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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

Moj January 17th, 2017

I do, I've got a tractor figure and a little lamb. smiley

Do you have any flowers in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 17th, 2017

I do 🌻

Do you have any sketches in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 17th, 2017

I have a sketch my friend gave to me for my birthday, yes!

Do you have a tea cup in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 17th, 2017

No, but it sounds like a good idea right now (:

Do you have any autographed literature in the room?

WhoopsCat OP January 17th, 2017

I do, actually! I just got back from vacation over the weekend and haven't unpaked, so I still have some bottles in my room c:

Do you have any movies in your room? (bonus: which one of them do you like the most?)

BeingOfService January 18th, 2017

Yeah I have a whole bunch of DVDs on a shelf, but I don't actually watch them. I usually just watch Netflix on my computer.

Do you have food in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 18th, 2017

I have a cup of ramen noodles right next to me, yup! (Mmm, ramen)

Do you have a projecter in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 18th, 2017

I don't have a projector 😕

Do you have blinds in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 18th, 2017

Nope. I used to, but I can't stand blinds .-. I replaced them and installed curtians about 2 years ago.

Do you have a run in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 19th, 2017

Similar. An oriental rug

Do you have a traditional clock with hands in your room?

BeingOfService January 20th, 2017

No, though I wish I did because it can get really cold in here.

Do you have any drawings of your own in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 21st, 2017

Yes, well an attempt from many years ago (:

Do you have a desktop computer in your room?

BeingOfService January 23rd, 2017

No. I have a laptop computer that I keep at a large desk and I hook up two monitors, an external mouse and keyboard to, but it's not actually a desktop.

Do you have a musical instrument in your room?

bubblegumlilacs January 23rd, 2017

@BeingOfService I have a bass guitar I never learned how to play but refuse to sell.

Do you have perfume/cologne in your room?

LonelyLostGirll January 23rd, 2017

I do have a lot of perfume in my room.

Do you have any jewelry in your room?

SympatheticWheel3336 January 26th, 2017

@LonelyLostGirll I have alot of jewellery in my room, especially ear rings!!

WhoopsCat OP January 23rd, 2017

I used to have a lot more, but I've got a couple of necklaces!

Do you have a twin-sized bed in your room?

gregariousPenny255 January 23rd, 2017

No, mines a queen

Do you have a lizard in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 23rd, 2017

Probably. Where I live, there are lizards EVERYWHERE. It's not unisual for me to wake up to a lizard on my pillow.

Do you have a sewing kit in your room?

BrightRedFlower2322 January 23rd, 2017


Yes I do safe place away from children

Do you have a TV in your room

BeingOfService January 23rd, 2017

No, I used to have one many years ago but I sold it to pay for college. Now I have to drive to my friends' house 20 minutes away to play smash :P

Do you have unpacked luggage in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 24th, 2017

From 2 weeks ago, yes!

Do you have an alarm clock in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 24th, 2017

Yes, but I honestly rely on my phone. Nostalgia (:

Do you have a white noise machine in your room?

BorealSky January 24th, 2017

No, I didn't know what was that before I saw this post and googled it lol

Do you have an instrument in your room?

Compassionatelistener108 January 24th, 2017


Lol, I don't have one either. I was running out of novel ideas 🤔

Yes, I have a piano.

Do you have an white board in your room?

SympatheticWheel3336 January 26th, 2017

@BorealSky Yes! I have my guitar smiley

WhoopsCat OP January 24th, 2017

I do! There's one attatched to the back of my desk! :)

Do you have any soda bottles in your room?

HatsEatYou January 24th, 2017

Yep. Its empty though :(

Do you have a pin board in your room?

AwkwardRogue January 24th, 2017

Yes! I have keychains from everyone pinned there.

Do you have a posters up your wall?

BrightRedFlower2322 January 24th, 2017

No poster I don't just a picture of a tiger from an old calendar

Do you have a night light in your room

SympatheticWheel3336 January 26th, 2017

@BrightRedFlower2322 Yes I do have a night lamp !

spasticrabbit January 24th, 2017


Do you have a plant in your room?

HatsEatYou January 24th, 2017

Yep i have an alo vera plant.

Do you have a ornament self in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 26th, 2017

No, they're mostly scattered about in my room.

Do you have any scarves in your room?

SympatheticWheel3336 January 26th, 2017

Do you have a piggy bank in your room?

BorealSky January 26th, 2017

Yes I have a piggy bank (Actually a Cow from switzerland lol)

Do you have a bathroom door in your room?

WhoopsCat OP January 26th, 2017

Nope, I'm the only one in my house without an on-suite. Which I guess is a good thing, because we use my bathroom as the guest bathroom!

Do you have any bowls in your room (if so, what do they hold)?

BeingOfService January 26th, 2017

Nope :( There's a bunch downstairs from Cambodia which are pretty looking, but none upstairs in my room.

Do you have a sports jersey in your room / closet?

BrightRedFlower2322 January 27th, 2017

No I don't

Do you have a snake in your room

Compassionatelistener108 January 27th, 2017

No snakes (:

Do you have a terrarium in your room?