What's your most recent achievement?
Last week I hit my one year anniversary at work, pretty amazed that out of the 20 people that graduated from my training class only about 5 people remain. This speaks to how stressful, demanding and unforgiving the job can be.....it takes it's toll and requires one be accepting and let the impatient rude members roll off your back.
Took live counselling !
@warmheartedMoon3159 - That's fantastic! I know it can sometimes be a lot to get yourself there, but I think it can make such a big difference. Best of luck with it!
@Anomalia thank you so much..appriciate your comment
I became a World Record Holder with my lil bruv. I'm so proud of him.
@Cazzaworld - WOW, impressive! What is the record?
It was for the most people in a rounders match!!!
Got ride of some crap people out of my life
@Power14 rid*