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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023



Lmao I'm wearing Mac and cheese

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


Oh, is it like a tee shirt or did you spill

AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023


Yk I meant making it. I have no clue where wearing it came from lol

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


I actually didn't know you meant making it. Lol it makes sense tho

I've got art next and a white shirt on. I don't want to get clay on this shirt. I might ask if I can do something else. Idk what tho. Arg

AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023


I didn't mean you know like you know I meant it like .... idk it was a weird thing to say lol

I hope u get a new shirt

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


Oh yeah, I kinda thought that was what that meant, but like...

I managed to not get clay on my shirt. Yay

AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023



Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


Hi, I'm sitting here next to my brother and dad for my brother's open house. Dad wasn't supposed to come. He doesn't usually come to these things. I was going to pretend to be my brother's adult. : - (

AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023



Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023


Omg, I am very annoyed at my math teacher rn. He keeps making us use the quadratic formula on homework questions, and he doesn't put it on the homework slip. Like dude, you told us we didn't have to memorize it because it would be on a reference sheet on all tests, but you don't give it to us on our homework. aaaaaaaaaa.

Anyways, how was your day?

And if I don't talk to you before I fall asleep, ilysm tcks gn.

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023


Why is it that sometimes when I enter a room (and get announced, which is spotty) some people call me Iam ?

It's really weird.

AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023


oh that's weird... My l gets called you sometimes

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023

Huh... I understand all the words you said, but not how they work together. And I get that people see my user and pick bits of it to call me, but I don't know why they chose that one.


AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023


I could call you poo hehe

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023


*Offended gasp*

You wouldn't dare

AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023


I mean... @iamspoons hehe

you could call me sKi idk my user name isnt funny TvT

also apparently its not normal i ate tinfoil as a kid when i was in pain and like i ate other things because sensory distress : D

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023


I mean @Iskin

Nope that is not normal at all.

I'm just sitting here crocheting. With bright orange yarn. I think I'm making a scarf, idk tho.

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023


AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023


ok poo, im skin now xD

also my best friend who abandoned me who i finally have closer over wants back in my life

what do i dooooooooooooooooooo

i was in a good place

idk what to dooo

also i barely slept because nightmares

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023

@AvyIsKing opps @skin

Idk what you should do.

Oh nuu bad nightmares

I have another quote for you

If you can't love yourself, how the *** are you going to love .... sandwich

Iamspoons OP September 27th, 2023

Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that was an actual username. Sorry I randomly tagged you

AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023


oh lol let me see if poo is one


AvyIsKing September 27th, 2023

If I am skin

And you are poo

Then @sneakysnakeboi is ack

Iamspoons OP September 28th, 2023


Nuu because ack doesn't show up in @SneakySnakeBoi. There is no C. They shall be known as neak. Like peek, but neak.

AvyIsKing September 28th, 2023


Yesssss neak

Iamspoons OP September 28th, 2023


I get my hair cut tomorrow of tomorrow. I really need it, my undercut is bugging me. I'm going all green, effortless Alex fierro cosplay here I come. Lol. I've got an amazing beautiful green dress. I love it a lot, it made me feel wonderful.

Anyways I'm gonna go to bed before screw-you-up o'clock. I hope you get some good sleep, and I will bite anything that gives you nightmares.

AvyIsKing September 28th, 2023


im sorry

Iamspoons OP September 28th, 2023


Nuuu there's nothing for you to be sorry for.


Ily, don't be sorry.

Iamspoons OP September 28th, 2023


Ok so *** jon the traitor has passively informed me that my ex's birthday is in 8 days. With a comment of "guess we see how much attention you payed in your relationship" oh I'm sorry I've moved on from somebody who is now pretending I don't even exist. Pardon me for moving on and have more important people and things than my ex's birthday, I can't even remember my close friends birthdays

AvyIsKing September 28th, 2023


Ew that is so horrible of him I'm so sorry.

My first exes birthday is the day before mine and my original exes anniversary and I'm already aware I'm going to be in a horrid mood that week but then the next day I have band so Josh promised to hug me.

Iamspoons OP September 28th, 2023


I mean yea, he sucks as a friend but am I going to move seats to get away from him, nope, so I'm stuck having conversations with him all the time.

That is a really sucky week.

I need to ask my ex's little brother if we're just ignoring each other, or if I should say happy birthday in the hallway.

Iamspoons OP September 29th, 2023


Hi good morning.


AvyIsKing September 29th, 2023


gm ilyt

I'm in nj

Iamspoons OP September 29th, 2023


I'm so *** tired, I just cried in Latin.

I'm cold.

Hope you have a fun-ish time in NJ

AvyIsKing September 29th, 2023


you are cold?

you know what that meansss!!!

*titanic hoodie*

Iamspoons OP September 29th, 2023



It's my fingies tho, so the amazing yellow Titanic hoodie won't help : - (

Iamspoons OP September 29th, 2023


Omg these school cucumbers literally look like they have uterus shaped holes

AvyIsKing September 29th, 2023


the amount of innapropriate jokes i can make from that

and fine *kidnaps you and wraps you in my gay pride blankie*

Iamspoons OP September 29th, 2023


Oki doki, you don't have to kidnap me, I'll come willingly.

I just stretched and all my arm bones popped. It felt pretty good

AvyIsKing September 29th, 2023


I just got back from a run and I'm so cold and so hot it's weird like I feel cold to the touch but I'm sweating