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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

lazyKatz April 22nd, 2020


Not as such.... I have acouple of sleeveless tops that are too tight they do show my belly

Have you got any food in your room right now

GreyMirror April 22nd, 2020


Oh I would love you in those

GreyMirror April 22nd, 2020

I always hve food in my room on my bed😶...

Do you have a tray in your room?

lazyKatz April 22nd, 2020


Always have s tray at the ready...although lockdown seems to be swell up time..... tomorrow I'm going to look if I have elasticated jeans.

Do you you lockdown waist spreading elasticated jeans

GreyMirror April 22nd, 2020

I had one pair of elasticated jeans and boy did I look sexy and listened to AC/DC and had black and red zeebah thick shoes....

Do you have tgings under your bed?

lazyKatz April 22nd, 2020


From memory only the odd sock and an old letter to santa asking for a let me add that was from my grandson although I did use it .

Do you lie with one leg on top of the bedclothes or maybe that's just me.

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


Nope that is exactly me, lyieing witjmy feet crossed over the bed sheets or my feet all over the feet need to breathe too...smetimes I feel cold and cuddle but when I feel good I feel likr a free cat stretching and my feetallover the place...

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


Glad your back I tend to lie in strange positions..glad I'm not the only one that does it.

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


That is the philosophy of enjoying life, just be free, be yourself, relax, steetch and feel like the quuen of the fing world...😙😙😍❤❣

That is what frèedom and leisure and enjoying your life means...

Freedom of the legs...

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


I have Irritable legs on a night time and often wake up with a leg sticking up on the air

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


Have you spoken to a handsome therapist about your rare irritable leg up condition?

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


No it nothing serious mylehs just have a mind of there owm

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020



GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


You are cured, the next animation movie shpuld be called: "the legs!"😁😀😂

I thank you for remindingme of the sexy strip pens back in the day...we had glasses too and lighters...

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


Now we're showing out age..... don't forget every year I get younger

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


Yass you do❣❣❣

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


Do you have nice day dreams

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


Do you have nice day dreams

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


Nnot anymorey darling...I used to, every time all thetime, I am a smth robbed me...

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


That is so sad day dreams should be happy....please be happy

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


Remember how the worlds deteriprated in the never ending story...

I am losing my dreams...

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


I'm part...a big part of your dreams and baby Baby you've gotta know Barbie's dreams are very often stupid dreams but happy ones

lazyKatz April 23rd, 2020


And your always a big part of thrm

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020


And you are the core heart of mine❤...😶 you rescued my dreams and damaged as I am you keep my engine going and my horn honking😁😂

GreyMirror April 23rd, 2020

Do you have a dog in your room?

lazyKatz April 26th, 2020

No dog but acouple of sheep one possible chased in

Do you have a photo of your beloved in your room.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020

No more, all the photoes are in my mind now since my room and my private things used to be violated...

Do you have a tape cassette in your room?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

No, I used to have some pic maybe still do.... I'm not sure

Do you have a travel book in your room

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020

I used to have many travel books, atlases, guides and one was called 100 most beautiful places in France which I received as a gift from my colleagues...

Do you have an envelope knife in your room?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

No. I think I still have one downstairs in the bookcase

Do you have any cream by your bed

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020

Yes, several creams that are supposed to help with pains but they never do and an Uriage Copper Zinc cream which I use for healing wounds.

Do you have a red folder in your room?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

No, I have a small leather box though

Do you have a ready prepared letter in your room.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020

Not anymore since my room is not safe, my fault for allowing another abusive situation, I guess the best of fighters get tired after all...

I am a dreamer, no open letters for me...

Do you still have smth in your room that you like (I don't...)?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020


I have a sealed letter I wrote myself....yes I think I think I have something you wouldn't like

Do have anything in your room from when you got married

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


What would that be please?

Nothing left in my room from my marriage...

I remember the day of my divorce, she had her lawyer, I had nobody, not even a friend, crowded sweaty stinking summer courtroom with a female judge...

I only remember her saying smth like "Do you agree to the terms?" and I have said "Yes ", just like I said "Yes" on my marriage...

Before I married her I told her this: "No piece of paper or ring is going to bind us but our love, you and me against the whole world, if you have the slightest doubt that you love and you think you are going to leave me, do not marry me"...

Years later when she found happynes I reminded her of that and she told me "don't be such a child, people change, feelings change, such islife..."

What she didn't know was that unless her, I shall always be a child...

Do you have smth unuseful in ypur room?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

A letter to my daughter should it be needed

Sorry you don't have anything memories are important. I still have my veil and his hankie

Do you make any plans in your bedroom

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


I have all my memories deep inside my soul where tgey are safe for now, untill they find a way to invade and violate our souls too...

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


You must moss him alot...😔

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020

That is so responsible of you...

I was a dreamer, always made plans in my room, nightmares took over and haunting things...

No plans anymore since plans never come true...

Do you have smth you want to cange in your room?

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

Only one thing the fact that I'm in it!

Are you spending much time in your room.