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How to deal with different cold weather ailments?

Alia2 December 9th, 2017

* Cold hands and feet:

Raynaud's phenomenon is a common condition that makes your fingers and toes change colour and become very painful in cold weather.

Fingers can go white, then blue, then red, and throb and tingle. The small blood vessels of the hands and feet go into spasm, temporarily reducing blood flow to your hands and feet.

In severe cases, medication can help, but most people manage to live with their symptoms.

Top tip: Don't smoke or drink caffeine (both can worsen symptoms) and always wear warm gloves, socks and shoes when going out in cold weather.

*Dry skin:

dry skin is a common condition and is often worse during the winter, when environmental humidity is low.

Moisturising is essential during winter. Contrary to popular belief, moisturising lotions and creams aren't absorbed by the skin. Instead, they act as a sealant to stop the skin's natural moisture evaporating away.

The best time to apply moisturiser is after a bath or shower while your skin is still moist, and again at bedtime.

Top tip: Have warm, rather than hot, showers. Water that is too hot makes skin feel more dry and itchy.

*Heart attacks:

Heart attacks are more common in winter. This may be because cold weather increases blood pressure and puts more strain on the heart. Your heart also has to work harder to maintain body heat when it's cold.

Top tip: Stay warm in your home. Heat the main rooms you use to at least 18C and use a hot water bottle or electric blanket to keep warm in bed.Wrap up warm when you go out and wear a hat, scarf and gloves.

*Painful joints:

Many people with arthritis say their joints become more painful and stiff in winter, though it's not clear why this is the case. There's no evidence that changes in the weather cause joint damage.

Top tip: Many people get a little depressed during the winter months, and this can make them perceive pain more acutely. Everything feels worse, including medical conditions.

Daily exercise can boost a person's mental and physical state. Swimming is ideal as it's easy on the joints.


cold air is a major trigger of asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath. People with asthma should be especially careful in winter.

Top tip: Stay indoors on very cold, windy days. If you do go out, wear a scarf loosely over your nose and mouth.

Be extra vigilant about taking your regular medications, and keep reliever inhalers close by.


You can help prevent colds by washing your hands regularly. This destroys bugs that you may have picked up from touching surfaces used by other people, such as light switches and door handles.

It's also important to keep the house and any household items such as cups, glasses and towels clean, especially if someone in your house is ill.

Top tip: If you get a cold, use disposable tissues instead of fabric handkerchiefs to avoid constantly reinfecting your own hands.


Flu can be a major killer of vulnerable people. People aged 65 and over, pregnant women and people with long-term health conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are particularly at risk.

The best way to prevent getting flu is to have the flu jab (or flu nasal spray for children aged 2 to 17). The flu vaccine gives good protection against flu and lasts for one year.

If you are over 65 or have a long term health condition, you are also eligible for thepneumococcal vaccine, which provides protection against pneumonia.

Top tip: Find out if you're at risk of getting flu by asking your GP. If you're in a high-risk group, see your GP to get the vaccination.

original article:/

PoliteOcean December 10th, 2017


Wow this is a great post Alia! Just in time for our winter weather ahead! Thanks so much for sharing and posting :)

sympatheticClementine798 January 29th, 2018

I deal with a few of these issues. I have very cold hands and feet, and neuropathy and circulation issues run in my dad's family. My dad had has foot and lower leg amputated because of this, so it is a concern to me. I have been taking niacin, suggested by my doctor, and it has been helping. The niacin is supposed to improve circulation, and this winter my hands and feet have not been as cold as past years.

I also have issues with dry skin. Of course, I use a moisturizing lotion. Recently after reading an article ( I started using a small amount of lavender essential oil with the moisturizer, and I've been really happy with the results.