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Sun's Space 🌻

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 6th, 2021

Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope y'all are doing well.💛

From quite some time I've been wanting to create my own space around here, somewhere, I can be myself, share a little more of me and encourage others too.

In this thread, you can expect some inspiring words, quotes, appreciations and gratitude, sharing about my 7 cups journey, thoughts, insights, experiences in life, random musings etc. (Basically anything that comes to mind or I find on the internet lol)

Feel free to spend time here, upvote and reply if you'd like to, share your thoughts on the posts etc.🥰

More than welcome, as long as we keep this a mutually supportive, respectful, kind and safe space for everyone.

Thankyouuu so much for being here.

Hugs, Cookies and Good Vibes for everyone!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 6th, 2021

I believe it's so very true, no matter how much we want to give others a 'taste of their own medicine ', why not give them the taste of your medicine, why can't your medicine be kindness?

It's so easy to sometimes lose our calm and do things in the heat of the moment, without giving them much of a thought, but do you feel at ease after that hasty decision? Does causing hurt to anyone, make you feel any good in the long run? It may give a momentary satisfaction, that you "stood up for yourself " and "gave back to them" but, does that make you feel peaceful even after that moment passes, or does it somewhere make you feel guilty, and even more frustrated to have "stooped down" to someone's level of treatment.

I truly believe, it's hard to stay calm knowing we did something wrong intentionally. So why put ourselves through that feeling, it's certainly not a happy one.

It's why, I think, this quote is so right, we should treat people not as how bad as they are, but as GOOD as WE are ....because, kindness definitely sparks kindness, and the good will return in one way or another, sometimes even when you're least expecting it! 😊♥️

barncat March 8th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou- found myself following some of your posts to others. Just wanted to give you a compliment on the thoughtful way you replied to members. Showing kindness and compassion can lift up someone's day. It always helps to hear we are not alone in our journey. Hugs to you too.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 11th, 2021


Aww hey, this is so very sweet of you to say, you just uplifted my day tooo , with this compliment. 🥺

I am glad you find my replies thoughtful and kind , I do try my best making people feel heard and acknowledged and I guess, just being there , and giving them that space and compassion, is so helpful. ❤

Thankyou really, I appreciate this kind message more than anything. Big hugs to youu ! Stay Wonderful 🤗❤

midnightsmarie March 17th, 2021


I just randomly wanted to explore this particular side of forums because I'm looking for journalling soon and I just can't tell you this one post of yours was something I needed so badly. I appreciate that you made a space for yourself here and it seems to me you're doing great! I just want to say thank you for this ❤️ this really helped me, and the fact that it was just random makes it even better. keep going, Sun! your shine is spread all over 7 Cups 🤗❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 27th, 2021


Aww Milkyy, I am glad you stumbled upon here while exploring forum space. It makes me so happy to hear that this post helped you , and agreed hehe, being so unexpected makes it even better .

Thankyou so much for responding! This is your space too, and you're welcome to find a comfy spot of yours around here, whenever you'd like a safe place to be .

Love and tackle hugss🤗❤

ScientificMethod111 September 22nd, 2021

A taste of my medicine can be overstimulating for many. I always try a taste of others especially if I am processing more volatile medicines of my own. My neutral approach is respectful and I reach people at their level and provide insight into their emotional experience by building trust with them. Truly good help is the gift of independence and listening, taking a moment to experience anothers, then providing the understanding of thiis. Identification of the emotional or personality trait for them and giving them the pros and cons of that in life builds that trust that I am listening. Then they may share more on a more personal level.

That's, the secret to counseling a patient into independence.

calmMango9611 November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

You are a very talented writer my friend.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 28th, 2022

@calmMango9611 Really appreciate you dropping by and spreading kindness. ❤

calmMango9611 November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Your very welcomed, my friend.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 7th, 2021


thoughtfulGrapes1163 October 5th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I need a never ending bear hug really bad. Am I allowed to have one? Pwease?? 🥺

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 5th, 2023


Aww ofcourse, lovely! *a super tighttt neverending huggg* 🤗💗


thoughtfulGrapes1163 October 6th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you so much Sun. I needed that hug, especially that animation. Life's going a little hard these days, and hugs for me are becoming few and far in between. This was the first time I felt an actual heartfelt hug, even if its virtual. Thank you buddy 🥲.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 16th, 2021

Hello to the one reading this, how have you been lately? (You don't have to share if not comfortable, but you can say it to yourself, about how you're feeling honestly ❤)

