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I'd like to share my Dev page with everyone. :)

WishUponABlackStar October 19th, 2016

Please let me know what you all think.

[Social media link - Edited by SilentSerenityy]

SilentSerenityy October 19th, 2016


Hey! In order to protect you, sharing links to social media or websites in which you can be contacted is prohibited so I've had to edit it out.

3 replies
peacefuleagle192 October 20th, 2016


[Edited for going against the positive atmosphere - SilentSerenityy]

2 replies
RarelyCharlie October 20th, 2016

I agree. Censoring the link doesn't protect someone who (as it happens in this case) has been on DeviantArt for more than four years!

However, the rule we have here does do a little to protect vulnerable 7 Cups users from links that might lead them to harmful social media contact. 7 Cups does not have the resources to check out every social media link the way I just did with this one, so the only thing that can be done is to apply the rule to all of them.


peacefuleagle192 December 13th, 2016


the censoring on here is getting stupid, anything that goes against a mod or what a mod doesnt like gets removed, anything bad about this site gets removed, for and i quote "going against the positive atmosphere of the site" thats why you dont see many negatives about this site cause they are all removed

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SarahLove December 13th, 2016

Wow nice. :0