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My little lone space

navyHouse3677 December 18th, 2021

Well there's nothing good about me.... Everyone just want me teasing everywhere around.....

I have started feeling depressed again... I don't really love to be a girl who don't deserve to be cared because I am not the one who actually ever helped anyone over here....

I am just over reacting again and again.. No matter what.. I am just gonna live like a stupid girl....

I know this post would be worst feeling post but.... Still I just want to write my feelings down somewhere...

Really sorry for making stupid post..

navyHouse3677 OP April 5th, 2022


Ramadan 👀👀 XD

Angelevil found a new typo XP

This post has been deleted
navyHouse3677 OP April 5th, 2022


I hope your exams are going awesome !!

Best of luck for exams !

navyHouse3677 OP April 5th, 2022



navyHouse3677 OP April 15th, 2022

Um.. Hello

Anyone who's reading this.. I know many wouldn't read this but still..

I just don't know why I'm writing this but just writing it.. M

I actually don't feel really good these days.. My weight.. My brain nothing feels good... ..

My weight is kept on increasing I'm fed up with it ... Everyone just say do exercise and dieting and will be slim but they all feels like something is torturing me...

And plus today I got a very strange dream today... (I don't really want to write it over here.. ) idk why my many dreams are of teachers who teach me.. In my school.. I just feel like seriously I think this much stupid to take teacher in my dreams....

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 15th, 2022


💜 *Sits with Navy and offers hugs* 💜

selflessSpruce1515 April 19th, 2022


Hello hellooooo ❤️ I hope you don't mind me landing in your space ❤️

I just wanted to say some encouraging words 🤗

Life certainly does have their challenges, whether it is in your personal, academic, or other aspects of your life. It's not easy to stay confident, and there are people and obstacles that may want to block your from reaching your goals. However, I want you to know that I believe in you no matter what. Even though we don't know each other very well, I can see that you are such a courageous, wise, and wonderful human being. Everyone has their hard days, but I know you will be able to conquer whatever obstacles come your way. I can see that you have something that not a lot of other people have—a strong support group standing by you, a huge heart, and such a lovely sense of empathy and compassion for others.

I like to think that it isn't the experience we endure or the people we meet that make us who we are; it's the way we cope with change and work through challenges that make up our character and personalities. I don't know who you are as a person from your irl experiences, but I know you from how you treat others on here and from your actions, and you are such a kind and compassionate person. It's not easy to be around others when you are going through difficult times, but I see that you want to make close friends and to keep building up your support group. Honestly, that is really admirable—not everyone can stay strong and keep on trying like you do.

Again, I believe in you and send a lot of hope that everything starts improving in your world real soon. You are not alone in your challenges, and we will all be here for you. Take small steps, and I know you can conquer anything that comes your way. You got this, Navy! 🤗 ❤️

(P.S. Don't be surprised if I keep coming by your space often 😛😛😛)

navyHouse3677 OP April 20th, 2022


Thank you spruce 💜💜💜🥺🥺🥺

It means a world to me....

And yes sure you can come to my place whever you want

selflessSpruce1515 April 20th, 2022


Aww, of course, Navy! I'll always be here if you need any encouragement or support. 😊 ❤️

And yayyyy, I'll be checking this thread more often then 😛

navyHouse3677 OP April 20th, 2022


Sure you can check my post but you won't found me on anywhere on cups much :p

selflessSpruce1515 April 20th, 2022


Haha, that's okay! I'm very good at being in multiple places at once so you'll see me around (including here) 🤗

navyHouse3677 OP April 20th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515*hugs spruce 💜💜*

navyHouse3677 OP April 20th, 2022


Hugs spruce 💜💜

selflessSpruce1515 April 20th, 2022


*hugs Navy* 🤗 ❤️❤️

navyHouse3677 OP April 21st, 2022


Idk.. Anyone even gonna read this but ok anyways...

Yesterday in my school there was a impromptu speech competition.. And my judge was.. My english ma'am..

I know no one knows about her.. Everyone who would read this will say what's problem with her she didn't di anything to you, you're overreacting.!!?!

But she did super partiality yesterday seriously... Anyways I'm not sad because I didn't got prize but that doesn't matter to me much..

But people calling me fat hurts

navyHouse3677 OP April 21st, 2022

Tw - Ranting bit harsh

I know people on cups will say -

Weight doesn't matter all matters is from inside but it's not true at all!!?!!

Once I will tell you my weight at some point you would start making my body shape in your mind too and in this once ever you met me you would start saying ewww, what the hell she look...

Look if you came on my post to give me som kind of sympathy then pls leave!?!

Because the person who is suffering like me from so much weight gain can only understand how it feels how people react to you, those taunts stupid things people say to you only they can understand rest people just saying going to be ok

But the reality is - IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE OKAY!?!!!!?!!