I feel quite alot of us, try to hide how we're actually feeling / doing, maybe we are not looking for someone's- " it will be okay, don't worry " , " it's nothing big, chill " or maybe the fear of our emotions getting ignored and invalidated by others has made us to grow being okay with not sharing anything with anyone, and believe me, if you struggle expressing yourself too, you're certainly not alone.❤

I truly get how difficult it is to be 'vulnerable' with someone, to "let our guard down" with them, to let them be a part of our lowest moments, to give someone that hold on you to support you when you know you need it but it's hard to accept any help~ it's okay, it absolutely, is, OKAY! You're not being a difficult or a distanced person when you deny people access to you, you're not being stubborn when you try staying aloof not wanting anyone to enter your space, you're only wanting some personal space, you're having a hard time accepting someone in, you're not entirely sure if you trust them enough to share anything with them, you're afraid of being attached and left alone later on and you might be trying to keep some boundaries or it maybe due to another reason; again, believe me, it's okay and your feelings and fears are all so valid.❤

But can I also just praise you a bit here? Because you do deserve it, it's so not easy to ask for help, to reach out for it, but you're here and it does mark the firsts of the many steps you've taken so far in your journey, you may feel it's nothing big or worth mentioning, but it is, it is worth mentioning now, it is worth mentioning every single day of your presence here and your struggle of reaching out, in real life , out side platforms like 7 cups as well. ❤

Speaking of 7 cups, I've felt that someone on here is always ready to lend a hand, lend an ear, offer a space in their heart, a safe space, where you can just be. And there's really no rush, But if and when you feel ready, don't hesitate taking that hand, sharing your story to that ear, taking a seat in their heart and making yourself feel comfortable, we can always take our time, and be at our pace and comfort and I really believe, that one hand will still be there somewhere still waiting on you, when you feel ready to hold it, just gotta take a little plunge and then pat your back for going for it. ❤

So here's the kindest and gentlest reminder to everyone who's going through something currently and is hesitant of reaching out for support, You Are NOT Alone, you don't ever have to be alone, because there's someone shining so brightly for you and despite everything else, this ONE's always gonna be with you, you know who that is? I think you do know them pretty well 😌 ~ it's this beautiful human you'll meet, when you are in front of a mirror.

If you don't find any hands around you at anytime ever, hold this ONE's hand, Hold Your own hand, be your own support system~ it will be messy and difficult and may make you feel like being alone in the dark, alot of times, let that feeling be, we don't fear what makes us strong, we don't fear the darkness; we'll come out brighter from this, one day hopefully will be so much better .....and till then, we'll keep going at it, just one day at a time and by taking just one step closer to a hand each time (could be yours, could be someone's, but a supportive hand is all that we need to hold on to). Sending love to you.❤

midnightsmarie March 17th, 2021


such a beautiful and relevant message to everyone at 7 Cups! thank you for making this Sun ❤️ love your point about being your own support system and holding your own hand. when I was small, my teacher praised me for one quote that I put as my profile picture (this happened in 8th grade). the quote was, "if there is nobody to hold your hands, put your hands in your pocket and continue your walk." my teacher was very friendly with us so she actually took out about 5 minutes for this and called me one of the most mature kids she has ever met. that made me really happy and I was proud of this back then. your lovely message here, reminded me of a time I had slipped under the rug for a while, recalling it now, I feel really good. thank you so much! ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 27th, 2021


Aye lovely human , that is a such a great quote and I am glad you had a friendly teacher who would take time to also praise and encourage their students.

Indeed so true, we have ourselves and that's super okay tooo ! Just hold ya hand and keep walking ❤

Such a beautiful recalling, so very happy to know this post made you think of that amazing event, I am proud of you too ,Milkyy, always keep shining and smiling ! 🤗❤

thoughtfulGrapes1163 October 5th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You made me cry with this, Sun. No one's ever given me such, such, words, before. I'm going through a tough time, and in all my life, I've not recieved such words from anyone before. Thank you buddy. Thank you so much. You don't know how much those words mean to me.

Your friend ( hopefully 🤞 ),


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 27th, 2021


Hii everyone , I hope this post finds you doing well ! ❤

I recently, came across these impactful words on the internet and I thought it's only fair to share it y'all too , here it goes ,

♡ I told my friend that i'am emotionally ' hitting a wall ' and she said ; "Sometimes walls are there so we can lean on them and rest " . ♡

This one is honestly such a short and simple statement, but I feel the words are so hard hitting ! Sometimes we are so entwined in our life , with others around us , there's so much going making us feel emotionally and mentally while on the outside it may feel as though, nothing is wrong, you may even put on a brave face , a wide smile for the sake , but until and unless our heart and mind is happy , are we truly feeling the good vibes ? Maybe not . It's why I feel , it is so very important to take care of ourselves, of our needs, when the mind and body tell us that it needs rest...we should definitely give it to them .

