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Share your nightmares.

astm September 24th, 2015

A place where we can reflect on our bad dreams and give support to each other.

astm OP September 24th, 2015

Today's nightmare:

My mom wanted me to clean the kitchen in a lot of steps, and i couldnt because of my anxiety. i was trying but i couldnt, she pushed me and pushed me to do it, i kept trying but i couldnt. i was scared of her because i knew she was pissed. when she saw that i wasnt it she pins me down and starts tickling me but it was hurting me, and then i realized that when she did this is was because she was trying to hurt me. she was doing it as a punishment, and i was trying so top her with my hands because it hurt a lot, i was angry and i wanted to stop her, but then she started to choke me so i would stop, and i started to faint. i felt her anger and with this she was telling me im the one in charge. i felt helpless.

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

@astm - I wonder if there is a part of you that is angry that wants to tell you: You can be in charge!

astm OP September 24th, 2015

Yeah, I kinda was, because I was fighting back.

But it also helped me see something.

The dream made a situation in my real life much more extreme that what it actually is, but that way it brought it to my attention and I can see it more clearly. Hope that makes sense haha.

Chiaroscuro1 September 25th, 2015

@astm - It makes sense. I'm glad you could have this insight. Any idea on how seeing this clearly can help you move forward?

astm OP September 25th, 2015

I think the clearer you see things, the more you can take action about it, you know... "the truth will set you free" :p

Thank you for your comments :D

Chiaroscuro1 September 25th, 2015

You are very welcome

September 24th, 2015

I have nightmares way too often. This is a great thread, thanks for creating it.
This night actually I had one. I was dreaming about that someone ate me and I looked to world inside of their stomach. It was awful and I felt sick when I woke up.

astm OP September 24th, 2015

Hi. I have nightmares really often too, almost everyday. I'm glad you think this was a good thread :)

You dreams sounds horrible, I hope you feel better now.

Take care.

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

@alexlove - Do you know the person? Maybe the dream wants to show you that that person's or other people's inner worlds can be horrible too. Will that change how you think or feel about them?

September 24th, 2015

That's interesting thing, I didn't think about that. I'm a person without empathy, I'm not sure it is like that.

Celaeno September 24th, 2015

Fantastic place to share our demons. Great idea, @astm!

I want to excuse for my strange nightmares beforehand. They are absurd, rarely singular, and closely intertwined with my experiences, so they don't make much sense for anyone other than me. Fears are very personal, so I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise. But I think it can be helpful to write them down, so we can all keep them at bay.

A university trip with my professors, classmates, and family to see 16th century bridges. I felt anxious that I will have to answer historical questions I don't know nothing about. Then there was a stop at sex museum, and next one to see some circus act, and it all made me uncomfortable. I wanted to join in and sing a song, but it was in Dutch which I don't know, and crowd laughed at me.

There was a musical production near some ancient ruins. I saw a bird which crumbled these amazing architectural structures by one simple hit of his beak. I wanted to help, so I throw the pebble near the animal to scared it off. Instead of flying away, the bird attacked one of the sound guy. The young man was bleeding. I started to tend to his wounds. I felt incredibly guilty.

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

@Celaeno - Do you feel guilty in your outside life? Did you cause someone pain indirectly? What meaning does history have for you?

Celaeno September 24th, 2015

No, I didn't cause any pain and I don't feel guilty, @Chiaroscuro1. Those dreams are just collages of my daily experiences and people I've met - I am currently occupied with art history studies, and also family trip to Netherlands. And I'm very fond of musicals, too ^^

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

Maybe you are not quite feeling ready or prepared? Or maybe it is as you say - your daily life spilling over into your dreams. What is the feeling in the dream that makes this a nightmare?

Celaeno September 24th, 2015

@Chiaroscuro1, I would lean over to the "daily life spilling over dreams" choice. About the nightmare aspect - both dreams were fluently connected with each other in terms of anxiety. In the first one I was constantly afraid and nervous, having feeling to be looked at which I don't like. And after all of this stressed, the attack of bird was terrifying, and so vicious, it just left a mark on me.

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

Nightmares are horrible. I really hope that you will sleep much better tonight.

Celaeno September 24th, 2015

Thank you, @Chiaroscuro1. I wish you the same, lovely. We don't deserve any more sorrows, even at night.


Sleep tight!

astm OP September 24th, 2015

Thank you for sharing @Caleano!

And don't worry about your dreams being weird, all dreams are weird :p

Hope that writing about it gave you more perspective. Take care.

Celaeno September 24th, 2015

It helped a bit, yes, @astm. I hope you will be free from your anxiety in your kingdom of dreams. You deserve heartwarming visions of love and comfort.

Sleep well tonight, wonderful!

astm OP September 25th, 2015

You too heart

WickedGrim September 24th, 2015

Well, I was reading through the other nightmares..and's mine. It's a doozy!

WARNING: A BIT GRAPHIC in terms of blood

I was trapped in this castle. There were pools of opaque red thick liquid everywhere. Moats of the stuff. Rivers of the stuff. There was a serpentile woman chasing after me, and I had no choice but to dive into..what I soon realized was blood, to swim away.

In the blood were these large creatures that looked like leeches and big toes had a love child. They were FAST wriggly bastards and leapt and dived at me, trying to bite me and pull me under. I felt heavy and disgusted, and blood got in my mouth. When I made it out of the pools, I ran ran ran ran! Then I realized my foot was hurting.

