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My Personal Space ✏ πŸ¦‹ - ahealingEndoftherainbow22

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 November 5th, 2019

Hello there everyone :)

You might have all heard about the new change wherein the feed is no longer going to be present. For me, the feed was somewhere I could be myself and share posts that I was able to relate to. There are several listeners and members who were really active and made the feed a place that I was looking forward to visit at the end of the day :) The feed posts inspired me, helped in self reflection, made me smile and most importantly, helped me realize that I wasn't the only one struggling.

Since the feed is retiring now, I've decided to create my very own personal space here where I can post my random thoughts, quotes and so on. Feel free to be a part of it πŸ’

Stay blessed and take care β™₯

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 3rd, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 3rd, 2020

Dawn04 February 4th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 Agreed!

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 3rd, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 3rd, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

fairmindedRaspberries1389 February 4th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 This is so true! When I stopped caring about the past, future and what people thought about me I became a lot happier (took some time but I got there eventually!)

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020


I'm happy for you :)

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 4th, 2020

cyanPlatypus6370 February 5th, 2020

Hi healing, :) I keep being unsure of this so I will ask you ... do you want for others (aka me) to look at / read through this "My Personal Space" thread that you've created? ? I'm thinking you must be okay with it, ya? Please do let me know ... for now I feel almost like I'm poking through someone else's stuff, without asking for permission. :/ heart Platy


ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020


Hello there Platy :) Hope you're doing well. As mentioned in my first post here, the thread is open to everyone. So please feel free to be a part of this thread - there aren't any restrictions at all. You can also post here if you wish to do so. Welcome to 'My Personal Space', Platy! πŸ’ Take care :)

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 5th, 2020

Dawn04 February 5th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020

Dawn04 February 7th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 Agreed. If I'm mad, I still care - if I lose all respect, I have stopped caring.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020


I can totally relate

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020

Dawn04 February 7th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 Very honest one - we never know who's wearing the smile as a mask.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020



ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 7th, 2020

Dawn04 February 9th, 2020

Dawn04 February 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP February 9th, 2020