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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

AbbyHarris1976 November 8th, 2019


Its good to get all that mental vomit ๐Ÿคฎ out of our system every now and then ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

mytwistedsoul OP November 7th, 2019

Let's begin shall we?

There was no sleep last night. Most of the time was spent pacing and handling panic attacks. While I can still feel the anxiety and anger on the fringes - most of everything else has been shut down. Numb .

I haven't been able to eat lately. Stomach is either too upset from anxiety or just no hunger.

I'm having a hard time with saying no and while I can sometimes give good advice - I can't follow it for myself. Had a discussion with someone yesterday about boundaries. While sometimes mine are good more often then not - there are breaches every where.

I have a big problem with confrontation and get so nervous if I have to say something to someone who is sort of invading my space. At the same time - if you invite people in - it's not really an invasion is it? Idk - what am I supposed to say? Hey how are you? Now get the f**k out.

Idk - alot of time I'm just a walking contradiction

jennysunrise8 November 7th, 2019


its good to have a space just to dump your thoughts and feelings like you did in your feed you can have your other thread a place for discussion if you want - when you feel like discussing things - and here just a place for you to write and post things its ok to have different functions for different threads and even start more just explain your rules at the top and add to it if you want (and you can delete or edit this /monbon is editor here/if you want to keep this thread stricly your writings i dont mind at all thats just having boundaries) anyways ... im glad you started this ๐Ÿ’“

mytwistedsoul OP November 7th, 2019

@NoneTheWiser Hey thanks for the gift! They look nice here - all soft and cuddly. Took a while to decide on a title - glad you like it

mytwistedsoul OP November 7th, 2019

Been alittle emotional today. Had to take a few pauses - kind of compose myself. Some of the people here are just - they amaze.

I worry about coming across as a coward. Confrontations make me freeze. Couldn't ever defend myself before. But Idk - not a kid anymore ya know?

Intrusive thoughts have been an issue

Suicidal ideation - I hate to say this,
but I'm sorry to say...
The God's are all dead,
So to whom do I pray?

Define not feasible in terms of time regarding the feed - I'm at a loss

Lets remember J - just because you want to think of it as a feed - doesn't make it so

This does still go up on the main page

frigidstars27 November 10th, 2019


What you've shared makes total sense to me and feels understandable.
1) You invite people in because of feeling like confrontation isn't going to work out well and people are going to not respect your request, they'll be hurt or offended, or it'll create some kind of mess that feels really unpleasant.
2) Once they're there and you feel (even more strongly) that you don't want them there, you feel like you still can't push them away... for all of the same reasons as above, plus a feeling of hypocrisy/contradiction for asking them to go after you invited them in the first place (even if maybe that invitation was insincere or given under duress).

I don't feel like it's cowardly to not want to get into big, messy, painful, anxiety-inducing fights with people. I'd see it as prudence, kindness, respect, and a sort of expression of self-compassion. If confrontations are really painful for you, then it would make sense to not put yourself through that if it feels like there's an alternative that is less painful (i.e. putting up with whatever it is).


I can't really speak for anyone else, but my boundaries started developing as a result of people getting under my skin to such a strong degree that it felt more painful to endure it than to finally confront them and tell them to f*** off. :) I kind of snapped and pushed *everyone* away.

I didn't know that I was doing anything specific like "establishing boundaries" or "being assertive" or anything like that. I just knew I hated what I was experiencing, I hated other people for making me feel how I was feeling, and I desperately wanted it to go away. So I did whatever I could to achieve that result.

It was a very impulsive thing for me where I really felt like I was completely violating my own values and being abrasive, mean, and cruel. (Whether or not that was objectively the case, that was how it felt like to me.) I really disliked myself for doing this. It was completely at odds with how I usually was. I saw myself as someone compassionate, and here I was being something almost exactly opposite and completely selfish. At the same time though... in that situation, it felt absolutely necessary and like I couldn't act otherwise without continuing to suffer tremendously.

I found myself needing a way of making sense of all of these actions that I was doing that completely went against what I thought I believed in. It was like... something had happened that my existing values weren't able to explain or justify. So, I developed a new, parallel set of values that now co-exists alongside my old/original values.

The new value system I arrived at says that there are certain basic things I'm obligated to do, but as long as I do those things, I'm not doing anything wrong. If someone expects more of me and they're disappointed, that's ultimately their fault because they're imposing an expectation on me that they don't have a right to impose. In the final analysis, they're trying to take something that doesn't belong to them. My freedom belongs to me, and that's what they're trying to take.

