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Dreams - To face fears or just for fun!

User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain December 6th, 2016

I've only had a few of them at random but when I have they've left me feeling amazing when I woke up. One was getting over fearing being chased by bad people in which I dreamed that I fought them all off successfully because I knew they could not hurt me in the dream. The other I managed to fly so high I was soring above everything else which was very fun and felt almost like playing a video game with god mode turned on only 100 times better.

Edited by dancingrainbow45 on 06/12/16 - The link submitted with this post contains inappropriate information for members

User Profile: 2wheelsdown
2wheelsdown December 6th, 2016

Great post!

I dream of flying FREQUENTLY. it's pretty bizarre, and they are not always the same dream. Sometimes I am exploring, sometimes escaping bad guys, sometimes watching a loved one fall but I can't get there in time. So flight is the only common theme.

Luckily, I have NOT had the naked-in-public dream in years which I used to have all the time.

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain OP December 9th, 2016


I've never had dream of someone falling that I can remember...I have had some floating dreams where it's like swimming through air or moon jumping but just the one actual flying high in the sky like a bird dream.

For some reason I've had a lot of dreams of tornadoes coming and being in it's path which hasn't happened nearly as much since high school age. I also dreamed a lot of first days of school where I show up in the wrong room and end up very lost or not able to find my way out of the building, sometimes it turns into a labyrinth which has also happened with dreams of my own home looking very different from how it should (upsidedown rooms, giant holes in the floor without railings resembling a platformer game, stairs leading to nowhere or halls going narrow then turning into slides). I think these might have been from being little and moving from house to house with family that couldn't seem to make up their mind to stay put and were seemingly forever renovating. lol

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User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 12th, 2017


User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 12th, 2017


That sounds awesome, I would to be able to fly around in my dreams at will!

It seems like you have a natural talent for lucid dreaming. :)

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain OP February 12th, 2017


So far it's only happened a few times where I was able to control things and be fully aware that I had the power to change everything. I'd like to be able to do it more often any time I choose instead of waiting for myself to realize it at random after years of not. That's part of why I brought up the suggestion so I'd likely be thinking of it more while awake so more likely to think of it when I'm asleep.

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User Profile: KrinkTheMellowUnicorn
KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 12th, 2017

@CoinFountain - I've never had a "lucid" dream but I have had recurring dreams where eventually I confronted the scary thing and usually after that they stopped coming back.

User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 13th, 2017


Mhm, any action you do while awake that can be paralleled in your dream has the potential to snap you in as the dream is occuring.

I can usually remember my dreams each night, and they say that's one of the first steps to being able to hone the skill of lucid dreaming on a regular basis; but I'm content with letting my dreams surprise me for now. :p

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain OP February 17th, 2017

The past few nights I've had nightmares which I haven't been able to make myself aware while I'm having it that it is just a dream. Hopefully I'll be able to one day do the same as I did with that dream where bad people were chasing me. The trouble with this one is it's more rooted in past events and the fear that reoccurance is possible because the cause of it still existing in reality. I think I need to work on my confidence in certain areas cause it's obvious in my dream that I don't trust that boundries have been set well enough.

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User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 18th, 2017


Mhm, while it sucks to be plagued with these reoccuring nightmares, I commend your ability to take a healthy approach to it by re-assessing your boundaries and thinking about building your confidence and perhaps going on to ensuring that the boundaries are indeed well set. I wish you the best in moving forward with this existing issue of yours!

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User Profile: CoinFountain
CoinFountain OP February 18th, 2017


I didn't have the same dream last yay!

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User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 20th, 2017


Yay! One step at a time right? :)

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User Profile: Reyy
Reyy February 18th, 2017


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