What's your most recent achievement?
Took medications
Nice, that is an achievement. Especially when meds can make us feel funny, or when they cost money - there are all sorts of things that can unmotivate us from taking them. I'm glad you took that step, I hope you find it beneficial
I read 6 books in a week :D
@InfiniteCutiePi - WOW! That's a lot of reading and very impressive! Any recommendations from them?
yes!! I am very proud of myself actually :)...and yea, i recommend reading "the storied life of A.J.Fikry" it is really warm and lovely :)
also, i was in love with a book called " a study in charlotte" cause i love books with adventures and this one was full of them 💙
After being off work for a bit for mental health, I have finally decided the best path for me in terms of a career. I just started a part time job to help pay for classes! I'm excited to finally be moving in the right direction!!
My most recent achievement is that I've not only finally realised (again...!) one of the main reasons I become depressed every so often, I've felt it in my body. I don't just know, I realise and feel it, and I am finally able to do something about it! I am much more aware than I ever was. ☀️
@orangeWatermelon8349 - That's huge! I think understanding what's causing something makes it so much easier to make changes to help move forward. Way to go!
@Anomalia Thanks :). I was in this vicious cycle/circle for definitely the last 8.5 years, maybe even more. (Possibly closer to over ten years.)
The last three+ years I've been suffering with a chronic health condition. Recently, I've learned the only way to fully recover/heal from any type of illness is by healing your mind, body AND soul. Once I became aware of this, it helped me to become more aware of how I can help myself recover fully. :)
One of the things that has helped me regarding healing my soul is to get back in touch with the Universe and nature. Seeing the beauty of life for what it is. Also being mindful of my thoughts and feelings, any & all of them. Even if I'm having a bad day or bad moment, realise it doesn't last. It's just a moment & it'll pass. I'm slowly learning now & putting into practice of letting go of fear by choosing love. It really is amazing!
I've got a long way to go & feel I'm really just starting (even though I've had the illness for some time) my recovery journey right here & right now. :)
@orangeWatermelon8349 - I completely agree! Just focusing on fixing your mind or your body never lasts the way that healing holistically does! Best of luck in your journey. :)
@Anomalia Thank you :)
I got a new job at my student association in University and it is good so far, I am learning a lot. By the way, I survive my first year in University!
@ctha1 - Congratulations! Surviving year one and finding a new job are both huge accomplishments, and I'm so happy for you!
@ctha1 Congratulations on both of these achievements! 👍🏻 :).
Not relapsing for a year and 4 or 5 months (self harm).
@safeandsoundta - WOW!!! That's an enormous accomplishment, and I'm incredibly proud of you! Way to go!
@Anomalia Thank you so much! I appreciate your positivity. ❤
enojoyed eating some fried food without binging or purging- it may not seem like a lot but it TOTALLY is for me!
Getting to my 18th birthday is a huge achievement for me. Two years ago I never thought it was possible for me to still be here when I turn 18 let alone be as content with my life as I am. So I am glade I was able to beat my depression down enough to make it here.
@HatsEatYou - Happy Belated Birthday! That's amazing that you have overcome so much and made it to the magic 18! You are a warrior and I am incredibly proud of and happy for you! <3
@Anomalia Thank for your wonder reply, it means a lot to me.