What was your favorite moment about today?
What was your favorite moment about today?
You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!
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Becoming a senior in high school!!!
My favorite moment about today was when mum aloud me to come home from school
Favourite moment today was taking my mother and father out and treating them to food in Havester!
Breaking up with my boyfriend
Laying in bed.
This moment. *cue explosion*
Today nothing much, but yesterday night was a blast! I watched "The Boss", it was hillarious,never seen a movie like that before. LOVE Melissa Mccarthy. Can't wait for Ghostbusters + Kate Mckinnon
Making it through the day successfully (mostly) teaching a class I struggle with. Although I found it tough, it wasn't as hard as I'd worried it would be.
Having my housemate and best friend message me at 6am before work, just to say hi. we haven't had time for each other for ages and he usually only wakes up at about 7;30.
Snuggling my cat 🐱❤️