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What's your most recent achievement?

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia February 2nd, 2016

Have you achieved a goal recently? You rock! Tell us all about it!

User Profile: orangeBike7471
orangeBike7471 October 19th, 2017

Getting the job I thought i would not get

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@orangeBike7471 - Congratulations - that's so exciting!!!

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User Profile: Worrior7373
Worrior7373 October 19th, 2017

Made it through the day alive. I survived today, so lets do it again tomorrow.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@Worrior7373 - That's a big accomplishment some days! And now you've survived several more, as well. Keep it up! :)

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User Profile: FantasiaSweetShock
FantasiaSweetShock October 19th, 2017

I got an A on my briefing paper which means that for this class all I have to do is write my final paper which isn't due for another 6 weeks.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@FantasiaSweetShock - Congratulations! You must have worked really hard on it to do so well - a great achievement!

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User Profile: hollowman10
hollowman10 October 19th, 2017

I had a dream where I was a squiggly line and i was conversing with the stars like on some floating platform, something out of marios bros., and i was standing on it there in a nebulous void, a hypothetical vacuum, there wereeven coins in the air, coins scattered around the void, gold coins that were the stars and they were talking to me from like a billion miles above. i was asked to understand the essence of nothing and the absence of nothing. and all was non-being but non-being looked like a wheel of radiating fire. then i somehow i was like on a roller coaster looping around in the heavens until i was swimming in a flux of phantoms like bats and crayola-flowers, mirrors candles all melded together in a weird phobia vision till i felt like i understood water. i had drowned but i was still alive and i knew water inside and out. water and fire were the same concept, twin brothers night and day, i saw it perfectly but a voice spoke and said the real gold is the wind that i could not yet see so i had to become a little miniature automaton like dude a toy soldier living forever inside a windmill. everything was cartoonish. constructed out of hyperreal pixellated puzzle pieces. tempest raging outside i could hear the torrents of rain belting down a million miles an hour and i could feel the blue/purplish lightning going off outside the windmill. but it all got scary when i saw these monstrous clocks everywhere. personified clock faces. really freakish grotesque looking clocks. cuckoo clocks and grandfather clocks making a hubbub of insane mechanical sounds. nightmare voices. and when i realized how scary it was the giant black spiders that i often dream of materialized and consumed everything. i felt their cold texture and they terrified me so much that was when i woke up.

User Profile: carefulWillow9076
carefulWillow9076 October 19th, 2017

Getting through the day.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@carefulWillow9076 - Some days that is absolutely a big accomplishment! And now you've made it through several more, too - you can do this. Just keep moving forward <3

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User Profile: inordinateenigma
inordinateenigma October 19th, 2017

this is kind of pathetic-sounding but i was able to talk to someone who i

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@inordinateenigma - Not pathetic at all! Sometimes it can be really hard to work up the courage to talk to someone new, and it's exciting to be able to do that and potentially make a new friend! <3

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User Profile: MeMyselfAndHer
MeMyselfAndHer October 20th, 2017

Today I frankly cant find any...there must be something I did good, something I achieved, but right now Im in the middle of a panic attack, and all I can see is that I am there again, no matter how good I do in my life, at night panic is there, every single night :-(

I cant take this anymore

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@MeMyselfAndHer - *hugs* Even on those days where it feels like nothing good happened, it's still an achievement to have gotten through one more day. I know things are really hard right now, but I believe in you and I believe it can get better.

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User Profile: versatileTangerine4633
versatileTangerine4633 October 20th, 2017

Getting selected as a finalist for the Questbridge National College Match! This means that I was not one of the 10,000 people who got cut from the program and I am in the running for a full four year scholarship to college!

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@versatileTangerine4633 - WOW! That's really impressive - you must have worked really hard to have achieved this!

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User Profile: Livemoore
Livemoore October 20th, 2017

My workplace is permanently closing. I had a month to find a new one before I was officially out of the job. I just got hired at this place that I think will be much better for my sanity and personal/financial growth. I didnt think I could do it, but now that I have, Im pretty proud of myself. I just hope Im good enough at the job to thrive.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@Livemoore - That's fantastic, and what a relief it must be to have found this new job! Congratulations and best of luck in the new role! <3

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain October 20th, 2017

I managed to be social today more than usual with only a minimal amount of anxiety about what to say to someone I didn't know yet. Sometimes I decide not to for lack of anything that seems clever but this time I spoke up anyway. :) This seems like more of an accomplishment after a long bout of depression which left me most days without any social energy whatsoever.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 25th, 2017

@CoinFountain - I'm proud of you for pushing through that anxiety and letting yourself speak up! What do you think was most helpful in being able to do that?

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain October 26th, 2017


I think the most helpful thing was to not over think it cause if I did I'd start worrying about the thing I thought of to say not being good enough or any number of other things that could go imperfectly. Also I think it helped me having got enough rest and probably having done some mindfulness the previous day before bed so I wasn't over anxious when the day started.

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain October 26th, 2017

Oh and thanks. :)

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP October 26th, 2017

@CoinFountain - Those are awesome strategies (and good tips for others, I imagine)!

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