So even though it feels you're hitting an emotional wall , maybe that wall is there for you to pick on your comfy pillow , lean on and take some rest .

We all do need to recharge our emotional batteries , a very great way of doing such is to not over exert yourself and listening to your mind , and slowing down , taking a pause ...only to bounce back stronger than ever , later on .


midnightsmarie March 28th, 2021


that quote is so lovely, Sun! I love it so much <3 such a great reminder and certainly made me reflect on how I have been seeing my emotional wall, thank you for sharing this with us!

hope you're doing well on your side, and this is such a beautiful space!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP June 20th, 2021

Biggg hugssss @lumieremilkyway 🤗❤🤗❤

Tinywhisper11 November 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou your such a great person, such an inspiration ❤ you truly are as bright as the sun. Thankyou

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 15th, 2022


Aww you made my day, Lola, thankyou so much. *you* are inspiring for being so kind, giving, courageous, endearing, cheerful and just lovely yourself. ❤ I see you as one of these prime examples of "I got this, come what may", your never give up attitude and resilience is so so powerful and ultra inspiring at all times.

Much love and kindness your way. ❤

(Also nice to see you in here hehe)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP June 20th, 2021

Some daily reminders for you and I 🤗
add more so you'd like to for you and us !

GloriaD January 31st, 2022


Thank you for these Sun ... ✨

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 14th, 2022


Gloriaa hey hey, so happy to see you here and I'm only coming to this so late ooof, the tags have been messy with recent forum updates :/ anyways, i just wanted to welcome you to my space and invite you to hang around or even share anything here anytime. ❤️🌻

trueconfidant123 June 17th, 2023


It is okay to be selfish at times and prioritise yourself over others. You are loved. You have the capacity to outshine all the lows you have ever faced. 🔮💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP June 17th, 2023


Love this, Confieee!💜

Also hey hey, welcome to sunny space!🌞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 22nd, 2021

"Recognize the light within you. That is the goodness. The unconditional love. The one that has protected you. Guided you to your highest calling. It is the stars in heaven, that remind us we are never alone. The night can never be so black, for every twinkle in the sky be that eye of the eternal blessing and for every beam off the moon tells you how soon the sun is off the horizon. "

- Jason Micheal Ratliff

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 22nd, 2021

🤎 Never Alone 🤎

" I am never alone wherever I am. The air itself supplies me with a century of love. When I breathe in, I am breathing in the laughter, tears, victories, passions, thoughts, memories, existence, joys, moments, and the hues of the sunlight on many tones of skin; I am breathing in the same air that was exhaled by many before me. The air that bore them life. And so how can I ever say that I am alone? " 🥰

- C . JoyBell C.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 22nd, 2021

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 7th, 2021

Sharing something before I forget Haha,

You're part of something, you belong somewhere, you create an impact, you mean something to someone ( many someones ) ~ hang in tight during the storm, for there's comfort in knowing you're not alone in *this* boat, and we shall together, "sail" through it all ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 15th, 2021


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 9th, 2022


January 10th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou , that's true :0 ❤

*sending loads of love and hugs *

Ps: Sun's space is just as beautiful like Sun 🌞💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 12th, 2022

@Aikyaa01 aww thankyouu, lovely. You're always welcome to visit and stay in Sun's space, being the wonderful star you are. Big hugs and more love back. 🤗❤️

January 12th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou , * builds a blanket fort and stays in Sun's space forever * 😈❤

* pokes * Here's a message I thought I would share with you. 🤗


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 12th, 2022

@Aikyaa01 *is poked* 😮

Haha you know I'd love that very much! 🤗❤ yayy, can I come inside your Blanket fort in my space lol? XD

Awww that's a beautiful message, Aikyaa, thankyou for thinking of me and sharing with me. I want you to read it again with me hehe, "there's more to us, than yesterday". *hugs tightly* ❤

January 12th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou , I am loving this forum interaction, i - 😀

You're always welcome in my blanket fort, you don't need permission c: and that too in your own space xD ❤ * makes some comfy space for you * 💙

Andddd, * reads it aloud again with Sunny* " ...there is more to us than yesterday. " ❤❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 12th, 2022


Me tooo, i- 🥰

Haha okieee that's nice, *hops in the blanket fort* ~ ^so comfy and nice^ , I love it here. 😢❤


January 12th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou , 🥺🤗❤ images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVr335z6317LTpEm02i2Z6-uGe7ab387iiJw&usqp=CAU