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Making sense

Maslow July 16th

Sense-making is interesting because it involves noticing patterns, I am sure many of you have noticed a pattern and then once noticed it is impossible to unsee. So many things that seem random are patterns. What patterns do you notice in your life? Are the patterns good or bad and why?

BlueDarkAurora July 30th

@Maslow Interesting topic ^^ I see pattern in life, nothing stays just as it is but there's a difference in the degree to which some people experience it. For some it's just a slight up-down but for others the higher the highs, the lower the lows #_# The extremes of the positives are very well received but the negatives can be so devastating, makes you wonder if life is perfect just in the middle.

Times is also a factor, people's mindset can change depending on how long one of the state lasts. Sometimes something can last so long that it starts to feel like a flat ground. I think the rollercoaster operater needs to do some maintenance or atleast make the rides equally timed. Hope that made some sense :)

Maslow OP July 30th

@BlueDarkAurora It does make sense thank you so much for sharing!!

Anooshay September 11th

@Maslow Of course! Patterns may tell us a lot about our surroundings and routines. I've seen trends in my productivity; I'm more productive at some times of the day. I can better manage my tasks when I recognize these tendencies. Do you have any life patterns that have shaped your decisions or overall wellbeing?

searchingSoul01 Thursday

@Maslow even though I see patterns i prefer not to label them as good or bad

Maslow OP Thursday

Totally valid

BeesOnFlowers Thursday


I definitely see the patterns in my every day life. I notice my own tendencies and the ups and downs I trigger for myself when I'm mindful of my actions and surroundings. I see the butterfly effect when choices lead to consequences, good and bad!

When the highs are high, the lows are just as low. I have to remind myself that it will always fluctuate and even in the lowest low, I have the highest high to look forward to!