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Our Daily Diary

User Profile: Comfortingbubbles
Comfortingbubbles September 24th, 2015

What is on your mind today?

User Profile: imaginativeDrum7538
imaginativeDrum7538 September 25th, 2015

i am wishing this day would be different. different in a better way. my days had been cloudy for the past months. i am hoping this day would be brighter. i am tired of being sad, afraid and lonely.

User Profile: WhisperingPiano
WhisperingPiano September 29th, 2015

I am trying to get my anxiety to understand that I have a good life, with good people so it should just go away.

User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 September 29th, 2015

These are very hopeful posts @ImaginativeDrum7538 and @WhisperingPiano. I congratulate you for being hopeful in the midst of difficulties.

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User Profile: imaginativeDrum7538
imaginativeDrum7538 September 30th, 2015

i can still see a very thin light of hope. i am still holding on it. another chance is all i ask. i would not screw up again i promise

User Profile: imaginativeDrum7538
imaginativeDrum7538 October 7th, 2015

just lost the very thin light of hope.

for she is powerful and almighty. for whoever cross her path must bow down or taste the pain her whip brings.

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User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 October 7th, 2015

@imaginativeDrum7538 - It is still there. We will believe for you while you can't. It reminds me of Dietrich Boenheffer (spelling???) who went through the concentration camps and still wrote "I believe in the sun, even when I cannot see it".

How can we help you ImaginativeDrum?

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User Profile: rask004
rask004 October 1st, 2015

Frustrated because I wanted to begin informational interviewing people for my career development, and couldn't, because the house (my father's) is on the market and the Agents announced that today they are coming for staged photography throughout the day, so we had to leave early morning.I couldn't collect my materials or do internet research for companies, and couldn't use my computer to do more software project work. I just went to the beach to sit in the sun, but brain swirling with thoughts. I remembered the beach was near where I had a picnic with a now ex-aquaintance, who I realised may have been eyeing me up for an affair and cut off all contact when they made up with their boyfriend, and that made me feel angry and used. I left and tried to watch The Martian in a cinema but the swirling thoughts made it hard. Had to explain to one of my cousins why I can't go to her 18th birthday even though things could be easily rearranged to allow it, but my father won't change his demands. Felt resentful, but talking to my cousin she was supportive and understanding which made things much better. Sometimes that one sentence of kindness makes the difference.

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User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 October 1st, 2015

@rask004 - Thank you for reminding us that sometimes that one sentence of kindness makes the difference. I am glad someone spoke such a sentence to you in your difficult day.

In joining this idea of rask, guys, what could be such a sentence that we could speak to someone today? How about "You look good in that clothes?"

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User Profile: DreamHope
DreamHope October 1st, 2015

Frustrated. I have an art assignment due but the thing is I suck at art. The design I drew was too simple and the last thing I want is the teachers thinking I didn't put any effort in it. I tried talking to a listener, it was quite good, like moderate, so I rated a 3-star. Then I found out that 3 stars meant just satisfactory. So now I've got an assignment I'm not doing well and I made a listener sad. Yeah life sucks.

User Profile: RolandDeschain21
RolandDeschain21 October 7th, 2015

Today was better than yesterday. I am either full steam ahead or at all stops. I've felt like I'm at all stops for a week now, but today only part of the day. The girls I help coach did amazing today, and their persistence really brought my heart up.