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@Iamspoons and @Jefferythebunny319 and @Princetomyanxiety

Iamspoons April 24th, 2023

I'm gonna keep tagging @princetomyanxiety even though they never show up

AvyIsKing May 14th, 2023


AvyIsKing May 14th, 2023


Autocorrect made it said 'Iamloins' and now I fear my phone

Anyway Avy might be coming to NY next month so you better run

Iamspoons OP May 14th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 I mean... You never know 👀

How long!! Where are you going to be?

Also my hair is being extremely euphoric rn and I love it

AvyIsKing May 14th, 2023


Please don't become loins

Chenango County

And I dont know it's a *possibility*

Iamspoons OP May 15th, 2023

I just got harassed by middle schoolers. They asked me if I gulped. Idk what that means, but I'm assuming it was a sex joke


AvyIsKing May 15th, 2023


Its middleschoolers

It's probably not supposed to make sense

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 @Princetomyanxiety

Do mentally stable people draw on their bodies with sparkly gel pens, particularly tracing bruises? Cuz I do, my mom keeps getting me skin friendly markers and these tattoo pens, because I used to let my friends draw on me with pen, I don't think she realized that the tattoo pens have sparkles.and they erase pretty easily.

I can't pull all nighters anymore, I get tired like halfway through, and it's disappointing. I'm bored and craving stimulation.

Got any grapes

Lalalala c h p e i l e s s e horay. ,Horay

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

I have the sudden urge to get my *** together and do like six loads of laundry.

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Did not finish that thought before I posted it

But I can't cus it's midnight and everyone's asleep

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


how about you sleep

or read a book?

reading is nice

i was up til 1 am reading a gay romance

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


you need sleep, and why are you asking me and prince about mentally stable people?

I've never met one

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

I am currently feeling a clicking stim and the quietest toy that satisfies the clicking is still loud. I mean I do have another one but it doesn't click fast enough. @Jefferythebunny319

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


just click away, who tf cares

im currently repressing my lil stims and its driving me crazy

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Well now you're just being a hypocrite, you telling me to stimm all I want and then you're over there repressing your stims @Jefferythebunny319

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


im repressing my stims because my current favorite stim is screeching like a banshee. which everyone else is still sleeping so no

and yes you need to stimmmmm >:0

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

My headphones are slightly damaged so it's *** up the sound quality (like I can't hear voices) and it's really annoying me, but I can change them when I get home.

now I get why that stim would be disruptive.


Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Stim now is whispering " I'ma be a puckin boobery. Pa pojapoja pa cho pa cho, pa pojapoja pa cho pa cho" and swaying my head side to side. The words come from a YouTub/*** audio, that says " I now present to you, this *** thing." And then the other thing in quotes.

I'll send a link to it when I find it


AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


Iove that

I'm snake/cat noises rn

And I'm cutting the grass and I'm sweaty and I feel dead but I'm not doneeeee

Iamspoons OP May 17th, 2023


Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Ahhhhhhh band

It's even worse because there's a sub so the other people aren't going to listen or respect anything. We have to watch a stupid video.


AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


*** that ***

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Lmao *** that *** sit so hard in the *** ***

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


thats a little gay-

Iamspoons OP May 16th, 2023

Girl scouts woooooooo

There's this girl that I don't particularly like, nobody really likes her, but she was talking about how her "grandma is a witch, she so mean, she pays more attention to my sister." We are all like yeah you got to learn how to deal with people you don't like you can't just you can't just yell at them all the time it's called learning how to work be responsible person and managing your emotions it's a skill that you need to know it's a skill that I personally use like everyday. But she doesn't get that.

