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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

limpidalagrima January 14th, 2020

Not really, I wish I had one since I had when I was a child but now it's just the two old pillows under my head every would have been nice to have a hugging confort pillow....

Do you have smth antique or vintage in your room?

lazyKatz January 14th, 2020

I do have my mother's wedding ring that is several years old it's something I treasure.

Are you in your room now

limpidalagrima January 14th, 2020


That is endearing...very touching...

limpidalagrima January 14th, 2020

I am not in my room, I am dreaming of Britain and a small cosy, old narrowboat, with rabbits and foxes coming calling...My room is a cage so I like to dream, my mind is never in my room even if my body slowly rots away here...

Do you have a backpack in your room?

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

Oh narrow boats they are just a haven I lived in on a friend's for several months it was wonderful. For hours sometimes days I didnt speak to a soul . I was alone so it was hard to navigate the locks and steer though the basins but it was a great time and many pubs along the way brock the journey with an enjoyable meal and a few drinks. The nights were sometimes lonely but I'd do it again given the opportunity. Damn I've forgot was I supposed to be askiy a question.

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

No backpack someone asked to use it and I never had it back

Do you have a laptop in your room as well as your phone.

Goldcherry2113 January 15th, 2020

Using my Phone and laptop right now!

An oil diffuser?

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

Using both I find it hard enough using one

No but I have plenty of Yankee candles not alight at the moment. You know I know right?

Have you got any music on

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020


I have a mystery question for you.

Who can't I stay away from you?

limpidalagrima January 15th, 2020


Such is life and souls meant to be together...not even if they want to break apart they cannot do it...smth beyound our understanding...

tinycactus809 January 15th, 2020

Currently I don't have any music playing in my room, although I normally do.

I don't really know how to answer the mystery question 😅😂

Do you have any art supplies in your room?

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

I wouldn't call them art just a couple of prints nothing special but they they break the bareness of the walls also one frame with a photo of my mother myself and my daughter all taken on different beaches. And of course the mad cat lady had two Framed photos of her cats.

Do you have anything hanging on your walls

limpidalagrima January 15th, 2020

An art work of Laurel & Hardy...

Do you have a wicker basket in your room?

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

No wicker baskets

Do you have a picture in your mind of your perfect room

tinycactus809 January 15th, 2020



the walls are getting painted blue to match my new bed set.

All the furniture is getting a fresh coat of white paint

the zebra print parts of my room are getting replaced with gold colored stuff (curtains, chair, lamps, etc)

and best of all...


(this was a compromise, I originally wanted chalk paint on the wall but it would have been too expensive, and my mom didn't want chalk dust all over my room)

tinycactus809 January 15th, 2020


Do you have a fun-shaped bookcase?

(Mine's shaped like a dollhouse, my grandpa built it for me)

lazyKatz January 15th, 2020

Sounds nice

Do you have a favourite duvet cover for use in your room

Goldcherry2113 February 10th, 2020

I do not

Do you have a cute puppy on your bed?

lazyKatz February 10th, 2020

I sometimes have a cat but no dogs here

Do you have a phone pad in your room

ShadesOfGrace February 10th, 2020

I do not.

Do you have an autumn landscape painting in your room?

lazyKatz February 10th, 2020


Yes I would say it is .

Do you have a good view from your bedroom.

tinycactus809 February 11th, 2020

Not really. It faces the street so it's not horrid, but it's nothing special either.

Do you have a special comfy spot in your room?

ShadesOfGrace February 11th, 2020

I do! My special comfy spot is my bed. It's only been in the last few years that I've been able to sleep without fear and have actually been able to start enjoying being snuggly warm in the bed. It's especially nice on cold winter mornings.

Do you have an animal in your room?

zeeebah February 19th, 2020

Yes, I have an animal in my room, it is me😊...

Do you have smth green in your room?

Dancingfaerie February 19th, 2020

I have a green binder in my room 🙃

Do you have a lamp in your room?

lazyKatz February 19th, 2020

Yes I do have a lamp

Do you have an extra pillow

zeeebah February 20th, 2020

Always have an extra pillow.

Do you have something renovated by yourself in the room?

lazyKatz February 20th, 2020

Not in my room but have an extended trumpet on the wall in the bathroom used as a towel rail

Do you have storage drawers under you bed

juliak1968 February 20th, 2020



lazyKatz February 20th, 2020


Very interesting bones and a trumpet together. Thank you for that super pic.

juliak1968 February 20th, 2020


Your welcome! It was supposed to move but didnt so i got another. Great idea for your toel rack 🖒 i used to collect brass everything

lazyKatz February 20th, 2020


I have a bugle downstair and used to hang necklaces on it. I thought why not try something on a bigger scale.

juliak1968 February 20th, 2020


Very creative touch of class!🎷📯🎺

lazyKatz February 20th, 2020


Sometimes boredon makes you look at things in a different way, it's funny the uses objects can perform.

juliak1968 February 20th, 2020


Making due with what's on hand can lead to some beautiful discoveries. That includes getting to know new people


zeeebah February 20th, 2020


I like that they get another life and extend their meaning to us or to others, I would rather repurpose or reuse instead of buying new, not for money issues but to extend the life of objects...that's why a thrift/craft/antiques/salvage activity would fit my character...

juliak1968 February 20th, 2020


zeeebah February 20th, 2020

I do, I have two flat , double lid tubs, one for bed sheets, one for towels (I do not know why I have so many since I do not like to have surplus, just two of the same thing should be enough, one in use, one fresh, no need for more...)

Do you have harmony in your room?

lazyKatz February 20th, 2020


Talking and sharing with you is my harmony

my happy times. Most of those are when I'm in my room.

Do you smoke in your bedroom

mysticalSerendipity February 21st, 2020

No, I smoke out the window.

Do you have empy shelves in your room?