They might as well be stealing my watch and saying, "But it was a really nice watch and I wanted it" or "But I desperately needed a watch". The crucial/critical thing for me is... that watch belongs to me and you don't have a right to it regardless of how much you want it, how happy it makes you, or how much of your suffering it alleviates. It's my choice whether or not to give it to you. If I do give it to you, it's an act of kindness/charity on my part that I'm performing voluntarily. My stuff belongs to me. Generosity is praiseworthy and noble, but it's not obligated. I have a right to say no to things. That's what it means for my relationships to be consensual. Anything outside of that is a slippery slope where someone can ultimately ask *anything* from me and claim that it's morally justified as long as it helps them more than it hurts me. Which in my experience is wrong because it leads to results that are unlivable.

The compromise I make in return for being stingy is that I'll affirm just as strongly that I don't have a right to take anything from *you* without your permission or full consent/approval. And if you say no or tell me to go away, then I also have to honor that as you asserting your basic rights. The core obligation is "don't get in my way and I won't get in your way." It goes in both directions. If someone violates my rules repeatedly and refuses to correct their behavior despite prompting and clarification, then I have to be willing to let that relationship collapse, and I'd consider myself to be better off for having gotten rid of someone like that.

In reality, I'm rarely so direct, hardcore, ruthless, sharp, callous, etc. There are obviously much more tactful and gentle ways of expressing all of this. And there is a lot of bending, negotiating, and forgiveness. And I'm rarely clear about what my boundaries are until they're broken (because it puts people on edge and tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes). And it's balanced out by my original set of values existing in parallel, which tends to emphasize compassion, empathy, sensitivity, helping people, etc. I very often capitulate just because I find it to be less hassle, but that's fine because I have the right/freedom to do that too if I want to. It's just that if I really do feel someone is taking advantage of me, what I've described above is sort of the pure ethical framework that I would identify with to justify having boundaries and enforcing them.

I feel like the underlying values are more fundamental or central to my understanding of boundaries than any particular outward behavioral action that I apply in order to enforce boundaries. If I really deeply/truly believe I have boundaries, then I'm going to naturally/spontaneously do whatever I feel is necessary to enforce them. And then it's going to flow out of me in a way that's naturally congruent with my social style... rather than feeling like I'm pressuring myself to be confrontational in a way that's unnatural or forced.

mytwistedsoul OP November 7th, 2019

Idk maybe this was a mistake - Lets over think this

This is why the feed was better

Do you see? Can you see the anxiety all this causes?

calmLake1999 November 8th, 2019


Hey, I'm sorry your feeling anxious, I can sit here with you for a little while if you like? It can be scary starting a diary that anyone can read and comment on but I think it shows your strength for starting one up. I'm sorry for just popping in, I just wanted to let you know I think your an amazing and caring person.

mytwistedsoul OP November 8th, 2019

@calmLake1999 Thank you Calm - but I'm not as nice as everyone thinks I am. I try to do the right things and Idk - nothing seems right. It seems right in the moment but theres always that doubt and the more I look at it. It seems I'm wrong - Idk - maybe it just feels wrong. Idk - I'm so confused - all the time.

jennysunrise8 November 8th, 2019


the feeling of it not being right might be that your comparing it to the feed something you became very used to and this is just new maybe this space here will become something you never intended it to be maybe a space just to put things songs you love things that calm you down like a little easy access storage locker of feel good things when your feeling really bad sometimes to remind yourself how to calm down when you just feel lost and out of control sometimes ... itll be something and it can become anything you want it to be just give it to your mind itll evolve into something and you can change anything around create or change any rule for this place at anytime - also something you might not have given much thought to is your personal profile space thats a space you can write in (and edit yourself) at any time and the only people who can see it is someone who goes to your profile just like with the feed and its not writing that goes out to every follower what you write on your profile page ... but i think most of it is just that its new your not used to it its not comfortable yet just like all new things and your feeling a bit lost right now but that new feeling wont last itll be ok ;)

lovelyWhisper66 November 9th, 2019

@mytwistedsoul Hi there, I'm glad you have created an outlet for your mind. Best wishes! :)

mytwistedsoul OP November 9th, 2019

I wait in the dark
Through whispering winds
I hide, lie in wait
Because I know how it ends

In circles of hell
The weight of the world
Even in my dreams
I can't escape from myself

I shut every door but the right one
I fought the devil and he won

There's gotta be more
'Cause this life is insane
Gotta turn this around
And find the purpose for pain
There's so much to lose
Yeah, there's so much at stake
Gotta turn this around
And find the purpose for pain
The purpose for pain

