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My Personal Space ✏ πŸ¦‹ - ahealingEndoftherainbow22

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 November 5th, 2019

Hello there everyone :)

You might have all heard about the new change wherein the feed is no longer going to be present. For me, the feed was somewhere I could be myself and share posts that I was able to relate to. There are several listeners and members who were really active and made the feed a place that I was looking forward to visit at the end of the day :) The feed posts inspired me, helped in self reflection, made me smile and most importantly, helped me realize that I wasn't the only one struggling.

Since the feed is retiring now, I've decided to create my very own personal space here where I can post my random thoughts, quotes and so on. Feel free to be a part of it πŸ’

Stay blessed and take care β™₯

Dawn04 January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 11th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 12th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 12th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 12th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 12th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 12th, 2020

Dawn04 January 13th, 2020

Dawn04 January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 13th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 14th, 2020

AM2Wondering January 15th, 2020


I woke up feeling anxious and cruddy today, but I've survived : )

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 15th, 2020


You made it through the day and that's what matters! I'm proud of you :')

inadequateLight January 15th, 2020


I can agree with this statement too well.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 15th, 2020


I understand, I've been there.. . Hope things turn out better soon, stay strong β™₯

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 15th, 2020

calmsoulmeet January 15th, 2020


I completely relate with this !!!

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 15th, 2020


Same here

Dawn04 January 15th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 Ouch but I know how this feels....being too happy is always a bad sign.