What was your favorite moment about today?
What was your favorite moment about today?
You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!
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My favorite moment about today was learning yet another coping skill from my therapist.
Finding out that Little Juddy can come home for the first time in Sunday
Seeing someone I care about finally smile
i made a new friend today. she talked to me about a few of the issues she was having and i supported her. her mother had promised her that she would put her back in counseling, but that hasn't happened in almost a year! i recommended her to 7 cups because i feel that it is a great place to talk about your feelings and feel that people actually care.
i am so glad that i was able to have such a positive impact on her and it made my day a whole lot better.
I finally did something noticeable and praise worthy at work. I'm not a ghost anymore!
When I felt like I could do it!
My favourite moment was eating my favourite food with my younger sister early this morning :)
My favourite moment was eating my favourite food with my younger sister early this morning :)
I spent all day with my s/o. every second of being at his side. dancing with him, banter with his friends while we worked (painting his mom's new house) every casual glance and 'I love you' in front of his friends - everything he did to make sure he knew he was still thinking about me/ wasn't too preocupied for me. Every song that came on that we've sung to together in my car. Every kiss and casual touch.... being so happy every second for hours.. not a common kind of day for me.