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My little lone space

navyHouse3677 December 18th, 2021

Well there's nothing good about me.... Everyone just want me teasing everywhere around.....

I have started feeling depressed again... I don't really love to be a girl who don't deserve to be cared because I am not the one who actually ever helped anyone over here....

I am just over reacting again and again.. No matter what.. I am just gonna live like a stupid girl....

I know this post would be worst feeling post but.... Still I just want to write my feelings down somewhere...

Really sorry for making stupid post..

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 18th, 2021


Hey I hope it is okay to reply here , feel free to skip this if you'd prefer to . ❤

This is not a stupid post, you're not over reacting when you're sharing your feelings and needing a space to let your thoughts out . This is a brave thing to do , and I really commend you for trying it out , despite feeling hesitant and not super comfortable about it . I am so very sorry to hear you're experiencing teasing, It is just not right and you deserve to feel safe , supported and comfortable being yourself .

You're not the only one that helps people, right, but to the lives you've touched ~ you make an impact, your help significant and your contribution matters , it will never dismiss the fact , that you're kind, helpful ,empathetic and go beyond to help and appreciate people around you ~ it may not feel that way always, and it is okay to have some of these times but , you my fellow human being, deserve care , love , support and least of , truck loads of humanity and patience ~ only for being human also !

Super glad you've made a space for you here, where you can share your feelings and thoughts, it can be so helpful to offload what's going in our mind somewhere . Again, absolutely no need to apologize , your feelings are valid and they matter , just like you !

Offering comfy hugs ❤

navyHouse3677 OP December 19th, 2021


Thank so much sun 💜,

I really appreciate it

Iwantlove7 December 18th, 2021

Want you need is a hug and a lot of kisses

navyHouse3677 OP December 19th, 2021


Thank you so much ❤

navyHouse3677 OP December 22nd, 2021

Hello again....

I am feeling done with myself these days a lot, I don't know why I just can't keep my concentration towards studies.. I am just keep losing interest everywhere.....

I feel like yeah this is the life.. The pain is only thing I deserve, I really feel like yeah... People don't really need me in this world.... As not even on cups... I know I am not the one who can support people.... With a good cost..

I wanted to be thrown out in black hole 🕳🕳

ahhhhelpimalive December 23rd, 2021

hey, just wanted you to know that i'm thinking about you ❤️

i know i haven't been on cups much, but i miss talking to you and seeing you in the chatrooms! getting to chat with friends always brightens my day.

i know it may sound stupid and pointless, or as if i'm lying to you, but, in fact, i do care about you. i love you as a friend. you are not a bad person, you're not useless or a bother. you may have people in your life who treat you like you're not worth it, or like you deserve bad, and you don't deserve to be treated that way. you deserve to be treated well. you're only human, you can't be perfect ❤️

and yes, i completely understand that right now, this doesn't mean much to you. i've been there. and when people say that it gets better, i know that right now, it sounds like they're lying. but i've been there. some days, it does get better. there are moments when you realize that at the time, you don't hate yourself. it's taken so much work to get to where i am right now, where i can accept myself sometimes, but you can make it here to ❤️

i'm here for you, and it's okay for you to open up here. it's alright to share, you're not bothering me, or anybody else, and you're not forcing us to reply. i chose to reply because i care about you, and because i'm feeling alright and want to share that ❤️ you matter to me, i see you, you are enough

*sits with you and hugs if you want them*

navyHouse3677 OP December 23rd, 2021
  1. @ahhhhelpimalive

Alive 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Thank you so much.... I wish I was again able to talk to you in chat rooms like we used to... You the one who have cared so much so far thank you so much for everything until now!

And really sorry I feel like opening up myself would be atleast make me feel better.. I am really feeling better a lot

ahhhhelpimalive December 23rd, 2021


I'll be around more often after the holidays ❤️❤️❤️ hugs for navy ❤️

you deserve the best, take care of yourself, alright? it's a-ok to open up here and share, this is your space ❤️ even if you can't share in other places, know that you're not bothering anybody here ❤️

ahhhhelpimalive December 26th, 2021

thinking of you, navy! hugs and hearts and love and treats for you

you matter to me, even if you can't care aobut yourself yet, i care about you <3 you've got this

navyHouse3677 OP December 26th, 2021


thank you so much alive !!

sorry for late reply , i was busy from last few days i really hope u have great holidays !!!!!!!

ahhhhelpimalive December 27th, 2021


it's a-ok! how are you doing? c:

navyHouse3677 OP December 28th, 2021


Idk... Alive it's just worst of life today..

