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My Personal Space ✏ πŸ¦‹ - ahealingEndoftherainbow22

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 November 5th, 2019

Hello there everyone :)

You might have all heard about the new change wherein the feed is no longer going to be present. For me, the feed was somewhere I could be myself and share posts that I was able to relate to. There are several listeners and members who were really active and made the feed a place that I was looking forward to visit at the end of the day :) The feed posts inspired me, helped in self reflection, made me smile and most importantly, helped me realize that I wasn't the only one struggling.

Since the feed is retiring now, I've decided to create my very own personal space here where I can post my random thoughts, quotes and so on. Feel free to be a part of it πŸ’

Stay blessed and take care β™₯

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 4th, 2020

calmsoulmeet January 4th, 2020


Oh I need that break right now , very badly !!

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 4th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 4th, 2020

Dawn04 January 4th, 2020

Daisy7cups January 5th, 2020


Just needed to hear this, thanks πŸ˜ƒ

Dawn04 January 6th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

Daisy7cups January 8th, 2020


It's so true, there are many people who just try to apply makeups just to pretend they are beautiful. But there are a handful people we know who have the beautiful heart and that makes them a beautiful person both inside out.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020


Very true!

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 8th, 2020

Dawn04 January 9th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 I could not agree more with this! Perfectly said.

Dawn04 January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

Dawn04 January 9th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 You have no idea how on point this is for my life this week.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 9th, 2020

fairmindedRaspberries1389 January 9th, 2020

@ahealingEndoftherainbow22 This is definately a good reminder

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020

Daisy7cups January 10th, 2020


I love the people on whom we can count and we can talk at 3am or whatever the time is πŸ˜ƒ. Ystd I was just so ill and was coughing at night and then I was unable to sleep. But am glad I was able to talk to my friend πŸ˜ƒ. I guess it's cool we have timezone difference haha, hence am able to connect with her at any time πŸ€—.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 OP January 10th, 2020


That's sweet! I'm glad that you have a wonderful friend like that :)