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The Big Garden Birdwatch

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 January 20th, 2023

Are there any keen bird spotters here? Or are you interested in watching, photographing or drawing birds and wildlife?


[Image of a Robin looking at it’s reflection in a window]

Did you know, in the UK, every last weekend in January, people up and down the country take time to participate in the Big Garden Birdwatch? People are encouraged to spend an hour observing their natural space to watch and count the birds and wildlife in their local area. The public then feedback all of their wildlife sightings to the RSPB.

The RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) are a conservation charity, who monitor the status of bird and wildlife populations using the data provided during these surveys. Every bird watch matters and everyone who takes part is taking action to protect birds for generations to come.

To encourage birds into your garden, you can make your own DIY bird feeders using a hollowed out orange half, tying string to hang it and filling it with seeds.


[Image shows an orange hanging by string, filled with black sunflower seeds]

You don’t need a garden to participate, the birdwatch can be done in a local park or green space nearby. And if you need help with identification, there are lots of resources and ID looks up on Google!

Want to take a fun quiz to find out what kind of bird you are? QUIZ HERE

If you are in the UK, you can find more details about the Big Garden Birdwatch, 27th - 29th January 2023 HERE

🌿If you are in another country, do you have anything similar that helps monitor the wildlife that you could take part in? Or you could spend some time outside to enjoy the nature around you and take some time to relax and unwind.

🌼Please let us know in the comments if you take part and what you spotted! Or share with us your favourite or rare bird/wildlife spots!

Taglist:@Aileen1114117 @Aliceiin3rdwonderland @confidentrabbit7311 @CosmicMiracle @DipityEnigma @EmotionsListener @FallandWinterPlease00 @HealingTalk @hiraxx @Interestingkiwi @interlligentshawzk @jujubears @LadyOrgasma @Liv125 @Lou73 @Meifeng @Merliah001 @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @NicholasW @NixiePixieStick @Paprika001 @practicalTree3613 @SerenitysFire @SleepyShyCat @SmileSravani @SparklingSeashells @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sweetrosa1987 @ThadSterling @theboymoana @tidyHickory3283 @Walker7957 @WarmLightXO @WorriedMagpie @help127

Photo credit: Robin - RSPB, Orange feeder: Real Housemoms

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 20th, 2023

We will be having a discussion on birdwatching and other hobbies in nature in the Hobby Zone room (adult) on Saturday at 2pm, everyone is welcome to join in!

@Aileen1114117 @Aliceiin3rdwonderland @confidentrabbit7311 @CosmicMiracle @DipityEnigma @EmotionsListener @FallandWinterPlease00 @HealingTalk @hiraxx @Interestingkiwi @interlligentshawzk @jujubears @LadyOrgasma @Liv125 @Lou73 @Meifeng @Merliah001 @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @NicholasW @NixiePixieStick @Paprika001 @practicalTree3613 @SerenitysFire @SleepyShyCat @SmileSravani @SparklingSeashells @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sweetrosa1987 @ThadSterling @theboymoana @tidyHickory3283 @Walker7957 @WarmLightXO @WorriedMagpie @eatingpopcorns @SolitaryBird @PatientImpatiens @Vivkun9 @recliningfate

User Profile: ReadBooks7
ReadBooks7 January 20th, 2023

@Lou73 thank you so much! I love the images! I am so far planning to sleep as much as possible tomorrow, but I will try to stop by the Hobby Zone room. I really appreciate!😊❤️

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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

Thank you @Help127 Look forward to seeing you! 🙂🍃

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User Profile: SolitaryBird
SolitaryBird January 20th, 2023


Wow! That made me smile a lot, Lou. Thank you! And just last night I happened to be dreaming of a robin. Thanks also for the information in the post - I didn't know that - and for letting me know about the discussion. I will participate. I saw a great *** recently. 😉

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User Profile: SolitaryBird
SolitaryBird January 20th, 2023

*Parus major - the bird I saw.

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

Aww @SolitaryBird the Robin in your dream sounds lovely! You're very welcome for the info and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow :) They are such pretty birds!

User Profile: cloudySummer
cloudySummer January 28th, 2023

@SolitaryBird Haha, that automated censor is not into birds a lot...

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User Profile: SleepyShyCat
SleepyShyCat January 21st, 2023


I often sit with my grandparents and watch the birds in their garden. It's surrounded by fields and a small woodland so usually there's a wide variety in what we can spot. It's always fun to do. Some of the more regular birds have some funny personalities 😆

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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

Aww @SleepyShyCat it sounds like a wonderful hobby to do with your grandparents :) It sounds like the perfect location for spotting too! hehe that's so cute that you know some of them so well, they obviously like it there! 🦅

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User Profile: calmAngel5296
calmAngel5296 January 21st, 2023

Yes! What a fantastic photo! My favorite pastime is wildlife photography, and birds are my absolute favorite.


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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

Ikr @calmAngel5296! I can't take credit though but it's such an amazing photo!

We would love to see some of your wildlife photography here if you'd like to share?

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User Profile: calmAngel5296
calmAngel5296 January 21st, 2023

I would love to, but unfortunately, all my photos are on another computer, and I will need to transfer them. Keep watching, lol, and I will post the promised photos


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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

No worries @calmAngel5296, we look forward to seeing them :)

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User Profile: teenytinyturtle
teenytinyturtle January 21st, 2023

Ooh, I take part in this every year (: I love doing it, even if I don't recognise some. It's a good activity to do mindfully, for sure!

We often have a green woodpecker in our garden 🐦

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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 21st, 2023

That's great to hear @CalmCoral! It really is a lovely activity to do mindfully :) Aww green woodpeckers are lovely and have a very distinctive laughing call 😝

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic January 28th, 2023

@Lou73 Its this weekend so I will be out sitting in my freezing cold garden and see what I can see!

Hope others join in! Let us know what you see in this thread :)

Listening - One Step At A Time!

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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 28th, 2023

Aww yay, glad to hear you're taking part @MistyMagic 😊 make sure you keep warm!

My garden has been unusually quiet today :( so I'm hoping tomorrow will be better 🦅

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User Profile: Aloneistand
Aloneistand January 28th, 2023


I love birds! I saw a hoopoe in the cold of snow and winter last week here! Im not sure thats the right name but their head pattern was the same. It surprised me why I saw that single one in the snow!

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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 28th, 2023


Oh wow Hoopoes are amazing birds! I don't know a lot about them and their migration or habitat preferences as we don't have them here but it sounds very rare to see them in the snow! What an exciting spot 🤩

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User Profile: cloudySummer
cloudySummer January 28th, 2023

Yes, we have something like that, too. It's called 'The hour of the garden birds' (Die Stunde der Gartenvögel). It's not in winter, though, but in May, so the migrating birds will be there, too.

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User Profile: cloudySummer
cloudySummer January 28th, 2023

The quiz says I'm a blackbird. That also would have been my choice, I like them a lot.

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 29th, 2023

wow that's really interesting @cloudySummer, thank you so much for sharing that with us. It makes a lot of sense to do it in May to observe the migrating birds 🥰🦅

Aww yay blackbirds are so sweet and the prettiest song 🎵

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User Profile: SleepyShyCat
SleepyShyCat January 28th, 2023

An image of what my grandparents did to me so I could sit in their garden and keep a bird watch while they sat in the warm 🥶🐦


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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 29th, 2023

Hahaha love that @SleepyShyCat! I can relate and I think I do this to myself now 😝

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