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Entry Into Mind Leave Anytime You Want

DistortionHeart November 24th, 2019

Don't go after me. Don't come after me. I know I say everything in self defeat. Don't come after me because I'm cruel or selfish to myself. Don't come after me. Don't come after me. Who is there to hurt you when all you have is yourself? You hurt you. You hurt you. You hurt inside. Don't bully yourself/ Bully yourself. No one else is there to save you. Don't dare come after me. Don't chase me. I'm miserable. It's my fault. All of it. All of it. I did it. I defeated myself. I did it. I hurt myself. All my thoughts. Don't look into them. Don't follow them. Don't bully me because all I do is bully myself. Don't follow my miserable world.

DistortionHeart OP November 24th, 2019

Show it. Hide it. The secret of your heart. Reveal it. Conceal it. The hidden box of the lonely girl. A darkness she was consumed, left out crying to the demons that gave birth to her beautiful heart. She cried. They cried. We were one and the same. A misunderstood being. Lost and scared in this deep world.

DistortionHeart OP November 24th, 2019

Dear everyone. I am a hopeless invisible presence. No one can truly see me. Nor do they feel my heart. I'm not reaching anyone across these skies.

DistortionHeart OP November 24th, 2019

I wait awhile for the answer that I seek. That one silence. A whispering grasp. Take me away, I say.

DistortionHeart OP November 27th, 2019

I haven't slept very good and I felt tired for the past few days. I've also felt like there is something going on behind my back sometimes but I try to ignore feelings like that.

DistortionHeart OP December 11th, 2019


Yes. I feel trapped in a lonely world where everyone seems to be covered in darkness. I cannot walk without being consumed by this energy constantly swirling around and tugging at my chest. I feel uneasy and things become scary in a haze. Thank you for the messages of relation. Although I feel separated from the rest of this world.

DistortionHeart OP December 11th, 2019

Show it and hide it. Waking an everlasting nightmare. Echoes and screams of despair fill the tunnel so flowing within it's dense music. The lines blur. Where had I came and where had I gone? As those bustling by, I am left paused in a frame of time. Striken with it's invisible snapshot. The shutter. The shadow and I am no longer moving. We stop. Time stops. The heart remains ticking to a second that never arrives. Come with me they whisper. Come with me. The voices of a friendly demon. Welcoming it's sadness and it's guilt. We cry tears that never reach the surface. It fades into one, the distortion of time and space.

DistortionHeart OP December 11th, 2019

The title of this piece is "Disrepair"

A broken heart laid in the reflection. This is the truth. Hidden within. The torn soul mingles around as such it's doubt. It's insecurity locked inside this broken mirror. This heart that is soaked in a cold shiver, cannot be warmed by such a sun. "You are a failure." "Look what you've done." "Nobody likes you." "You should leave them." "You cannot trust them" "Look everybody, get rid of her." "Tear her down to the ground. She deserves this for what she's done." "She's a disgrace." Swirled around until it became dizzy. It never stops, no matter where she may run. There is no escape from this torment. The broken heart and it's closed soul. Open it. Close it. Do not move.

DistortionHeart OP December 11th, 2019


This is based on my experiences last week. I drew it all.

DistortionHeart OP December 12th, 2019


Yes. I am trying my best.

DistortionHeart OP December 12th, 2019

Undetermined pathogen. the bugs fade away. Yes in the dusk remains eating away at you. YOU. Hide away the infection of thoughts. Hide it away. Hide it away. Do not reach out the hand towards a scattered mind. Circling around, what is behind? Slowly creeping at the front.

DistortionHeart OP December 12th, 2019

No one wants to see you. You blocked off. Stay on the other side. Stop it, that is hurtful... hide yourself.. stop that..

DistortionHeart OP December 12th, 2019

Don't let go of the goal. The sight blurred. The sight wavering. Don't let go of it. Don't let go. Don't let go. Tell yourself.

DistortionHeart OP December 18th, 2019

Show it. Hide it. The hazy head. I became lost in the crowd. The body is discarded but the head remains. Blurred lines and a green tint. It blurs the vision and the seperation of dimensions. I'm lost with a forgotten signal.