I meant to post this like half an hour ago


AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023


Ew spoiled child who doesn't get it

I'm having a really crap day but it's all made better because I texted my bf a long rambley email about how I'm gonna make him watch hamilton and how he probably wasn't gonna like it at first but then he would love it. And his reply made my day

He said *wait, I love broadway.* then he sent a freaking wicked quote. I just grinned and blushed and my email glitched and removed my dear Evan Hansen quote from My reply but ahhhh I didn't think he could get anymore perfect

*happy clicky stims*

AvyIsKing May 16th, 2023

My mom said I make it very hard for her not to be explosive evil mom so now I feel like crap again

And my mom signed me up without permission to help at my sister's dance schools recital on the night my sister isn't preforming. I said as long as I don't have to deal with kids sure. I was thinking I'll hand out pamphlets or just be there in the room to help with makeup or something. Yk something my anti social *** can do...

My job is to entertain 4 year olds for 2 hours. With a mom. That I've never met. And it's their first recital so it's panicky loud annoying 4 year olds and I just really don't wanna do it.

Iamspoons OP May 17th, 2023

I'm going on a field trip, with all the freshmen. Aaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm getting minor anxiety but it's all going to be fine. I mean it probably doesn't help that I sold one of my in game items that I wanted. I hope I can get it again, it will probably show up in the shop after the event is over.



AvyIsKing May 17th, 2023


ahhhh i hope you get it back

and whats wrong with freshmen-

also im reading this gay romance and its very much broadway themed towards the end and they are so cute together so im gonna share if you wanna read

its called 'what if its us' by adam silver and becky albertalli. each part has only us from dear evan hansen lyrics :>

Iamspoons OP May 17th, 2023

There isn't really a problem with freshmen, just craming all of them in 3 busses isn't a good idea and it ended up with one of my friends sitting on my lap

@Jefferythebunny319 the ziplines were so *** awesome

AvyIsKing May 17th, 2023



Nice :>

Iamspoons OP May 18th, 2023

Looks like I'm pulling another all nighter tonight, because latin is kicking my ***. I am literally crying over this assignment.

I'll give more info later but I have to stare at this paper and cry, and then go to band @Jefferythebunny319

AvyIsKing May 18th, 2023


Loki please sleep

Yesterday I drank coffee and hadn't eaten so I was so shakey it was weirddd

Iamspoons OP May 19th, 2023

I think I feel asleep at like 1:45 so I got like 4 and a half hours of sleep. But I need to try to pull that all nighter, and I did what I needed to do, and then I did get some sleep. I still need to make my own government, based off of what I learned from this project. I also think this was due today.

Avy don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, it's not good for you. ︵

We have a half day so I get to go home with O after school today and then at 2 I get to go with my grandma to barns and nobles to get the new solangalo book.


AvyIsKing May 19th, 2023


good sleep is good. the solangelo book is amazing. i will drink what i want when i want :>

enjoy le half day

Iamspoons OP May 20th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 wait have you read the sun and the star already? Can I geek out about it with you?

AvyIsKing May 21st, 2023


Um yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

I read it like right after it came out :>

Iamspoons OP May 21st, 2023

The cocoa puffs

Omg only Rick Riordan would name Nico's tramas after a *** cereal, and make us fall in love with them.


AvyIsKing May 21st, 2023


Ikrrrr!! He made me feel like me and my all of this was normal and loved and I've never met him but I want him to be my dad.

And the carebear reference killed me like legit.

The whole book made me cry.

I got a signed copy

Iamspoons OP May 21st, 2023


Night light

Him seeing Bianca and his mom in the dream hit hard.

Honestly Bartholomew and Carl kinda ruined my suspension of disbelief, and then I read the next couple chapters in a daze.

AvyIsKing May 21st, 2023


I want a little will solace to keep in my pocket to be my night light 🥺🥺

Even tho he's technically my half-bro (child of Apollo for lifeeeeeeeeeee) I've never been more straight for a chatecter in my life. Domt tell my bf. Will solace is like the hottest human alive and he doesn't even exist

Or does heeeeee

I'll explain all that tmr I might have to turn my phone off lmaooo