How do you deal with bad thoughts?
Do you use your bad thoughts as inspiration to create something?
I pretty much enjoy drawing and writing my nightmares, and that's a way to deal with them and learn more about myself. There's nothing better than learning from your own subconscious!
Art by me. :)
I love that you turn negative thoughts into art! You have inspired me to do that as well, thank you :)
Usually, I deal with negative thoughts through meditation and visualization.
@globalBraid3744 Meditating is so hard for me! That's really awesome that you're able to do it white negative thoughts! 👏👏👏
Right, meditation requires practice but it gets easier with time! I use this guided meditation: I find that when it is guided it is a much better choice to start with. I hope you find the video helpful :)
@Qui3tGhost love your art! I tend to do the same as I love drawing too!
Glad to know that there are people like me who turn the bad things into art.I am someone who turns all my negative emotions into words, be it sadness or hurt, anger or fear, or even confusion. I can't draw, so Instead I write short stories or write poems.
PS: I loved your artwork. It takes a lot of courage to put out our feelings into something solid and I honestly think it's a great thing to do!♥️
for sure! Turning emotions either bad or good into art is great.this reminds me of how com mod Alex made a forum with emotions and creations. You for sure aren’t alone, I do the same a lot as well.
I have, a couple times. The 2nd time, I was inspired by my morbid preoccupation with mortality to draw In the Catacombs. You can see it here.