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@Iamspoons and @Jefferythebunny319 and @Princetomyanxiety

Iamspoons April 24th, 2023

I'm gonna keep tagging @princetomyanxiety even though they never show up

Iamspoons OP May 23rd, 2023

Jiffy someone told the group chat that I'm that they're ***. I wanna say lol, but disn't want to be mean.

Okie they started talking and I didn't need to say anything cuz they got a fren from their school to talk to.

Will @Jefferythebunny319 come to one of the rooms to chat with me? Not TCR cus it too crowded and loud, but i'se want to talk to you'se

AvyIsKing May 23rd, 2023

@Iamspoons oki

Iamspoons OP May 24th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 I know you're still alive.

Answer me

AvyIsKing May 24th, 2023


How do you know?

Maybe im a ghost

SneakySnakeBoi May 24th, 2023

Drew a sketch of a dress for Virgil with only notability highlighter and one size penimg-0086_1684942074.jpeg

AvyIsKing May 24th, 2023


Dayum gorl

Iamspoons OP May 24th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi holy hecking heck, that's cool

SneakySnakeBoi May 24th, 2023


im gonna do them for all the sides

Iamspoons OP May 24th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi ohh plz keep us updated!

AvyIsKing May 24th, 2023



Iamspoons OP May 25th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

I'm feeling a little bit abandoned and left out rn, will one of you come talk to me for a bit. It doesn't matter if it's here or in one of the rooms or in pms, I just want attention

AvyIsKing May 25th, 2023


sorry, i arrived in new jersey and I've been chaotic.

Iamspoons OP May 25th, 2023

It's ok, I went to bed shortly after that.

How's new jersey so far @Jefferythebunny319

AvyIsKing May 25th, 2023


boring lol

AvyIsKing May 27th, 2023

good morning :>

Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

I'm sunburnt. On my scalp. It sucks. Now I have to wear a hat. A red bucket hat. It looks ridiculous. It's for protection. So I don't become. Crispy.

Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

My school had a four day weekend for memorial day. I did a lot of stuff. I'm going to break it up into three posts I guess. This not included.

Friday was boring, I just slept in. It sucks because I didn't have the willpower to get up until like 11:45. It's disgraceful. And disheartening. I probably should have done laundry on Friday, but I dIdN't. Oh well.

AvyIsKing May 30th, 2023



Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

Hehe yea

I'm almost out of shirts


Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

Ok Friday and Saturday down, Sunday and Monday to go.

So Sunday we went to the cottage. It's not ours but one of mom's friends from school, and she's a camp counselor. Her camp name is monge. So if we stay overnight, we stay with them.

They have a large semi-private lake, so we usually go tubing when we are there. Omg tubing is so *** awesome. You go really fast, if you're with willing company. It gets really bumpy. It's almost like a rollercoaster, but simultaneously more dangerous and safer. You will get thrown sometimes, it's usually a challenge I give to the boat driver, that they can't dump me. But it's water, and you have a lifejacket on so you just float till the boat comes back around. Monge didn't flip me, but she did make me sore as ***.

We also play a lot of games at the cottage. I played set with my mom, dad, and monge. At the end my parents had two sets each, monge had 7 and I had 12. I won so hard. I love playing set.

Oh they have cats,

Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

Sorry I meant for that to be under the Saturday one and I didn't post it unfinished on purpose. I will continue this. But then I will not post Monday for a while, cus I have classes. @Jefferythebunny319

They have cats named curie and hopper, after famous scientists because their first cat was named Galileo.

Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023

Next post. This one will talk about Saturday.

Ummm my dad went to a car show for the morning, and I slept in. Again. Makes me feel bad because I promised myself I was going to get up before 9. I didn't. The thing is that I wake up at like 5:45 (which is a little weird cuz my alarm goes off at 6, but whatever) and I still can't get out of bed at a reasonable time.

Anyway enough groaning about how sleeping in makes me guilty. On to the afternoon.

We went to a state park to meet two of my aunts and three cousins. They brought food. Like artichoke hearts, those were good. Umm there were a lot of other people there, but it was ok we weren't close to them. Then we went to the beach part and my brother built a foot hole . He's a weird kid.

Then we went to one of my aunt's house. She got the farm bi single mom aesthetic down. She has CHICKENS. (Sorry for the caps) I got to pet a chicken, and hold a still warm egg. It was *** awesome. Ernie, the outside cat, stole a zucchini from the tray of grilled veggies.

I think that most of Saturday. @Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

AvyIsKing May 30th, 2023


c h i c k e n s

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

So Monday, I had to get up early and didn't sleep in very much, so that's good.

I went up to the place where I have girl scouts, and did a memorial day parade. It was ok, I got to carry the American flag and I think I did a pretty good job for not having practiced at all. Umm there were TW guns, and they fired them over the river while a trumpet played taps. They also got fired later on after a couple of speeches, which startled me and most of the younger girls (I was the oldest kid there).

