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The cringey slog of adjusting and learning to overcome exercise technique involving the butt

User Profile: Modal0154
Modal0154 September 15th, 2023

Earlier this week I had my first day of strength training stuff with a personal trainer, I've come to learn of a stick holding variant of the 'Romanian deadlift' and am bothered by how much ~'stick your hips out' (and by implication stick your butt out enough that it's arguably a step before twerking) stuff there is involved in this this strength/resistance oriented stuff which I'm finally learning -- and I feel conflicted saying that as someone whose done yoga's downward dog for ~+10 yrs now '_' .

I guess that going forward their might well be more brought up by about this dimension of physical culture* , yet I think my point is that it's friggin cringe and aggravating having to overcome the learning curve for exercise stuff when there's 'butt stuff' involved in terms of adjusting kinaesthetic dynamics and outcomes of the 'btw belly button and knees' region esp. when your intention is sure as h--l not* 'sexy stuff'.

One 'plus' I will say that is resistance training and weightlifting is actually much more intricate than meets than eyes yet it's still jarringly ironic how it can be associated with fairly off-putting attitudes (esp.when social) and lifestyle aesthetics..=_= if this was high school I could well see ppl harassing my and calling me a nerd even if I was say reading a more kinesiology or sports medicine based anatomy book.

*for what it's worth 32M here, whose turbulent high school past of harassment by 'gym bro' teachers and student body members was not f--g healthy and drove me to transferring high school -- '-' =_= when your trainer is a barely older than you alumni of that same high school who used to play professional Canadian football, you might still well have your reservations for them as a personal trainer

User Profile: CyclingThroughLife
CyclingThroughLife September 15th, 2023


"I think my point is that it's friggin cringe and aggravating having to overcome the learning curve for exercise stuff when there's 'butt stuff' involved in terms of adjusting kinaesthetic dynamics and outcomes of the 'btw belly button and knees' region esp. when your intention is sure as h--l not* 'sexy stuff'."

Your post is on spot for the topic. As someone who has been working out for his entire life, I agree with all of it. I think there is a learning curve for any exercise you do and its very important to "get it right", especially when there is weight involved, so you don't hurt yourself. Form is probably the number one reason people get hurt when doing strength training, in my opinion. And while it is, like you say "cringe"(I don't think I've ever used that word before, lol), it must be done to maintain proper form and safety.....

On a somewhat related subject, many people use this "butt stuff", as you call it, to help with their own can walk into any gym anywhere and seeing some people using it to their advantage.....the ole "look at me" while I lift.....while its ok to be proud of the work you've put in and the results you get, I think the amount of vain individuals who just want to flex in the mirrors and be seen in the gym is disgusting....same goes for the women, the skimpy clothing and over exaggerating bent over movements, etc....That's why I invested a lot of money in a garage gym lol.....I got tired of seeing it....even in the "judgement free zone"....there were "lunks" and I was

Keep up your motivation and props for working with a trainer and learning new exercises and lifts....Maybe you can give me tips on yoga sometime....I have tried it a few times using online and youtube videos, but after about 5 min, I'm bored and mind wanders and I can't stay focused on the task at workouts are more upbeat, fast paced and dynamic...I cycle or elliptical 3 or days a week and strength train the other days...