Fell into the light
Thrown from the abyss
Screamed so many nights
Not going out like this

I shut every door but the right one
I fought the devil and he won

There's gotta be more
'Cause this life is insane
Gotta turn this around
And find the purpose for pain
There's so much to lose
Yeah, there's so much at stake
Gotta turn this around
And find the purpose for pain
The purpose for pain

There's purpose for this pain
There's purpose for this pain
There's purpose for pain, yeah

aquaBeing5032 October 7th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul if this hasnโ€™t been put to music yet it should be. It would make a great rock song.

mytwistedsoul OP November 11th, 2019

What's on your mind - J?

Speak your mind or bite your tongue?

Chew on your words long enough for them to lose the bitter taste - make them easier to swallow. Nothing you say matters. It will only be used against you anyway

mytwistedsoul OP November 11th, 2019

Crimson coagulates
Body incomplete
How do you love with so much hate?

mytwistedsoul OP November 11th, 2019

Sick of wearing a mask
Sick of hiding my face
Sick of every motherf**ker that is in my way
Sick of digging for answers
While you bury the truth
F**k your method to my sadness, I will bury you

There's one thing you forget
You can't make me play dead
I've swallowed your bullsh*t
No respect
You make me f**king sick

Give me a reason

I won't bite my tongue
I am not afraid spineless
A dominion of nothing is all you will reign
You laugh but what did you create

The woods The woods

The bridge of souls to far to reach

mytwistedsoul OP November 12th, 2019

I think their patience is wearing thin with all of us. It must be hard dousing the fires that they didn't start but must put out themselves . Maybe not because they agree - maybe because they normally like what they do here.

It's weird - I had thought of helping out here but recent events made me pull back into myself more. You can't just take away and make random sudden changes and not expect fall out. Just saying. People are lol - up in arms. Sorry - thats a funny picture

Day time depression is making the change to anxiety - all because of sleeping. Not afraid of the dark - the boogieman - ghost or goblins. Nope - afraid of a freaking room

So day time - depression Anxiety - nighttime Like a messed up demented cold medicine - J-Quil

mytwistedsoul OP November 12th, 2019


A Jacob Lee night - Ghost - Conscience - Artistry - Cursed - Zen

mytwistedsoul OP November 12th, 2019

If we're just surviving - just existing - one breath at a time - it's not really living is it?

Ghost, I see you standing there,
Don't turn away, I want you to stay,
Ghost, what's your name?
Why so surprised? I'm interested...
You're just a soul that blends into the crowd,
I hear you so loud no one else hears a sound,
You reach out your hand no one else feels a thing,
And I'm just a stranger who could be a friend...
You could have been so great,
I won't let you slip away,
Is there any hope for us left,
Even a Ghost needs a friend...
You could have been someone,
But you let them into your head,
I want you to know this instead,
That I see the light in your chest...
Ghost, Where you from?
I can take you away, so far away,
Ghost, I'll make sure they all see,
The kind of man, that you can be...
Open your lungs & inhale my words,
I see in your eyes a reflection of hurt,
The book in your mind hasn't come to an end,
There's always a page, that hasn't been read...
You could have been so great,
I won't let you slip away,
Is there any hope for us left,
Even a Ghost needs a friend...
You could have been someone,
But you let them into your head,
I want you to know this instead,
That I see the light in your chest...
Your heart, it beats, forever, forever, we see,
I will believe, that there's a Ghost in me...

Your lungs they breathe, forever, forever, we see,
I will believe...

Jacob Lee - Ghost

mytwistedsoul OP November 13th, 2019

On my mind - angry - depressed

Cold out - a balmy 11 degrees this morning

thoughts are all over this morning - tumbling - competing - only to disappear as soon as I try to hold them

Who can find a proper grave for such damaged mosaics of the mind - where they may rest in pieces? Read this is a book - has been stuck in my head since

mytwistedsoul OP November 13th, 2019

I quit doing the path activities - what's the point? None of it matters - it has no place to go anyway. No feed to post it to

mytwistedsoul OP November 13th, 2019

She tells me what I allready know - what I allready believe to be true

jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2019


thats why they exist at all because a part of you believes them the work is all not believing it anymore โ›…

mytwistedsoul OP November 14th, 2019

Really agitated tonight - two different types

Too many thoughts - can't sit still

Pacing and rocking - dissociating - stupid freaking OCD sh*t starting

If I don't reply - it's not personal - good chance there are no words - sometimes I'm just really stupid

