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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 June 25th, 2017

No, don't know what fairy lights are.

Do you have something in your room that is brand new, never used?

cloudySummer June 26th, 2017

@OrangeYouGlad68 I'm not a native speaker, but what I think they are is lights on a chain, e.g. LED lights.

Pleiades20 June 26th, 2017


Yeah, I think it's what in US English would be called Christmas lights--a bunch of little lights on a strand/electrical cord.

LittleAardwolf June 25th, 2017

Probably some art stuff, but nothing major

Do you have playing cards?

TaranWanderer June 25th, 2017

I have blank playing cards used for magic, if that counts :)

Do you have a costume in your room?

LittleAardwolf June 26th, 2017

Yes :) Kings outfit

Do you have a pet?

OrangeYouGlad68 June 26th, 2017

Yes, two cats

Do you have in your room something plaid?

Pleiades20 June 26th, 2017

I'm at the office right now, but at home I have many plaid things in my room!

Do you have in your room anything with polka dots?

LifeCoach18 June 26th, 2017

No Polka dots in the room I am in this moment. Do you see any stripes?

LittleAardwolf June 26th, 2017

Lined paper lol

Do you have a food item?

BeingOfService June 26th, 2017

Does lemonade count?

Do you have anything made in 2017 in your room that's not food?

sail46 June 26th, 2017


Do you have a magnify glass.

LifeCoach18 June 26th, 2017


Not in plain sight from what I know, unless glasses count. Do you have an exercise ball?

cloudySummer June 27th, 2017

Yes - a chocolate easter egg.

Do you have a book about animals in your room?

LittleAardwolf June 27th, 2017

I have a few. Though one just has stickers lol

Do you have an item starting with G?

OrangeYouGlad68 June 27th, 2017

Yes - My green couch

Do you have a mirror in your room?

OrangeWarrior June 27th, 2017

(The previous, blank post was a mistake.)

I wish!

Do you have any shoes in your room?

NourrirVotreAme June 27th, 2017


Do you have anything related to a show or cartoon you like?

LittleAardwolf June 27th, 2017

A small spongebob plush :p

Anything pink?

BrightRedFlower2322 June 27th, 2017

Yes my daughters clothes on the indoor clothes line in my room

Do you have blanket with animals on it

NourrirVotreAme June 27th, 2017


Anything dangerous in your room?

cloudySummer June 27th, 2017

Everything can be dangerous, depending on how you use it, so: yes :)

Do you have some quirky kind of pen/pencil in your room? (e.g. glitter, UV color, multi-color, twistable,...)

NourrirVotreAme June 27th, 2017

Yes I do. Many :p

Do you have a photo in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 June 28th, 2017

Yes, many generations of photos

Do you have needle and thread in your room?

NourrirVotreAme June 28th, 2017

Not in my room.

Do yoy have anything that is not more than a month old?

Ocendade June 28th, 2017


Do you have a live plant of any sort in your room?

LittleAardwolf June 28th, 2017

A chia pet lol but it's not alive yet.

Do you have an object shaped like an animal? (figure, plush, etc)

NourrirVotreAme June 28th, 2017

I had, but that was a gift for a friend!

Do you have anything glittery in your room?

Pleiades20 June 28th, 2017


Yes, I have a glittery plastic decoration that I saved from a Valentine's Day cupcake, haha.

Do you have a broom in your room?

NourrirVotreAme June 29th, 2017

No, i don't.

Do you have anything related to Sherlock in your room?

BeingOfService June 29th, 2017

I have an app named Sherlock on my computer lol but IDK if that counts.

Do you have something owned by a person of a different gender in your room?

OrangeWarrior June 29th, 2017

If we're talking about previous ownership, I do - some clothes that belonged to relatives of mine in the past. If we're talking about something that is not mine, I have some clothes in my room which actually still belong to a relative of mine. (There are a lot of clothes in my room!)

Do you have any plastic or paper cups (such as those you get at Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts)?

NourrirVotreAme June 29th, 2017


Do you have diamond in your room?

sail46 June 29th, 2017


Do you have an art sketchbook.

sunnyLight35 June 29th, 2017

Not exactly. A kids coloring book. To be precise.

Do you have a fireplace in your room?

LittleAardwolf June 29th, 2017

That would be neat, but no

Do you have more than 3 pillows?

cloudySummer June 29th, 2017

Just the one I'm sitting on.

Do you have any board games in your room?

NourrirVotreAme June 30th, 2017

sadly NOOOOO

Do you have an annoying person in your room?

cloudySummer June 30th, 2017

Not currently :) (but I'll join him soon, and he's only annoying sometimes)

Do you have manuals in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 June 30th, 2017

No, no manuals.

Do you have an unfinished project in your room?