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What is your best tip for a healthy night's sleep?

User Profile: Strength1
Strength1 February 1st, 2018

What is your best tip for getting a good night

User Profile: Booklover95
Booklover95 February 1st, 2018

To me is taking a hot shower at night. It really relaxes my muscles and makes me super sleepy

User Profile: Strength1
Strength1 OP February 5th, 2018

For myself, I listen to a sleep CD, which contains relaxing, soothing musical sounds which naturally induce sleep. One can find a number of these out there in stores.

Drinking chamomile tea helps some as well, or sleep-type teas.

User Profile: SpruceRaven
SpruceRaven February 5th, 2018

Stop using any screen or media device (phone, tablet, reader, laptop, television) at least one hour before bed.

Take magnesium before bed.

User Profile: Imaginativa2930
Imaginativa2930 February 5th, 2018

@Strength1 I have to say I wasn't a big fan of mindfulness. But I have found it helps me to sleep, one especially, not all work for me but some do help to sleep. I hope it helps you or anyone who need it too. My psychologist recommended taking a shower before going to bed as someone commented before and drinking a especial tea.

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User Profile: contentedApple95
contentedApple95 February 7th, 2018

@Imaginativa2930 I find this helps for me too!

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User Profile: Imaginativa2930
Imaginativa2930 February 7th, 2018

@contentedApple95 Yay!^w^

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User Profile: compassionateWaterfall12
compassionateWaterfall12 February 7th, 2018

I take gummy melatonin. I have a sound machine to block minor noises, but not overly loud ones for emergencies if needed. I drink some nighttime tea that has chamomile in it. I also reduce the lights an hour before bed and block blue light from any media screen.

User Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean February 7th, 2018

I think perhaps shutting things down at "least" 30 minutes to an hour before you want to actually fall alseep is a good goal... It helps to shut down the mind and the thoughts.

I like meditation music and sounds to help calm and relax me as well. Which relaxes the body and mind... and turns off those "pesky" thoughts. And of course.. my little puppy cuddled up next to me helps too wink

User Profile: 8Moonlight
8Moonlight February 7th, 2018

Free your mind from all the thoughts.

User Profile: StarhawkeMystery
StarhawkeMystery February 7th, 2018

I think listening to calm music..reading a book really helps (me)💕💕

User Profile: neatBalloon7178
neatBalloon7178 February 7th, 2018

Drinking cammomile tea, listening to relaxing music and reading, and going to bed early

User Profile: blissedNblessed
blissedNblessed February 7th, 2018

if i am trying to sleep - and i can't - i get out of bed and do something boring. Then when i am tired again, i get back in bed to sleep. I do this so i dont pair the bed with anything but sleeping ...and it really works for me.