10 Otherwise Healthy Foods You Should Avoid When You Have A Cold
These foods can be broadly divided into three categories:
1. Foods that promote the production of phlegm / mucus
2. Foods that contain histamine or increase histamine levels in the body
3. Foods that promote acid reflux.
The foods listed below fit into one of these categories:
1. Bananas
2. Milk
3. Yogurt
4. Soy products
5. Ghee
6. Eggs
7. Cabbage
8. Avocadoes
Source: vegkitchen.com
9. Papaya
Source: breatheinlife-blog.com
10. Mint
are the potatoes ok to eat? i love potato creamy soup when i have a cold?
Well i dont know about potatoes but i am sure above stuff should definately be avoided during cold...
Mint? That is unexpected. Mint teas are good for clearing the head and sinuses too. It can be drunk when one has a cold. So I