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How I Feel

ExtremelyTroubled December 16th, 2019

I just feel so sick most of the time and day by day it's getting really difficult for me to deal with all this. I am unable to do anything.

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 17th, 2019

I'm feeling very angry and I'm unable to control my emotions. Today's been a pretty bad day

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 18th, 2019

Today, I studied for some time in the morning but again my mind got distracted after an hour or so. My mind's back to the same thoughts once again and I'm just not able to control my anger.

SkyMartinez December 18th, 2019


i can't imagine how you're feeling right now and what you're going through. But you just have to stay strong and ask for help if you think you need it. Self care is the most importnat thing when you feel like it's getting hareder to keep going. You're the most important person and your health is really important. Good luck through everything you're going through and I hope everything gets better sometimes soon. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here. I wish you all the best.

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 18th, 2019

Thank you @SkyMartinez

Nyssawellhellothere December 18th, 2019


Nyssawellhellothere December 18th, 2019



Nyssawellhellothere December 18th, 2019



ExtremelyTroubled OP December 18th, 2019

Hello @Nyssawellhellothere

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 23rd, 2019

I'm feeling really overwhelmed and bad today

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 23rd, 2019

I don't feel any better here, but I have a space here to write how I feel. Yesterday and today I tried many things including trying to contact a suicide hotline but it too just doesn't work. I don't feel like living any more. I can barely concentrate on anything and my mind feels like it's burning

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 24th, 2019

It's been an extremely bad day. I feel like ending my life during night itself. I don't think I can't carry on for much longer.

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 24th, 2019

My anger is out of control and suicidal feelings are overwhelming me.

ExtremelyTroubled OP December 24th, 2019

My doctor said that I should be admitted to a mental hospital, but, I'm not mad. I just have no control over myself. I have lost all hope and I don't see any reason to live. Most of the suicide hotlines won't work, medicines won't work, counseling won't work. I just feel so tired

RunawayfromhomeNC January 3rd, 2020


ExtremelyTroubled OP January 3rd, 2020

Good Bye

kitty54 January 3rd, 2020

@ExtremelyTroubled Hi, i really hope you are ok... I'm online looking for guidance to cope with loss as my best friend died recently, so I can tell you suicide is not the answer. And if the doctor wants to put you in a mental hospital, that does not mean you are mad.... Mental Health issues affect everyone on this earth at some point in their lives. So much progress has been made to take the "mad" and "crazy" stigma out of it and normalise it so people like you and me are not afraid to ask for help. I really hope you go back to your doctor and take their advise. Check in, talk to the experts, know that you are not alone. :)

ExtremelyTroubled OP January 19th, 2020

Hello @kitty54 thank you. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope you too get the help you deserve <3

kitty54 January 20th, 2020

@ExtremelyTroubled , thank you. Glad to see you back and I really hope your taking all the help offered to you. :)