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Quarantine Sedentary Weight Help

pr1ns3ss August 23rd, 2020

Hello everyone! Hope all is well. This is a lengthy post/rant/vent/dairy about my weight.

A bit about me. I am a 32-year-old mother of 3. My doctor told me to lose weight to obtain a healthier weight. I am 410 and that healthier weight would be 119 lbs. 119 is the highest I should be. Health problems I have are borderline high blood pressure, borderline high cholesterol, depression, and anxiety. Three kids and a lot of poor habits later and I have been fluctuating between 135 and 150 pounds since 2016. I am here today because I am almost at my highest again. I came to the community to find similar people in the same boat or tips, advice, or just someone to recognize my thought process.

Quarantine life started for me on 03/17/20. With all of the public areas closing, reopening, closing, and repeat I just dont know where to go anymore. During the spring it was easier to get out more because the weather wasnt too bad. The weather now is too humid and hot even early in the morning. My point is with no job to keep me busy through the week Ive become sedentary. It doesnt help that I can get just about everything delivered to me making it easy for me to not have to go out. Plus side I dont need to pay for gas as often haha. It also doesnt help that my family and boyfriend are overweight themselves and love food.

I know what to do... eat healthier, drink more water, be more active but this quarantine is something else. I try to wear my Fitbit just to see how many steps I take around the house and the results arent good.

My ultimate goal is to lose 28lbs. I use to reach 10,000 steps before 2 pm when I was working. But for now, I plan to gradually get my steps higher than the day before. With the hot weather, I need to drink more water too.

Anyone else in the same boat? Share your experiences and any tips you have to get through this quarantine life. Thank you for reading and letting me vent… I stepped on the scale this morning and went straight on here to seek help.

amusingWater7375 August 24th, 2020

@pr1ns3ss I suggest intermittent and extended fasting

pr1ns3ss OP August 29th, 2020

@amusingWater7375 I'm trying it now... thank you for the suggestion! Day 1 in.. lets see how it goes.

tealPlane1938 August 29th, 2020

@pr1ns3ss Hey do you still need a workout buddy?

pr1ns3ss OP September 12th, 2020

UPDATE: I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low vitamin D, and need to lose 28lbs. I currently have a nutritionist and currently taking medication. Need help staying motivated with lifestyle choices. Any tips?