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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing December 10th, 2023


Hey. Sorry it's been so long. I've just ahhh

I went to a dance last night. My foot hurts right now and I messaged my ex last night :/ and stressed cause band 

Iamspoons OP December 10th, 2023


Hey, it's fine.

A couple things happened but I didn't want to post and pressure you into responding. I'll tell more later but I have to go deliver fall girl scout product. Eurg

Iamspoons OP December 14th, 2023

Arg I hate math.

I've got so many different things going on this week/day idek anymore.

AvyIsKing December 14th, 2023


ah man ): 

sorry i havent posted I've been really heckin busy 

Iamspoons OP December 14th, 2023


It's ok, Ive been busy too

AvyIsKing December 14th, 2023


wanna talk about anything buddy?

Iamspoons OP December 15th, 2023


Meh just an overwhelming time of the year. Lol

Is there anything you want to talk about?

And if not and you just want to listen to me ramble I'll be in the chat room for a bit, I'm gonna try to fall asleep at a reasonable time tho. Probably won't work.


AvyIsKing December 15th, 2023


tf is ur pfp

Iamspoons OP December 15th, 2023


A skinned blue berry

<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

AvyIsKing December 15th, 2023


that is terrifying 

it looks like an olive with a cat inside 

also i asked my mom for a binder yesterday cause i got offered a free one and she said 


Iamspoons OP December 15th, 2023


Annoying mom. (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)

AvyIsKing December 15th, 2023


What else is new 

I forgot to drink water when I took my meds so I have horrible angina right now 😭

Iamspoons OP December 17th, 2023


Hey sorry I didn't respond for like two days, yesterday was super busy.

How are you doing?

I haven't eaten anything but a bowl of cereal and I've had a headache for a while now. But I'm doing ok.

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023



not great but got to see macon

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023


Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


I'm meh. I'm kinda tired but will probably pull an all nighter, I have two essays due this week but won't work on either of them till the last minute and the adrenaline sets in. Lol

I get to see princey like three days after Christmas, omg I'm so unprepared for Christmas.

Umm I think Im doing ok, r u still up, do you want to have a sleepover?/nf

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023


i would but I gotta head to bed soon, i /exhausted

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


Ok, glad you're getting sleep

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


Omg I'm so exhausted, my dad yelled at me and my hair is going to be a greasy mess for another week probably.

But guess whose fault that is


I think I forgot to take my meds and idk when I first forgot, lol.

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


And I forgot to cut my nails, arg.

But my favorite teacher is playing princess Bride on the last day of school, so that's amazing

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023


yayyyyy also sleep

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023



AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023


yes sir/maam/meow/person/bark bark 

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


Meh I feel fine now. Except I don't have any motivation to write my ela essay that's due in like 3 hours. Lol. I wrote two paragraphs back on Friday and then didn't do it over the weekend cuz I was busy and not focused.

I mean I was focused but not on this I did a load of laundry but I still have another one to do but I haven't put away my last three loads, I've just been picking out of the basket.

Sorry got on a tangent, hehe, I'm procrastinating. Aaaaaaa

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023


i have a drs appointment today

don't make me gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Iamspoons OP December 18th, 2023


We can distract each other for a bit, do you want to hangout in rainbow room?

AvyIsKing December 18th, 2023



Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023


I'm probably going to bed now so I'm not *** exhausted tomorrow for drama club, so I will talk to you tomorrow. Ilysm. I hope you get some sleep too.

Sending hugs and cuddles

AvyIsKing December 19th, 2023


Hugs and cuddles

Sorry my Dr's appointment went terrible and I pretty much laid in bed crying all day 

Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023


Oh no, that sounds horrible. I will send the biggest comfort vibes ever.

I have I/me/myself by will wood stuck in my head

AvyIsKing December 19th, 2023


wellllll lets hope today is better

also never heard that song, is it good

Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023


Yea I've got my fingers crossed.

AvyIsKing December 19th, 2023


id say pain is tolerable today, about an 7 on a 1-10 scale. getting a stress migraine tho- how lovely 

Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023


We love stress migraines/scarcasm

Can I get some validation? My ex is hanging out with one of my friends that they were never friends with so it's not like the mixed friend group anymore, it even the friend that expressly didn't like them when we were together.

AvyIsKing December 19th, 2023


you are awesome and amazing and wonderful and I love you socmuch and your ex sucks 

Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023


Soc moch? Hehe

Iamspoons OP December 19th, 2023




Iamspoons OP December 20th, 2023



I kinda had a *** couple of hours and am just listening to a sad lullaby now.

Can we hang out in the rainbow room? /Nf I understand if you are going to sleep.


AvyIsKing December 20th, 2023


*holds* tmrs my sisters bday so i gotta get up early but ill try in a bit, when my mom comes in

Iamspoons OP December 20th, 2023


Oh ok, u don't have to stay up for me.

Happy birthday to your sister, tell I said so (if she knows about me, if not totally fine)