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empathy and compassion

Hermionetps August 25th

Hi everyone. this is going to be my first post so please be helpful if you could. 

So I am sure that already a million people have written on this. But I still want to. Before the course there was a certain bleakness around me. I mean all was just going on. I remember pondering about how things came to this extent. I am pretty sure this has happened to quite a few, so the catch was quite easy to understand, but equally difficult to find. So yeah, apparently it is human tendencies to be kind. As a kid I am sure most of you have had candies and when somebody walks in you offer it to them. Well so did I. and apart from that many small acts of kindness. Those were the days I was happy. 

As I grew up. I stopped, and so did the happiness stop. Then came competition. The life is a race stuff. And with that went the happiness. The moral being sharing which is an act of kindness and many such small miniscule things are what make a person happy.

then comes self love. As the self love decreases so does the happiness. It is in scientific terms directly proportional to happiness. Just one affirmation a day. One positive thought in a journal helps. And although many people say this. The course made me do it. And guess what I am loving this so much that I am continuing this.

Next and last is the active listening. As I am sure almost all here are listeners. Has it ever happened to you that you listen to one person whose situation is so much so similar and when he feels peace you do too.  A lot more than him/her. It happens with me every time. every single time. And although I never realized this before this course made me realise. the power of active listening has been illuminated. When I truly engage with others, even if their circumstances are vastly different from my own, I find that I can experience a deep sense of peace and understanding. This empathetic connection is a true source of joy. Ultimately, this course has reminded me of the basic ingredients for a fulfilling life - kindness, self-acceptance, and compassionate engagement with the world around me. I'm grateful for these invaluable lessons

now lastly,

1.what were such moments in your life when you felt peace

2.what were those things in childhood that you just ceased doing

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 1st

Hiya @Hermionetps, you did so amazing for your first post in the community.💛

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. It takes a lot of courage to express such personal reflections.

Your journey is a powerful reminder of how kindness, both towards ourselves and others, can profoundly shape our happiness and fulfillment.

It's truly inspiring to hear how you've rediscovered the joy in small acts of kindness and the importance of self-love. Those memories from childhood, when simple gestures brought us happiness, remind us of the beauty in connection and generosity.

Life can indeed feel like a race, but your insights highlight that pausing to practice kindness and nurture our well-being is essential. A reminder that everyone can use.

The way you’ve embraced positive affirmations and active listening is wonderful! It's amazing how even the smallest shifts in our daily routines can lead to a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. Your experiences serve as a gentle nudge for all of us to prioritize these practices in our own lives.

Remember, every small step you take towards kindness and self-acceptance matters. You're not alone in this journey, and many of us can relate to what you've shared. Continue to explore these insights and spread the kindness you've experienced; it truly enriches not only your life but the lives of those around you.

Keep shining your light and encouraging others along the way! 💖✨

1.what were such moments in your life when you felt peace?

Danced in the rain a few days ago. It brought me cold but that's okay xD because it brought me a whole lot of peace too.🥰

2.what were those things in childhood that you just ceased doing?

Oof so many things, that I now actually want to think about and perhaps try again. Most related to hobbies and such.

FirmWind September 2nd


I agree, this course was a good reality check. It helps to know you're not alone on a path in life, and that there are other like-minded people.

If you're curious about my personal responses;

1. What were such moments in your life when you felt peace?

- As a kid, I found peace in mountain climbing. Just being out there on a bright summer day with a view of beautiful green trees on the rolling hills. Spending afternoons up high, carving elaborate walking sticks and playing guitar to the wind brushing against the trees.

2. What were those things in childhood that you just ceased doing?

- Writing books. At some point that youthful imagination and adult energy don't match up, and it just becomes harder to write straight from the head and heart. When everything is new things are more exciting.

Robbin77 September 4th

Some moments in my life when I felt at peace was when I was most aiding another. I’ve worked in medical care and childcare but unfortunately due to physical disabilities am no longer able. But I will say, when truly serving another person because they would otherwise not get what they need and deserve, I feel at home.

Some things in childhood that I ceased doing are talking to strangers and wandering outside aimlessly. I greatly miss both and really want to try again soon.