I raised up the bottom of my right foot to see if I'd stepped on something, and I saw a needle, a gold thumbtack, and some kind of thorn..embedded..just under the first layer of skin on my sole. It both fascinated and revulsed me. I managed to wiggle and pick the thumbtack out and used it to--like removing a splinter--get the other junk out of my foot. The serpentile lady was making good time on me..I knew she'd get me soon. I was wasting time..but couldn't seem to make myself stop tending to my foot.

...and when she caught up and crowed at me with laughter.. touching me from behind..I woke up.

I never knew who she was.

Chiaroscuro1 September 24th, 2015

@WickedGrim - What do you make of it? Can the blood have something to do with LIFE, the life that flows within us? Maybe someone is putting pressure on you and you dive into life, but it hurts you and you can't keep running? You have to stop and pay attention to your wounds. Did living give you a tool to help you deal with your pain, your wounds?

astm OP September 24th, 2015

That sounds really scary @WickedGrim. Thank you for sharing.

Hope you have a better night of sleep tonight.

WickedGrim September 25th, 2015

Well, thanks for taking the time to read my little dream, @Chiaroscuro1 and @astm!

Blood is normally life, yes..and I have been feeling a bit bogged down by my current circumstances. I should be drowning in life, I graduated college! I should be getting jobs..but no one's hiring, and I've been overwhelmed. People tell me I need to take time to tend to myself..but I feel like..while that's a marvelous idea, I don't have too much time for that! Journals to write, things to learn, places to see~! So I definitely see that reflected in the dream. Thanks for the insights, I hadn't thought about it quite that way.

I was more obsessing over the ick factor of having things under my foot skin.

WickedGrim September 25th, 2015

...however I still feel that doesn't encompass everything..

Chiaroscuro1 September 25th, 2015

@WickedGrim - Don't worry if you feel you don't understand all of it yet. Just keep it in mind. Sometimes you get more insight into your dream even days later. Also if you start interpreting your dreams as a whole or put similar dreams together, more possible interpretations present themselves. So that's the upside, but still, having a nightmare is not a happy experience to say the least.

astm OP September 25th, 2015

That's a great interpretation!

Sounds like you're under some stress :s Life circumstances can be overwhelming, I feel you on that.

astm OP September 28th, 2015

Today I dreamt that my grandparents were in a hospital and about to die.

My grandpa died recently in real life, so I've been dreaming about him every once in a while.

Lilylistens September 28th, 2015

@astm , my sincere sympathy in the recent loss of your grandpa.

astm OP September 28th, 2015

Thank you smiley

Chiaroscuro1 September 29th, 2015

@astm - I'm so sorry about your loss. Were you close? I read somewhere that it is normal to dream about loved ones after they died. I suppose it is our psyches trying to work through the loss. It must have been a very sad dream for you, yes?

astm OP September 29th, 2015

Hi Chiaro :)

We weren't that close. Still, thank you for you sweet message heart

Sallyj0y September 28th, 2015

I always dream that I'm drowning. I'm out at sea somewhere warm and sunny. Looks like a paradise but I'm going under and I can see the sunlight reflecting through the water but something's dragging me down and I can't get out. I wake up just as everything goes black and I've been holding my breath and my hearts pounding. It's terrifying when I wake up but oddly calming during the dream

WickedGrim September 29th, 2015

I've had drowning dreams too. Research has led me to the conclusion that it seems it's caused by my feeling overwhelmed and bottling things up in the depths, my subconscious.

The calm in the dream is because I don't have to think. Or stress. Just float and feel. I dunno if it's like that for you.

carefulCity1996 September 29th, 2015

My nightmare is with my teachers experimenting on me with me breathing heavily with cords and things and in her classroom drinking tea while I'm attached to her things next she locks me in for the night and sleeps and then the next day she came back to check me to use me to do a class experiment project and then when she left I was in cold sweat and headache not only but more stress and overwhelmed and freaking out and it comtinues and she invited more staff to do research on me than they touched me I squealed and turn and I'm in a very bad mood and they never disconnect me next day they invited the counselor to join and they did nothing to set me free I'm terrorized for the night and wishing why I got my self in that mess I was thinking I should have let them swept we out that class in the beginning.

- to those who's reading this I got freaked out at midnight and I didn't go back to sleep.

WickedGrim September 29th, 2015

This is intense. Sending lots of love your way. May it be a balm for better rest later! I have nothing to say about that nightmare save for exclamations and goosebumps.

Chiaroscuro1 September 29th, 2015

@carefulCity1996 - Shame man, this must've been a very disturbing dream. When I feel freaked out after a nightmare, a switch on my bed lamp. It helps a little to just let me realize I am back in reality and the dream is not happening anymore. Do you see any parallels between the nightmare and your real life? I hope you will have a better night tonight, peaceful sleep.

Brokendoll31 September 29th, 2015

I have dreams that I'm in darkness and I'm getting chased by someone and I keeping running away from them

WickedGrim September 29th, 2015

Me too! Does the chaser change? And the background? Or is it all basically the same dream over and over?

Brokendoll31 September 29th, 2015

Yes it does! The chaser changes and the setting but it is always dark