Seen alot of double standard here. People called out for saying about liars or called out for a reference to idiots. But someone calling everyone sensitive snowcones - nothing. Not that I've seen so far. Injustice - insincerity

Reading between the lines - knowing what I'm thinking is wrong but unable to stop thinking it

I'm tucking away more then I'm letting out

I feel the pressure inside building - building

Trying to honor someones request to be gentle with myself - I just really hate my hands tonight
But I did eat

Panic-stricken, handle business, not a joke, yeah
Manners missing, travel different, no control, yeah
Time to listen, time to zip it, keep it closed
My description, highly gifted, take some notes, yeah
Lack of interest, why'd you visit? Hit the road, yeah
I'm kinda twisted, so keep your distance, be a ghost
Yeah, see I'm inventive, but quite the menace, you ain't know?
Well then I'm offended, let's jog your memories, here we go, yeah

NF - Leave me alone (A)

Sam Tinnesz - Wolves (K)

ThePizza November 14th, 2019


It's okay to not have words. I feel the same way.

mytwistedsoul OP November 14th, 2019

Talking to the mirror like I

mytwistedsoul OP November 15th, 2019

What's on your mind J? Head wants to blow up - so watch your step

How often do you choke down your words because you know that what you're thinking would only hurt people. What do you do with that? What do you do with the words you can't say? I'm so full of everything I'm pushing down theres no more room left - things are spilling out

Concern - worry - anxiety - anger

Random thoughts - Shut the f**k up

Calm yourself

Its not personal

Don't need your permission

BE nice

Stop acting like such a f**king child

Idk - I really miss my f**king feed - Yes still - GGRRRRRR!

Face is hot - hands are cold - think constructive - not destructive

Don't touch me - for the love of god - just please don't - you will get bit

I'm done - no more - Time out - no more changes - no more changing things - I can't take anymore. Yeah I am one of the sensitive f**king snowcones. I've got a hazardly built house of card here - held together by gum and spit (ew gross)

Had tried to replace the f word with something different - but firetruck takes away the punch the usual f word has - so f**k it - flag it delete it - DON"T CARE

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme, <-------------- this bloody thing has been stuck in my head all bloody day
No more yielding but a dream, Shakespeare of all things. Shakespeake! Jesus jumped up palominos
Gentles, do not reprehend:
If you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

jennysunrise8 November 15th, 2019


its definately not good keeping things in even if your just writing it down in a paper notebook or on your computer somewhere its good to get it out and not keep it in but you can write more here in your thread than i think your allowing yourself to write theres nothing wrong with cursing in your own thread in general support subcommunity some subcommunities such as trauma i know has some rules about not saying cursing or showing extreme emotions (i think) but expressing anger in your own diary here thats what a diary is for expressing emotions including anger its ok for you to express anger here in your space in general and you also have a TW at top ;) its ok if anything does need edited it will be just write and try not to worry about it .... also i love that poem ! yes

reddotonblack November 15th, 2019


You have my hand myfriend in turmoil and what helped me through many of mine was your ending "be gentle with your mind and your thoughts..."

You have my hnd here myfriend...๐Ÿ˜”

calmLake1999 November 16th, 2019


Hi, I'm so sorry your feeling this way. I can sit with you for a while if you'd like? I believe we still have a Harry Potter marathon to complete, if your up for it. I'm here for you if you need anything

Gracey November 19th, 2019


I dont want to overwhelm you with lots of writing. Just a quick message to say you are important in this community โค

mytwistedsoul OP November 19th, 2019

@Gracey Thank you - I don't feel that way - but thank you

sunshinegiraffe123 November 16th, 2019


always here for u

mytwistedsoul OP November 18th, 2019

How pathetic we must seem to others. How weak we must look, to people who don't understand. Pathetic sensitive snowcones. Some people are so quick to judge who is lashing out and throwing a temper tantrum. Come live this life little suck up. Then we'll see.

sunshinegiraffe123 November 18th, 2019



mytwistedsoul OP November 18th, 2019

@sunshinegiraffe123 Shall we screech together sunshine? Perhaps it will make us both feel better?

mytwistedsoul OP November 18th, 2019

@mytwistedsoul Although I prefer howling myself. A low mournful howl.

jennysunrise8 November 18th, 2019


mytwistedsoul OP November 19th, 2019


jennysunrise8 November 19th, 2019


good find soul ! heart ( i think i know someone else who is going to love that too - a lot - when he sees it )