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Iloveparis August 27th, 2017

I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. I'm nervous because I go back to work this week full time plus I will start grad school this week. This weekend, I exhausted myself just by going to the grocery store and then I took a nap, waking up drenched in sweat.

Has anyone else here had pneumonia? Has anything helped you go about your daily life?

Viana August 27th, 2017

@Iloveparis hey there. I'm sorry to hear about the pneumonia and it looks like you had a really rough week. I haven't ever had pneumonia but I would just like to say stay strong and take care of yourself. I wish you all the best with work and school and we are here to support you heart

Emily619 August 27th, 2017

Hey there! I had pneumonia when I was in 5th grade (I'm in 11th grade now) and although I didn't have the responsibilites of work or tough school then, I still remember how it was definitely unpleasant. My parents helped me a lot during that time, so hopefully in your situation you'll be able to find a similar support system as well! If your parents don't live close by or have passed, you can ask a friend to help out with picking up your groceries, picking up your assessments for school, and so on. It may be important to call in sick if you're able to from work, as well as missing work until you feel better. However, though, I'm sure you can email your teachers if you know who they're and ask them to email your assessments or you can have someone who has classes with you to pick them up and bring them to you. Good luck!