What's your most recent achievement?
Getting the verified listener badge!!
@FunkyNome - Yay! Congratulations and thanks for all that you do here as a listener!
@Anomalia. Thank you so much
I applied for no-pay Leave (scariest thing ever for a workaholic!) to work on healing my anxiety and depression with my parents' support.
1. There was a dear friend I love that had grown too dependant, emotionally on me, and needed to move forward with his life. I had to let him go with love and be selfless, nt angry for him leaving. And when he tried to stay out of love for me ( and dependance) but I knew it was not right for him to hold himself back - I told him, with love, to go. Even though it hurts.
2. I am very afraid of my new job, helping a very sick woman - my heart Breaks for her. She is dying. She can not move her body nor talk but has all her emotions and thoughts but no way of expressing them. But I am going to work with her anyways , even though my heart breaks for her and I am afarid. I am afarid but I am doing it anyways...because so many other people would just talk on their phone and ignore her - just tend to her physical needs. I know, I can Feel that her soul, emotions and intellect must be tended to. And I know I can do that with love and compassion.
~ So I am heartbroken but moving forward. I am afraid but doing it anyways. I am acting out of love and not fear. I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
@blissedNblessed - I'm really impressed with your ability to act out of love instead of fear and keep moving forward. You are doing good and selfless things for your friend and for this woman, and that's really admirable. Just make sure to also take care of yourself through all this tough stuff! <3
Thank you so much for this reminder of self care!
Today was the first day of work with that weoman - and I even put self care on my schedule, heh.
But I got home - hahahah- like 7 pm - And just went right to bed because I am/was just so emotionally exausted.
Is part of self care exessive sleep ?
Because without it - there is just too much to bear.
left the house for the first time on my own in months only went 50 yards but it felt so good to get out of the house I hope to make this a daily habit
My most recent achievement is quiting smoking cannabis and tobacco.
@JonOsterman - That's a huge accomplishment! What helped you to stop?
@Anomalia Doing it at the same time as my partner and nicotine replacement for the cravings.
Finally moving out of home!
@warmheartedMoon3159 - How exciting! Congratulations!
@Anomalia thanks :) means alot to me
I developed a closer relationship to my father who I realize is going through the same thing I am at the moment.
@mixologymermaid - Wow, that's fantastic! What helped you to get closer to him?
@Anomalia my grandmother actually called me to see if I was able to talk to him recently. She then began explaining to me about his battle with depression and other mental illnesses. I always thought he was just a jerk. But now we have a closeness and It helps us both a lot.