Computer games for sure but I enjoy some console games. I find the level of control on a PC game much more satisfying and prefer the ease of use of the keyboard and mouse for strategy, survival, and building games.
I got started playing games through xbox but once I had access to a pc, I pretty much exclusively played pc games. I still use an xbox controller with my pc sometimes though. Most games are available on pc while quite a few aren't avilable on console. Plus, precision when using a mouse and one main place to get games i.e. steam. So there are a lot more pros using a pc than console. I'd totally get a switch for portability though.
It honestly depends on the games!!!
I choose both as I play on PS4 and on PC. Though there are great games that I can play only online like World of Warships, World of Tanks or casino syndicate slots. So, the choice depends mostly on the game and my desire.
This post still active?
@Juzouzzz I think it might be dead now. Just checked OP's profile & she hasn't been here in months.
@Kate Aren't they more or less than same these days?