What is IKIGAI ?
, the word ikigai means " a reason to live , " or more specifically , " the reason to get up in the morning . " It comes from a combination of two Japanese words : iki referring to life , and kai , which roughly means " the realisation of what one expects and hopes for " . Basically , ikigai is seen as the convergence of the following four core elements :
1. What you love ( your passion
2. What the world needs ( your mission )
3. What you are good at ( your vocation )
4. What you can get paid for ( your profession )
5. The word ikigai , that space in the middle of these four primary elements , is seen by the Japanese as the source of value or what make one's life truly worthwhile . Unlike Western ideas of success , which are fairly narrow , everyone has ikigai , no matter their job or class or education level . It's not about achieving what other people have for yourself , but finding your own happy combination of life satisfactions .
Great informative post! Well done 😊💚
@Callmemav Hello! Very interesting, could you give me some examples, to understand it better? How it is in your case?