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1000 reasons to be happy.

1000ReasonsToBeHappy October 28th, 2014

Hi everyone!

My username is, like you can see, 1000ReasonsToBeHappy and I thought it would be a nice idea to start a thread called like that where people can share the things that make them happy.

A thread like this already exists in the Listener's Only forum but now everyone can join!

Please numberizeyour reasons why you can be happy so it can be counted.

You can post more than one thing by the way.

Let's go! :)

1000ReasonsToBeHappy OP October 28th, 2014

Let me start with the first thing that makes me happy..

1. Candles

Xyo October 28th, 2014
saleenlmz October 28th, 2014

3. Music :)

DreWott October 28th, 2014

Sheep c;

Xyo November 13th, 2014

baah ;D

Irene1 October 28th, 2014
Mlee123 October 28th, 2014

7.) that Tommorrow is a new day!

ynitsed October 28th, 2014

8. Iced water when you're really thirsty!

BreW1027 October 28th, 2014

9. School and learning

10. Coffee! :)

11. My Iphone for keeping me company when I'm in an awkward situation

AngelWings61636 October 30th, 2014

12. Jesus

13. My boyfriend

Alicianne October 30th, 2014

14. My best friend,who is almost 8.000 miles away, because he's closer than a brother. (I love him so much.)

Owly7 October 30th, 2014

15. The smell of cold

Gwynn4Ayuda October 30th, 2014

16. Because i have access to a computer!

sgtpepper214 October 30th, 2014

17. Netflix and chocolate

Gaultierre October 30th, 2014

18) warm hugs and cuddles
19) hot cocoa

Radish October 30th, 2014

20) free food

SirJames October 30th, 2014

My wonderful girlfriend . :-)

Asparagus515 November 5th, 2014

21. Hedgehogs

22. Fall

23. This great website and all the people on it!

24. Roadtrips

Michaela42 November 6th, 2014

25. My beautiful mother

honestOrange57 November 6th, 2014

27. Figuring out my career path

slw1994 November 6th, 2014

28. Love ♡♡♡ :)

Ragnarok November 6th, 2014

29. Warm Green Tea with favorite book while outside raining

30. Snow

SmilewithMae November 7th, 2014

31. Nutella

​32. Animals

MarianaCoco November 7th, 2014

33. All the amazing listeners in here that take their time to listen to everyone. 34. My new Job

nikoszn1 November 7th, 2014

Not really,i have been blocked by 5listeners today

slw1994 November 7th, 2014

So maybe it's you & not the listeners?

nikoszn1 November 7th, 2014

what? i really hate this community.

slw1994 November 7th, 2014

Maybe find somewhere else if you hate it so much? No one is making you stay, & I'm sure you can find somewhere else that you won't hate. As for being blocked 5 times-there are rules and regulations that the listeners here have to follow, if they feel it necessary then they can block people. Some listeners use that button a bit too freely, but if FIVE different ones blocked you, then it's time to assess the situation. And again, if you hate it, no one is making you stay. Sorry you feel this way but there are wonderful listeners here and they help make this community great. Best of luck.

nikoszn1 November 7th, 2014

People with your attidue make me hate this community. ^Maybe its you and not the listeners^.Actually one of them asked me where am i from and when i said greece she ended the chat.

slw1994 November 7th, 2014

Best of luck. :)

honestTown43 February 10th, 2015

Hello, don't take it personal it could be one of a few reasons, a listener was triggered, something you was talking about was against the guidelines or an accident.

ShonaC November 10th, 2014

34. My Partner

35. My friends

36 kitties pudgy or not, lol

37. 7 Cups of Tea site & the people here

All of these make me happy smiley

holypen1 November 13th, 2014

38. Warm weather

39. Holidays

40. Music

41. Happy People :)

SemanticSatiation November 13th, 2014

42: really big, fluffy dogs who love being petted :)

missmaidmerien November 13th, 2014

43. Candy

44. My talents

45. Caffeine

holypen1 November 13th, 2014

What are your talents? :)

missmaidmerien November 13th, 2014

I'm a writer, both poetry and articles. :) I'm also pretty good with kids, but I think that's less of a talent and more they just like the fact I'm the same maturity level as them :P

CriticalCondition February 10th, 2015

46. Laughter :)

Honestdream February 10th, 2015

47. Being cosy

Honestdream February 10th, 2015

48. Having spare money