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tai chi

dreamgirl44444 December 28th, 2016

has anyone tried tai chi as a therapy?

I found it amazing changes your perspective

PacificSunrise December 29th, 2016

@dreamgirl44444 I haven't tried tai chi as therapy, but for health and fitness. It does calm the body and mind like meditation. It's a feel good movement excercise. I'm glad you tried it and found it amazing. What a wonderful tool it is!

dreamgirl44444 OP December 29th, 2016

My auntie recommended it after she completed her sword in tai chi . It changed her whole lifestyle and how she lived ,she was so much happier . I tried it and after a few weeks found that I memorized the steps and I became a lot calmer and relaxed towards lifes problems, I highly recommend it to anyone .


PacificSunrise December 29th, 2016

@dreamgirl44444 It sounds good from hearing what effects it has on you. Thank you for sharing your experience and hope it'll inspire someone to try it for themselves too!

AutumnBreeze92 January 8th, 2018


Wow!!! It's really awesome. laugh

I also like Tai Chi, But I just saw Tai Chi in movies and no way to try it. frown

straightforwardCakes January 22nd, 2018

I'd like to try Tai chi, but I don't want to spend any money. Does anyone recommend YouTube videos or something?

SpruceRaven January 22nd, 2018

@dreamgirl44444 Yes! Qi gong too!