Looking for an exercising guide video for an extreme beginner
Hello! I'm looking for an exercising guide video for an extreme beginner who has 0 coordination!
I have quite severe anxiety disorders, traumas around sports (thanks to school) & quite severe self-esteem issues, and well I am pretty much disconnected from my body. I tried several guides on YouTube for “beginners” but it's too difficult for me, I would need something simpler so that I don't feel like a poop failing all the moves and end giving up. If you know of something like this it would help me A LOT, thank you very much ❤️
@butterlycow A lot has changed since I first followed her channel so I'm not totally sure of everything but https://youtube.com/@Jessicasmithtv could be a good starting place.
Look at the walking ones, some of her other videos do have much more coordinated moves.
there are many many videos on you tube
@LeslieSansonesWalkatHome is one that is just walking has various levels so you can tackle others as you get more confident.
@butterlycow Try Team Body Project on YouTube!
Beginners can benefit from using
a "Tiny Habits" approach,
or a
"Mini Habits" approach,
or an
"Atomic Habits" approach!
Just start tiny and easy!
Below are short videos that show how.
The tiny/mini habit "recipe" is typically:
- "After I _____,"
- "I will _______".
- "After I turn on the microwave oven,"
- "I will do 2 countertop pushups."
It's so easy! Then the habit grows over time!
Here are the 3 easiest videos:
- 3 Kitchen Counter Super Simple Moves Videos: https://www.7cups.com/path/playlist/move-to-feel-better/
Then one can grow fast and try these 2 videos:
- Kitchen Counter Advanced Moves Video: https://www.7cups.com/path/exercise/exercise-video-kitchen-countertop-moves-1635652342/
- Bathroom Counter Advanced Moves Video: https://www.7cups.com/path/exercise/exercise-video-bathroom-countertop-moves-1635652181/
Then, there are many great fun easy exercise videos
on the free 7Cups Community growth paths here:
- Click "Community" and enter your search terms, exercise or stretching or Tai Chi or Tiny Habits or whatever you want!
- All different types of moves and songs to pick from! Yay!
*high fives* 😊 and well done my friend! ❤️
I read the OP's post and thought of you immediately as I have seen some of the things you have offered in past forum posts as well as on your profile page! I think the knowledge you have is wonderful! Thank you so much for showing up on this thread and for sharing! You rock! 😊❤️
The only thing I could really even fathom would have been swimming, getting in tune with ones own body that way and it can be seen as gentle excerise (low impact) or perhaps gentle yoga to stretch, tone and find balance.
Again, *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️
Thank you so much. I wish more people were like you. You are a bright ray of sunshine here. 🌞
hi @butterflycow. It looks like you posted a while back but I’m just reading this now. How is your workout routine going? I wanted to share that I recently found some thing called DDP yoga. it is simple. /easy do and there is some free info avail on you tube - (and also subscriptions to classes if you want more.) It’s effective and designed for ppl to start at any place any level - in bed ior on couch or from a chair. so maybe it will work for you? search DDP yoga on you tube. ❤️