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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP November 16th, 2023


I like Thalia's treehouse, it's very blue-tiful

AvyIsKing November 16th, 2023


Hehe ty

I'm so tired


My friend dared me to list 50 things I'm stressed about and I did 48

Iamspoons OP November 17th, 2023


Here take two of my stupid stressers very temporarily, so you can complete the 50 list. The milk here sucks and we probably won't have orange juice which is the best juice.

Ok you can give them back when you message back.

I hope you slept okay. Ilysm.

AvyIsKing November 17th, 2023


*gives them back*

i wanna throw up

Iamspoons OP November 17th, 2023


Oh nu. I hope you feel better soon.

Sorry school is being a *** and keeping me busy.

We just got our cast list, I'll tell you who I got after school

AvyIsKing November 17th, 2023



Also I'm just nerve it ok

Iamspoons OP November 20th, 2023


Sorry, I got busy procrastinating and then being mad at myself for it. Lol.

Um I got the muffin man. Idk if I have any lines, I haven't even looked for a script. Hehe.

I'm not telling princey till she calls me. Hehehehehehehe. I mean, unless she sees it here.

Ily, hope you're doing ok ish

AvyIsKing November 20th, 2023


tw sh 

I'm one month 4 days free

and I nailed my solo

Iamspoons OP November 20th, 2023


Ooooooo congratulations on both.

Princetomyanxiety November 25th, 2023


nehehehe saw it 

Iamspoons OP November 25th, 2023



U exist?

Princetomyanxiety November 25th, 2023


yeah I just keep forgetting to check here and I’m crazy busy constantly anymore

Iamspoons OP November 21st, 2023


I pulled an all nighter last night and now my body's screaming at me, my eyes are itchy and kinda bloodshot and I'm couldn't be more tired if I was a zombie. So I'm going to go to bed RN so I don't have to deal with this again tomorrow. It sucked.

Umm yeah ilysm gn tcks

AvyIsKing November 21st, 2023



I'm in nj

AvyIsKing November 25th, 2023


Am exhausted and been crisis and in a bad place lately if you wanna know let me know I don't really care. /g /nm

Watching scary stories to tell in the dark with my friends 

Iamspoons OP November 26th, 2023


Hey sorry for, idk what, but I'm sorry about something.

My elbows hurt and I'm going to cut off my hair because my parents had a mild argument about how I should take care of it. I might be overreacting but I think it'll be fine, I don't really like my hair anyway it's too much work and maybe my face will look a bit more masc. Idk I'm rambling

Ilysm, I hope you had fun with your friends.

AvyIsKing November 26th, 2023


Ily too

My sister is being mean and is making me hurty

Bit I cut my hair toooooo

Ask she who must not be named for pics 

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023


You're super handsome.

I feel like ***. I'm on my period and I have gym today, and I only ate like half a stale bagel.

But I do feel slightly pretty and really jittery, so um yeah.


AvyIsKing November 27th, 2023



And I feel ugly 

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023


Hey you're not allowed to say that ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ

I was just thinking we look kinda similar, it's kinda freaky. I just got rounder glasses and I have green hair too. Again I would send a pic but I can't figure out how to.

AvyIsKing November 27th, 2023


Try imgbb or or uploadpie

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023


Ok I made an imgbb profile "loki_toothpaste" lol

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023


But like I have to switch from my computer to my phone cuz my phone can't use the interwebs and my computer doesn't like cups. So typing the entire URL gets old.

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023


Does this work

AvyIsKing November 27th, 2023


xD alex fierroooo and yes it doessss

im trying to find my ex and im obsessed and i have been for days im barely sleeping

i found his school and his legal first name :0

Iamspoons OP November 27th, 2023



No, no obsession over ex *waggles finger* that's bad for you

Also I found a quote from the Internet that basically sums up Beatrice : M; "future girlfriend say what". A; "I'm a guy today *swearwords lovingly directed at M*"

AvyIsKing November 27th, 2023


i need to find him i just do

also i got a 16 on a chem test, 100 on the retake :D

also yes i love that for beatrice 

Iamspoons OP December 1st, 2023


Congrats on the test

Umm sorry I haven't replied in four days, idek why I didn't

I'm going out to camp tonight so probably won't be able to message idk tho. And I don't even really want to go to camp, my mom is dropping me and another girl from our current troop off and the im going to be probably the youngest there and I going be *** isolated because the like two kids I know, I don't want to be a bother to them or the adults. I mean the troop leader is basically a second mom, I have several second moms. But my mom is like I'm gonna drop off Loki and not stay because she needs a break but she will be staying for dinner so I can't really get away right when we get there which is sorta what I need but it won't feel like a break, just a different mask. Camp isn't the place that it used to be, mom and brother are super involved so the whole *** summer I was supposed to be away.

Great I got worked into a rant, um anyways

Oh I know why I haven't replied, good omens brain rot

They're so *** cute. I'll go on a rant about ineffable husbands later.

Gtg Latin class

AvyIsKing December 1st, 2023


Im on my way to Ohio to see my irl bsf

And some stuff is going on but I don't wanna talk about it, if u wanna know ask Nora 

Iamspoons OP December 1st, 2023


Hehe, only in Ohio.

Oki then ily tcks

AvyIsKing December 1st, 2023


Sorry that was biotchy 

In a weird mood

Iamspoons OP December 1st, 2023


No you're fine, I completely didn't take it that way. And I get that your mood is probably weird rn. Idk what's going on, but you said there was something going on, so I understand.

SneakySnakeBoi December 2nd, 2023



guys there is a very real chance I’m going to get outed and I’m terrified 

SneakySnakeBoi December 2nd, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @iamspoons @avyisking

nvm crisis averted

Iamspoons OP December 2nd, 2023


Omg I'm so sorry I didn't see that yesterday, I'm glad it's been averted.

AvyIsKing December 3rd, 2023

@iamspoons @sneakysnakeboi

Sorry I dropped my phone in a toilet, it's a long story. 

I'm in a real real real dark place so I'll prolly be off for a few days if that's alright 

AvyIsKing December 3rd, 2023


Im gonna change my pfp but I'll save magnus for another day 

Iamspoons OP December 5th, 2023


Of course take all the time you need, I just hope you'll come back to us. Ilysm. And just lmk when you want Magnus back and I'll bring Alex back too.

Sending infinite supply of hugs and physical affection. Again ily and please know that I always try to get back to these messages asap but sometimes can't, I will never ignore you.

AvyIsKing December 5th, 2023



so Tw i relapsed and broke my finger today yayyy 😔

idk just in a horrid place and in a lot of pain because my leg is dead

Iamspoons OP December 5th, 2023


Oh no, it sounds like you're in a lot of pain, from both your finger and your leg. I hope you get some relief soon.