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Empathy and Compassion

User Profile: vanshikap12
vanshikap12 December 31st, 2024

Empathy and Compassion ❤️🤗

  • Empathy and compassion are two values that resonate deeply with me. For a long time, I struggled to understand the feelings of others, often caught up in my own experiences. However, as I grew older, I recognized the importance of connecting with others on a deeper level.
  • In the growth path, it defines empathy as “the ability to relate to others, oneself, and nature with kindness, empathy, and compassion while addressing suffering.” I never fully appreciated how empathy could transform my relationships until I began to actively practice it.
    • If you’re wondering how my journey toward empathy and compassion began, here are some crucial steps that helped me along the way:
  • First, I committed to listening more actively to those around me. 🦻
  • SecondI sought to understand the stories and struggles of others, which broadened my perspective. 📖

  • ThirdI made a habit of performing small acts of kindness daily, reminding myself that every gesture counts. Each morning, I would set an intention: “Today, I am willing to practice empathy by putting myself in someone else's shoes.” At the end of the day, I would acknowledge moments when I showed compassion, such as helping a friend in need or simply being there to listen. This consistent practice helped cultivate a more empathetic mindset. 🌟 

    1. Can you recall a time when someone showed you compassion? How did it affect you? 💞
    2. What strategies can you implement to enhance your empathy in daily interactions? 🌍

Empathy and Compassion are part of the values taught in the Inner Development Goals Course, you can learn more about more such values in the course here 📚



1. I got a hug from a friend.

2. I can implement acts of compassion in the following ways: words of encouragement, actively listen to someone's issues or problems, through donation and charity.


1. It positively impacted me. I felt more lighter and calm. Helped me realize that there are other people in need.

User Profile: awesomeForever34
awesomeForever34 January 8th


I completely relate in how growing older helped me recognize and appreciate empathy and compassion! It seems like one of those skills that develops with time and experience. 😊

1. During the holiday season I was quite busy and so unable to reply quickly to my friends. I remember apologizing specifically to one of my dear friends and she replied telling me she completely understood, not to worry, and to take care of myself and reply when I could. It really helped alleviate some of the stress I was feeling and made me even more determined to reply quickly as it reminded me of what a dear friend she was! 

2. I might borrow your method of performing small acts of kindness daily! I will try specifically to be courageous/ confident in giving compliments as often I will think "this lady's outfit is so well put together" or "what a well spoken gentleman this is" but it isn't so often that I feel confident enough to speak up and tell them this directly. I think this would be a good step in the right direction! I'll also try to keep on summarizing what people tell me as I feel that repeating back what they've said shows active listening and can make them feel hear which people really appreciate sometimes.

User Profile: listeningneighbor
listeningneighbor January 16th


Great post!

1. I wrote someone a nice letter when they were feeling down. This act made me reflect on their pain and how I can best support them

2. Continuing to practice active listening and maintaining curiosity about peoples lives and stories. 

User Profile: CharisB21
CharisB21 January 20th

1.  I’ll work on being more present in conversations and actually listening—not just waiting for my turn to speak. Sometimes it’s the little things, like showing that you care, that make the biggest difference.