Because no one cares, people show sypty sympathy just for showing that all I know I sounds bit harsh but that's true, I understood it now

I don't want it at all

(Sorry for ranting)

selflessSpruce1515 April 21st, 2022


Hey hey, Navy ❤️ I wanted to respond to this post, not for sympathy, but to show that I empathize and understand. Weight is never an easy topic to talk about, and I totally understand. I want you to know that you are not alone in this -- even when your mind wants to flick through negative views of yourself, we will not be here to tell you that it will be okay or that it is normal, but we will be here to give you a shoulder to lean on and to give you the chance to talk about your feelings without judgment. ❤️❤️

navyHouse3677 OP April 25th, 2022

Hello everyone...

Don't care if anyone read it. But still

My dream are getting worse and worse, I got a dream yesterday morning which was super duper scary

So... I was in picnic with my classmates and teachers

So there was somewhere on the place that was wayy to high

And I suddenly slipped or pushed idk and was hanging on wall and suddenly my hand slipped and I fall down but my ma'am and sir caught me and took me somewhere

Then when I open my eyes (in dream)

I saw..... Everywhere is only black and small white which I was catching and suddenly it stopped and became big and then a monster came out from it and I screamed and woke up! :'D

selflessSpruce1515 April 25th, 2022


Oh no, Navy 🥺 *offers safe hugs* Those kinds of dreams sound really scary. Dreams are still one of the most mind-boggling phenomena in science today, and they are really hard to wrap your head around, for sure. As always, I'm here for you and you're not alone in this ❤️❤️❤️

navyHouse3677 OP April 25th, 2022


Seriously feel a lot.. These days..

Like seriously how fast time moves on.. No one can know..

Like seriously after 2 years I will left school forever .. It's kinda stupidity.. But seriously the wayy it feels.. Nah.. Only I knew.. Because it's feels like I'm still 3 year old kid playing round about and all..

But all it's over, inner child went somewhere... Or I say died

Because after class 8th idek what's it feels doing fun... Not that fun ,the fun of small minds

(If any indian is reading this then, we all know kota is the place where study only thing and plus 10 th is a imp class too bc we have boards and ntse nd all

But no one cares what this mind bears all the time seriously I'm not joking just feels so dumb sometimes, just wasting parents money on institutes...

So bad that feeels like do something to myself but I have a reason to live my life which is just my parents and we all know boards are always be be like 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂ nd plus when relatives are even added it's like fully hell experience lol anyways if you are cbse 10th class student who has board day after tomorrow then all the best for it!!)

selflessSpruce1515 April 25th, 2022


It sounds stressful when you are overloaded with work, and you just wish you can feel what it's like to have fun again. 🥺 Bearing that responsibility can be overwhelming, and it's hard when people don't understand that. *offers hugs* ❤️

navyHouse3677 OP April 25th, 2022


Feel so sad..

My internal feeling died

selflessSpruce1515 April 25th, 2022


Aww 🥺 *sits with Navy* Spruce can understand that feeling, and Navy is not alone ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 3rd, 2023

@navyHouse3677 *leaves love, cookies and hugs*

navyHouse3677 OP January 9th, 2023


*offers magical charming musical beams * and *crazy cookies which makes everyone happy *

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 9th, 2023

@navyHouse3677 *accepts beams and noms cookies* thankyouu!💜 How have you been?

selflessSpruce1515 January 3rd, 2023

I saw a Navy in forum land today 😮 *hugs for you* Thinking of you, and hope that you're doing okie ❤️❤️

navyHouse3677 OP January 9th, 2023


Hey sprucie 😄

How's you doing ??

Been a long eternity since we've met .

I haven't been on my forum or on cups much lately lol

selflessSpruce1515 January 10th, 2023


Navyyyyy ❤️ I've been hanging in there. It has been so longggg, really good to see you 🤗

Haha, I haven't been on cups much either, so I get that xD

lexydong January 4th, 2023

@navyHouse3677 Your post is lovely. It's not stupid at all. Writing is a great way to let off steam, and sometimes your thoughts will be much clearer when you write them out. I believe this can make you feel better. Someone here will always love you, but you must love yourself first.

navyHouse3677 OP January 9th, 2023


Thank you so much :)

But I guess it's like 7months since I did any entry in my forum

magnoliahua January 4th, 2023

@navyHouse3677 Hello there, so what I wanna say is that its always ok to post anything in 7 cups! There’s always someone that would want to help you. And this is not stupid at all, many people feels the same as you, I guess I’m not the right person to say anything more, but I hope you will feel better.

navyHouse3677 OP January 9th, 2023


Thanks for encouraging words <3

