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Considering becoming vegetarian....pros/cons?

User Profile: Haley622
Haley622 June 20th, 2015

I'm considering becoming vegetarian.... what are some pros/cons? reply please :)

User Profile: limeBeechwood4836
limeBeechwood4836 June 20th, 2015

You won't be killing animals anymore, you won't be getting more protein then what you need DAILY (meat eaters get 3x more then what they're supposed to), it's also a lot cheaper

User Profile: Sidthekid52799
Sidthekid52799 June 21st, 2015

If you do just make sure you eat enough food to get your daily nutrition.

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User Profile: bohemianartist72
bohemianartist72 August 5th, 2015

It's expensive especially in a 3rd world country. It is difficult to find a cheap source of iron in vegetables.

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User Profile: RocketClouds
RocketClouds June 21st, 2015

Hey! Here's a list of pros and cons of becoming a vegetarian


1. Less animals killed

2. More healthy options

3. Meat replacements taste pretty good if not the same

4. More veggies! And they are always healthy

5. Many vegetarians tend to be more health concious which is good for your health

6. You can try a whole new variety of vegetarian food which can be a treat for your taste buds!

7. Many times diseases can get passed on from animals


1. Meat does have a lot of proteins

2. You might it find it hard initially to follow the diet

3. Might reduce your options if you're a picky eater

4. Your body might react to change in diet but depends on how you change it and on your body processes

Hope I could help! ^.^

User Profile: Bianca0210
Bianca0210 June 22nd, 2015

If you do choose to be a vegetarian, good luck! Like @Sidthekid52799 said though, make sure to take in your daily nutrients. Maybe even consider vitamins/supplements!

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia June 25th, 2015

Another pro that I didn't see mentioned is that vegetarianism is far more sustainable for the planet. And another con to be aware of is that the iron found in sources outside of animals is different from the iron in red meat and can be harder for your body to absorb, so you need to be extra vigilant to make sure you aren't becoming anemic.

User Profile: lovelyOcean15
lovelyOcean15 July 13th, 2015

Hey everyone :) my mom is a vegetarian, so do I!. Its so good for being a vegetarian. Its healthier, and also always making my day :)

User Profile: uglyPandaMan
uglyPandaMan July 17th, 2015

I think the cons are mainly the difficulties when you have to travel, go to someone's party, etc..

User Profile: AlovingFriend
AlovingFriend July 28th, 2015

I would definitely recommend it! I've done so in the past, and felt amazing. You'll feel more energized and your moods will change for the better. But like others have said, be serious about finding other sources of protein because you do need it.

User Profile: seraine
seraine July 28th, 2015

The biggest con to going veg is dealing with other people. They will question you, give you looks, rain down the judgement, pull ignorant jokes, ignore your discomforts, and suddenly become experts on all of human biological history and your personal nutritional needs. Just stay strong and find that core inner peace and goodness that motivated you to start in the beginning ;) .

User Profile: busyvegetarians
busyvegetarians October 23rd, 2015

The comments above explained very well all the benefits. Maybe one cons (isnt a big issue), is to deal with people who doesn't understand vegetarianism, stupid jokes like "what you eat? just brocolli?". At the beginning, is a little bit annoying but then when you compare your health with many of them, you see a lot of difference. Of course if you follow a healthy vegetarian program plus exercise, you will be in better shape than average omnivores.