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SleepyShyCat's Cat Corner! 🐈

SleepyShyCat August 22nd, 2022

Hello all!

This is my formal request for you to send me all the cat photos please 🥺😺💛

They're my favourite animal and special interest - please send me any fun facts you know or share stories of your own cat or even better... Send me cute photos!

Any kind of cat content I will love 💛😺💛

I will give you cookies for every cat related reply you send, promise 🍪🍪🍪

And if you would like, ask me for a random cat fact! I know so many and would be so happy to share 😁😁

Cats make me so happy, I can't even describe what it makes me feel, but they're my favourite, of everything.



mytwistedsoul September 12th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat So pretty! So much fluff!

SleepyShyCat OP September 12th, 2022


Yes, the fluffiest! It's adorable 💖😸

SleepyShyCat OP September 22nd, 2022

Cats are liquid...

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mytwistedsoul September 22nd, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Oh these are just so awesome! 😁 😂

SleepyShyCat OP September 22nd, 2022


It's great - cats really find the most uncomfortable places to sleep and somehow make it into the comfiest place lol

mytwistedsoul September 22nd, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Some of them have me wondering how they even managed to fit in those places! 😃

SleepyShyCat OP September 22nd, 2022


Which draws us to the only reasonable conclusion - cats are liquid, and can fit into any shape

September 27th, 2022



SleepyShyCat OP September 27th, 2022


When the cuteness is just too much 😮


SleepyShyCat OP September 24th, 2022

Here's some cute grumpy cats to reflect my current mood lol


emotionalTalker2260 September 27th, 2022


SleepyShyCat OP September 27th, 2022


Cat is sulking (cat secretly adores the affection 🥺💖)


emotionalTalker2260 September 28th, 2022


🥺💖 here for you

SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022



emotionalTalker2260 September 28th, 2022



More hugs for a cat 😀

EmbStitcher33 September 28th, 2022

_1664341564.Cat - meme.jpg

I edited it a weeee bit... lol.

SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022


Haha 😂 I go through this daily with my cat lol, they are excellent actors at pretending they haven't eaten in a week 😮

Juney23 September 28th, 2022

hi. i think this is so cute. i squeeled internally. i thought of getting one. but i feel overwhelm. i dont take good care of my stuff. im not handling myself well enough. so i assume im incapable. do you have cats?

SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022


Hello! Welcome to the best place on 7cups...Cat Corner! (lol, I'm biased here, and everywhere here is great it's no competition)

Aw, I'm so glad you like it! This is why I made the post, for other cat lovers like me! 🐈 I love cats, they're so adorable and there are many times I squeal about them too 😮

Owning any pet can be overwhelming and have its challenges, they're a big responsibility - but it is definitely possible to manage! It's good that you're aware of your own abilities, having a pet should be at a time which you feel capable to manage their needs, otherwise it could become stressful for you. I hope one day you feel able to 🐈‍⬛

Maybe you could visit a rescue center for cats and volunteer there, there's lots of opportunities like that, where you can engage with cats and cuddle them without having the responsibility of owning them. Cat centers near me ask for volunteers to socialise their kittens they get in, and give affection to their older cats. Or there's cat cafes, or a friend who might own a cat! Plenty of ways to still find the cuteness, and a way to judge if you might be able yourself to have a cat 😺

I have one cat at the moment, he's 2 and adorable, very playful, very mischievous, very talkative and very affectionate. He's black and white. Before him I had a tabby cat. 💖

Juney23 October 3rd, 2022

@SleepyShyCat i love your idea! im not aware if there's a cat centre or cafes near where i am but i'll look into it. and i do know a friend who has cats, im shy though thinking about visiting her only for cats hahaha, but it cant hurt to try. she offered me a young cat.. im close to accepting but i know im not ready yet. and thanks for the encouragement SleepShyCat. also, props to you everything here is sooo adorbs!! >.<

SleepyShyCat OP October 3rd, 2022


I'm glad you like the idea 😸

Definitely check out what cat related stuff you have going on locally - there is usually always something, and rescue centers are always on the look out for some extra hands 🐈

A catch up with that friend would likely be a very nice time just to see her... But also extra nice because of her cats 👀 I often visit my friends to see them and their cats - I like them both equally but the cats are always a bonus to have around!

And thank you! It makes me happy to hear that - my main goal here is to spread some cuteness across the site 😸😸

SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022



emotionalTalker2260 September 28th, 2022


awwwwww, thats uber cute 🥺💖


SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022


... Uber cute you say?


emotionalTalker2260 September 28th, 2022



SleepyShyCat OP September 28th, 2022

Time for some cat facts! Today is all about the Fishing cat! 🐟😺


Fishing cats are native to southern and south-eastern Asia, and are generally found in wetland areas like marshes, swamps and mangrove forests 🌿🐈

Due to their elusive nature, little is currently known about the behaviour, population and habitat of these nocturnal, semi-aquatic cats 🐾

The fishing cat is one of the largest of the 28 species of small cats! They have a length of around 85-115cm, and they stand over 40cm at shoulder height 😮 Male's can be significantly larger than female fishing cats, weighing between 8-14 kilograms, where as female's are between 5-9 kilograms 🐈‍⬛


Unlike many cat species, fishing cats readily swim! Their paws are partially webbed, and their claws protrude slightly even when retracted - an adaptation for capturing prey in the water 🎣

They have a compact, dense layer of fur which prevents water from reaching the cat’s skin, keeping them warm in cold waters. 🐈

Fishing cats can swim long distances and dive underwater to catch prey, although they tend to be generalists, opportunistically feeding on what is available at the time. They primarily eat small mammals and fish🐟


Some domestic cats also enjoy the water! Such as the Maine coon, Bengal, Abyssinian and Turkish Van to name a few 🙀

Here's some more cute photos of the Fishing cat!


mytwistedsoul September 29th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat I love their pink noses! They look like they're smiling 🙂

SleepyShyCat OP September 29th, 2022


They really do! I love their little ears too

MyCatOwnsMyHeart September 29th, 2022

_1664417271.71530418_116681283091915_6684307105956646001_n.jpg one of my kitties <3

mytwistedsoul September 29th, 2022

@MyCatOwnsMyHeart So fluffy! 😊 looks so peaceful amd cuddly. I bet she/he is very soft

MyCatOwnsMyHeart September 29th, 2022


He is! He likes to be hugged too, so he's great for cuddling 😊 And he's very sweet; he always seems to know when I am sick or feeling down and will come lie down with me.

mytwistedsoul September 29th, 2022

@MyCatOwnsMyHeart Aww he sounds awesome ❤️ Is he laying with a giraffe? 😃

MyCatOwnsMyHeart September 30th, 2022


hahaha, yes, that's a giraffe! I think he likes the company, when I'm not in bed I always find him sleeping among my teddy bears 😄

SleepyShyCat OP September 29th, 2022


So cute! I adore tabby cats 💖 and so floofy!! I agree with your username also 😸

fairmindedLion3668 September 29th, 2022


SleepyShyCat OP September 29th, 2022


Aww, taking a nap 🥺 grey cats are beautiful

MyCatOwnsMyHeart September 30th, 2022


so cute~ peacefully at sleep ❤️

Gelai213 September 29th, 2022

Hello! Meet my cat, her name is Madame (because she acts like one)😅😹

SleepyShyCat OP September 29th, 2022


Aww, is that madame in your pfp? I love cats who act like their name 😸

mytwistedsoul September 29th, 2022


Funny but I do feel for those in the path of the latest monster - so I apologize if it seems insensitive