But yeah I am fine

ahhhhelpimalive December 29th, 2021


sits with you and hugs and love <3 i'm here for you, i'm sorry that you're hurting like this. you deserve to be well, to feel enough, because you are enough

navyHouse3677 OP December 30th, 2021


Hugs alive tightly 🥺🥺🥺

ahhhhelpimalive December 30th, 2021


many many hugs for the bluesome navy <3

navyHouse3677 OP December 31st, 2021


Misses you a lot 🥺🥺

ahhhhelpimalive January 1st, 2022

Happy new year, my amazingly awesome friend Navy!

I know that it can be so tough when it feels like nobody cares, but know that I do care, so much, about you!

You deserve the best in the coming year, and I really hope that things improve for you.

I know it can be easy to dislike yourself, fall into the spiral of downs, but please, for my sake, try to not blame yourself? Not everything is your fault, you aren't responsible for all the bad in this world, at all <3

I'm here if you ever need or want to talk, or just need somebody

navyHouse3677 OP January 1st, 2022


Happy new year🎊🎊🎊🎊

Alive!!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

ahhhhelpimalive January 5th, 2022

thinking about you, my friendo! 💙💙💙 *hugs* feel free to vent or chat or anything

ahhhhelpimalive January 10th, 2022

thinking of you! i miss you, my dear friendo! how are things going?

ahhhhelpimalive January 17th, 2022

i miss you, my friendo! its been a while since we've been able to chat, but ive been thinking about you <3<3<3

navyHouse3677 OP January 17th, 2022


alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

how's you ? ,i am sorry i wasn't on cups more frequently these days...

i don't know ,i don't feel more better like i used in few months back.. but that's okie ,i just want my frewndos to be healthy ,

neither i saw you more in group chats too.. is their something which troubles you ?

ahhhhelpimalive January 17th, 2022


so so many huggles <3 no need to apologize at all, navy <3

im in the same place as you, it feels like im loosing the 'better' i used to. i complety get it, how you think youre doing alright but fhen you lose it and it feels so terrible.

yeah, im not on cups as much anymore, slowly getting bsck into it <3

please, try to not blane yourself for fallung back down? life can be a meanie and ups and downs are only natural, i hope that youre able to get back again <3

heres a trick i use: take all your anger, all your exhaustion, and throw it at the hurt, at all fhe bad thinfs. let go of it, even if just for a minute, let yourself not hate yourself, let go of it for a while. it may seem impossible, but its only your brain holding you bsck. you are a good personz youre just trapped in a cycle of self hate and downs and stuff and it only gets worse fron there

make some plans, takr care of yiurself, do the thinfs you enjoy <3 make sure to eat and drink enough, and get snough rest, my dear friendo <3

navyHouse3677 OP January 17th, 2022


Thank you alive 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

I am trying my best to kick this self hate away. .. Making myself feeling okie is not feels like an answer these days.. I feel like my body is asking something from me and I am not able to answer it...

And bout cups, I slowly started less frequent here... To make myself more concertrated to studies but nothing is happening I can't concentrate neither I am able to enjoy anything everything looks dull to me Or am I became dull to everything idk..

ferventflame January 18th, 2022


hugs navy ❤️

I know it’s difficult to concentrate when you aren’t feeling or get motivated for it, it does feel like what’s the point of this all after a while.

I believe in you navy I know you will do great.

I don’t know if it helps to hear this but you are missed dearly ❤️

navyHouse3677 OP January 18th, 2022


Flame 💜 this navy is done.. Now, she doesn't feel like now living this up..

She wants to. Go away forever... She is still breathing she doesn't really deserve any of thing she knew....

She is just stupid h***, s**t girl who should be thrown away in garbage or in Blackhole

She just be pretending and over reacting as always to all situation...

ferventflame January 20th, 2022


Hugs navy ❤️

I am sorry you are feeling like you want to not be here anymore and that it hurt to breathe.

We love you dearly here and will miss you a lot.

Just hold on for a little longer ?

