 1200

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

Must not stress about ratings if playing 'for entertainment'. Be liberal with bullet or blitz games

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

Funny thing when you decide to undertake art, how even if you get over your hang-up on the amounts of wet media which will be used by an amateur like yourself, you seldom find that you have enough quality space and time.

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

>_< @~@ *groan/sigh*

Proprioception (or kinesthesia)

it's the lack of it which makes for the infamous 'awkward autistic' stereotype in terms of movement.

=_= F--K! , that dolt of a past infatuation for harrassing me w/that phrase !

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

It's interesting how something is mundane as searching for an old charger and USB cable I used to have made for a major thing in a dream I woke up from.

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

I could see 'The challengers of the unknown' appearing somehow in live action DC media whether it be in some maybe not all that important role in a DCEU movie or (better idea imo) having a part in one of the 'Arrow'/CW-verse shows as an 'answer' to the F4 appearing in live action Marvel movies once more as the time approaches.
Interesting how being called 'Baby' didn't work out for Bryan Christopher Williams enough and he switched to being called Birdman which is a moniker which can still attract unappealing attention but so far for Jonathan Lyndale Kirk being called 'DaBaby' is working out for him more; I like levitating by Dua Lipa. Piano covers of it are fun.

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

I think the UK reputation to sub-par cuisine among the European regions is a bit underdeserved although I'll admit to saying this mainly b/c I have good memories of the descriptions of foods in the 'Redwall' novels and I'd think that,the series limited itself to pseudo-medieval food and ingredients. The descriptions were apparently appealing enough that this happened: The Redwall Cookbook | Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information | Fandom

This is w/out requiring the input of say celeb chefs like Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver (who apparently can be abusive to an extent as well from what I've hear `_` ).

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2021

-Gj: having the window near the front passenger seat be iffy in terms of being able to put up or pull down the window via buttons when you live in a stupidly iffy neighborhood =_=.. and one of the few people who your family goes to when it comes to car related stuff is about to leave in a few days

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

Old, obscure but fun (entire seasons (?)) of old shows on the YT channel 'Retro Rerun' makes sense now that I know 'Nelvana' owns it.

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

Apparently a fair amount of Texans work at Walmart and I am keen to hear out takes on this

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

-Gj: loosing my sleeping mask

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

*sigh* I opted out of work opportunity/event for my alternate job on the 4th since (a) that's on my day-off from my main job and (b) I can expect myself to be still stressed by barely having gotten through the d--n chores (finance based or otherwise) which I can expect to consume me this week and the stress of a lack of communication btw 'higher-ups' and me (like on what different webcam software is needed if any) isn't worth it esp. so soon ( a day or two (?)) after my main vacation has been completed..

if it was in mid- August or onwards it'd be a different story.

W/my dad leaving I might gain a different clarity of mind.

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021
.'s to there not being 'punitive outcomes' for opting was still on a 'waiting list' status which makes me think that the protocol of needing to give a rationale for opting out might only be for those who have their status 'confirmed'.

I friggin hate how undependable this site is in making (*Anglophonic*) listeners present

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

schedule at 'my main job' for next week is still pending

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2021

Most *ppl don't tend to fall asleep until either an extended period of satisfaction or dissatisfaction w/what they are viewing or doing online and hence I am strongly inclined to disparage the ~'to go to sleep, it's best to not do anything on a screened device an hour prior' as an almost unfeasible habit.

*who aren't actively working say but still privileged enough to have a supportive enough place to be in

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2021

In parking lot of a Toronto airport. Travel restrictions are such that my dad can currently go to El Salvador. My dad is leaving to El Salvador. My dad is leaving to El Salvador today.

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2021

-Gj: seeing extra rice from yesterday disposed.

Modal0154 OP July 31st, 2021

I will be going wild when it becomes in vogue to do live action movies w/the 'grainness' of *90's* movies specifically..can't quite say I'd feel the same about the early 00's.