Also a girl in the band fell over, like almost passed out, and like a lot of adults went over to check if she was ok, which caused a lot of the girls to turn and look at her. Me and a couple other adults kinda made them turn into a circle so they weren't staring at her, because having everyone like panicking about you is not a good feeling so if we could keep the kids eyes off her, we think it helped. After like a minute somebody told the people in charge to keep doing the, like, ceremony, idk what it's called, and then an ambulance came. So that day was eventful.

Then we went to my girl scout leader's house to have a picnic. Dipper(Dipper isn't her real name so I'm going to use it) was the one who planned it, but because it was so hot that day we did it at gs leader's house because they live right next to a lake, so we could go swimming. Dipper's mom came up and it was just my family, Dipper and her mom, and gs leader and her wife (these are grandma aged lesbians, they have grandkids). Dipper's mom brought the food, she had made a blueberry ruebarbe tart, and it was *** amazing. Later we did go swimming and the wasn't any seaweed, the lake at the cottage has seaweed, and gs leader put in the floating dock. It was anchored to the bottom of the lake but you could pull up the anchor and move it around. It was really hard to get up on, especially with a lifejacket on, which I had on the first time I tried to get up, because it didn't have a ladder. But I got up the next time I tried so that was cool. I didn't have to wear a lifejacket, I can swim, but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to have to keep myself floating.

@Jefferythebunny319 I have a *** show of a story to tell you about yesterday day but that will need a serious TW about child death. Do you feel up to that, because if not I won't talk about it. I don't even know any details.

AvyIsKing May 31st, 2023


u can tell me

Iamspoons OP May 30th, 2023


Someone in my advanced math class just called a parabola a rainbow. It was hilarious.

AvyIsKing May 30th, 2023


I love that sm

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

Ok so I'm making a new thread for this one. @Jefferythebunny319

******CW/TW for death****** not graphic or anything as I have like no information, but still.

A guy died yesterday. He was only in highschool. I don't know what grade he was in, just that he was in the high school. The principal sent out an email to parents saying that there had been a student death and to respect the family's privacy. I got a little more detail because, and I'm guessing here, the teachers got more details, and one of the teachers shared the information with his students and one of my friends was in that class. TW for the actual details. He was walking on the train tracks near the school with his earbuds in and didn't hear the train coming. That's all I know, along with the fact that it was in the morning.

AvyIsKing May 31st, 2023


oh goshness *offers hoggle*

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

It's ok, I didn't know him, and I've been so desensitized for that sort of stuff, so I'm really not being affected by any of this.

But I will accept the hoggles for other stuff. Yk the class before band is also becoming a trigger, so two trigger classes in a row. Lol gtg to science class now, I'll be back reliably in half an hour.


Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

I have a couple more details now.

His family was friends with one of my friends. His mom also died like 4 days ago so their family is going through a lot. It was senior skip day yesterday and the fact that my friend brought that up means he was a senior.


AvyIsKing May 31st, 2023



my brother lost his best friend in highschool (they were fresh freshmen tho) and ill never forget that.

its crazy

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

Omg that's terrible, I really hope nothing like this happens to us.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, notifications aren't working.


AvyIsKing May 31st, 2023


As long as none of us go skateboarding down a major hill without a helmet we will be fine

Actually for us.... as long as we don't unalive ourselves

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023


I *** hate this *** ***. They can go *** theirself.

My ex is being an *** and keeps *** making the game that we're playing in latin to study for the quiz tomorrow not *** fun anymore, but I can't say anything because that would be overreacting. So I'm coming to rant to you.

*** that *** ***.

AvyIsKing May 31st, 2023



Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

Hey... @Jefferythebunny319 @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety can one of you come hangout with me? I'm not feeling real good rn. I'll be in SR.

Iamspoons OP May 31st, 2023

Hey @Jefferythebunny319 I'm back and kinda lurked in SR for a bit but the way airflow talks and acts is making me really uncomfy. I don't like the way they're acting, it feels like their not a nice person, but their everywhere. I don't mean to be rude, I'm sure their a fine person I just really don't like them from what I've seen in the rooms.

Iamspoons OP June 1st, 2023


Yes I am still up. No you cannot stop me. I'm talking to you, Avy. At least not tonight.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz told me to not watch lewis capaldi's music video *I wish you the best* if I "ever wanted to feel okay again". So obviously, as the spite fueled, mental illinois having, gremlin that I am, I went to watch it. I am fine. I am literally better than I was earlier, when I couldn't talk in the SR without feeling uncomfy. Idk what that says about me and my mental state. Probably nothing good.

Anyways I'm going to stay up till five am at least. And I will do it by watching this video and the following two.


AvyIsKing June 1st, 2023


i was up til 4 but closed cups for reasons i explained yesterday. my friend heras in surgery and im really freaking nervous