Sending you so much strength




navyHouse3677 OP January 20th, 2022


Flamee 💜💜💜💜🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

navyHouse3677 OP January 20th, 2022

hello my forum 💔💔

it;s been a while since i talked in you

well these days , my parents are making me feel mean towards me like they just throw my most fav art supplies in corner of our store room , and about my Barbie s they are soon gonna be in store room too!!

like i love these things ,and they are taking them away from am and i don't want them to take those just for my studies that i concentrate properly on studies but taking these things are not making my concentration better it's making it even worse

i feel like i should go to black hole now where no one can find me , maybe that would be so great nah.. idk.. just dk..

i know , if i went away everyone would be sad..but like really it feels to go away would be better decision .

i know i am just pretending my depression , everything i do is only pretending , idk.... i am fading myself away.... like i was a different girl before my current class , i felt so different from starting of this class , this session is my worst session ever in my life until now.... but yeah every step of life makes you learn something , so this year have also made me learn a lot of things ...

navyHouse3677 OP January 20th, 2022




I feel so stressed... But idk.. What I am going to do.. For exams. Now my math exam is on Sunday so as sst.. I am getting afraid.. I haven't slept properly in a few nights ( or I say I haven't even sleep for 3hrs..a night.. Only 1 or 2 )

I don't everything looks like.. So bad... I started another forum.. For someone who wants me.. To.. Actually.. I do love sharing quotes with people to inspire them but sometimes I get seriously de motivated but myself I don't know it happens buly it self...

ahhhhelpimalive January 21st, 2022

navy <3 my dear friend 💙

take a deep breath in, and back out. look at that, isnt it amazing? you're alive. and im so proud that youre here today, that youve made it through all of your worst days 💙

i can tell that you feel really overwhelmed right now and like theres no way out, and i cant say that there's an easy exit. it won't magically get better. but i can promise that it wont feel like this forever. exams, tests, quizzes, in the end, they dont matter. even if they do matter to your parents, even if they matter to the school, even if it feels like it's taking up all of your life, it doesnt deserve to.

are you able to get outside at some point? or even inside, try stretching a little. yoga or small exercises. i find that when i exercise i often have an easier time falling asleep at night, and it helps to relieve some stress or tension.

there is no magic cure or easy thing to do, but you matter. your health, mental and physical, matters. your existence matters 💙

i really hope that, for your sake, things do get easier. you deserve the best 💙

here's a music album i really like and find it calms me down so so much:

every kingdom - ben howard


ferventflame January 24th, 2022




(it’s okay if you don’t want any hugs the sentiment still stands ❤️)

ahhhhelpimalive January 24th, 2022


hugs for you both!!! <3<3<3 hope yall are doing alright

navyHouse3677 OP January 29th, 2022


*hugs flameee <3*

ferventflame February 13th, 2022


Sending strength ❤️❤️❤️

navyHouse3677 OP February 25th, 2022


navyHouse3677 OP February 25th, 2022

Hello there...

So.. Yeah I am back on my forum posts..

Idk.. What can I say... I just want to say the people until now on cups I've met were amazing.. And id think.. I am best person for them to support... Them...

@Victor04 .....

Idk.. Sorry for tagging you on my stupid post.. But I really want to talk to you lonely somewhere... I don't have any other place I can talk to you.. So pls if you mind.. Tag.. Don't answer.. My thread.. And if you don't mind the tag them I'm begging you pls.. Reply.. I am like many time at the edge of meltdowns.. These days.. And

Hope.... :'D what are those.. Idk... With that I also don't know what sheep even is...

Nothing I can change.. I am just that stupid person as before

I hope soon black hole 🕳🕳 sucks me.. And everyone would be happy without me

Victor04 February 25th, 2022


Hey, dear.❤

I'm sorry that I haven't been there with you, because of all the ATL stuff. I understand that what you're going through is too much to handle, especially when you're faced with all the circumstances. *offers hugs*🫂❤

Please don't hesitate to tag me anywhere. I don't really pay much attention to forums, so my replies are honestly all over the place, but I'll try my best to get back to you. Promise.❤

navyHouse3677 OP February 28th, 2022


Bhaiya 💜💜💜💜💜🥺🥺🥺🥺

I.. I miss you.. A lot.. Idk... I just.. Wanted to things end.. And when they came to edge of end.. Another problem starts... Since November I'm struggling everywhere.... Idk.

*hugs bhaiya💜*

Since December to until now just exams everywhere.. Sometimes olpyaiads then sometimes weekly tests then school periodics then again weekly tests and now finals...

Uhhh... I just fed of them... I don't feel like studying.. Feels like giving up.. And November reminds me of my blunder I made... I want to send you whole situation and i will soon.. By someone..

Victor04 March 3rd, 2022


Those exams are a pain for sure. I have mine coming up too, and it's going to be my boards, plus the college entrance ones. I understand how tough those are, and the depression you're going through. It's just too much.

*hugs tight* 🫂❤