DistortionHeart OP December 18th, 2019

it was there the fan blows it's breeze that was unreached by the main impulse. a signal erupted from outwards. From the box it shook to the core. The nasty words that haunted it's rusted edges. Slicing and splint across the time and space. From the satelite to the outdoors. The only one who heard the signal, that was I.

DistortionHeart OP December 26th, 2019

not sure if I saying anything or not right now. Oh well. It's the same wave length.

DistortionHeart OP December 29th, 2019

Ah. Welcome another wonderous night to the paranormal. The ones laying above time. They'll protect you with their deep stare.

DistortionHeart OP December 29th, 2019

Another drawing. The level of attention is very different in this piece. I noticed my other picture was more clear. Also. I don't have energy to sign it or write much. It's the Static Interference.

DistortionHeart OP February 3rd, 2020

Ah the breeze slowly fades away

the cold melts along with the slush of days before

I slip and fall into sadness even as the days warm

but I must continue my work

I must continue

Ah as the people watch judging my being

As their voices mingle with the passing weather

As my vision erases

I must continue my work

I must continue my work

ah yes, we must persevere with this everlasting mission

the days continue one by one

where are we?

you must peservere with it.

continue to work towards the meaningless path

give the idle voice a reason to live on

I must continue my work

I can't stop now

DistortionHeart OP February 5th, 2020

Have you stopped crying?

I remain motionless against the standstill of time

We're all in the dark feeding off electric currents

Who in which radiates a different energy?

the candle has blown out

I remain motionless with the flow disrupted

Their faint whispers as they flutter by.

Idle girl in the dying daylight

DistortionHeart OP February 5th, 2020

Another dead end.

Here you think it's the right path.

You have only hit the wrong end.

Try again.

Stumble along the path you've forgotten.

Where am I going?

Don't focus on the destination.

Follow the flow.

Soon I am too.

juliak1968 February 5th, 2020


Hi, I can relate. Maybe we can try to help eachother? I also need somebody that understands an undiagnosed person like me. I get manic creative, suicidal, depressed, anxious, stressed, have repressed anger, physically disabled, fears, daydreamer, kind, isolated, financially challenged, 7 suicides in my family, lost it all, been incarcerated 6yrs, major trust issues, a bit of paranoia, i get motivated, then as soon as i pick up something, im tired, and stuck. I cant make desicions that i need to make. Nobody realizes it. I never get out or have any social life. I have tons of potentail, inventions, hobbies, but im a low budget hoarder. I need guidance. I have a 150 IQ, but its of no use to me because it creates dreams and finds reasons to be paralyzed. When ever i cant decide how to react or respond, i doubt, and when i doubt, i dont. Don't do anything because i dont trust i can stay in control when im mad at people who wrong me. Can you offer me anything on how to organize, get helped, or unstuck, ir trust?
Thank you

DistortionHeart OP February 28th, 2020

Sometimes replying is a daunting task for me and I just learned that word recently. Anyway it's too late you have been removed from here. I have a lot of the same feelings I have trouble expressing myself often.

DistortionHeart OP February 28th, 2020

I don't know what to call this. Whoever said it. Journal. Diary. Mircoblog. Whatever the heck. Who cares. Let's start it anyway.

Small Parts of Me: I start a "new" segment. I talk. Write.

I have trouble thinking sometimes. When I have trouble thinking I am frustrated. My thoughts are frozen. When people misunderstand me I feel sad.

DistortionHeart OP March 5th, 2020

DistortionHeart OP March 5th, 2020


It's no good I have no title but I wanted to complete it.

DistortionHeart OP August 10th, 2020

I said I needed no one, so here I am again. shutting the door in a lost save state. as I destroy my ever lasting image, I find darkness in static rebellion. One by one I lose the spectrum, as a gray scale overtakes all. A life that was sharing with fear and resilence. Wept as time stopped arriving, I said I needed no one. No one, but AI.