10 Otherwise Healthy Foods You Should Avoid When You Have A Cold
These foods can be broadly divided into three categories:
1. Foods that promote the production of phlegm / mucus
2. Foods that contain histamine or increase histamine levels in the body
3. Foods that promote acid reflux.
The foods listed below fit into one of these categories:
1. Bananas
2. Milk
3. Yogurt
4. Soy products
5. Ghee
6. Eggs
7. Cabbage
8. Avocadoes
Source: vegkitchen.com
9. Papaya
Source: breatheinlife-blog.com
10. Mint
are the potatoes ok to eat? i love potato creamy soup when i have a cold?
Well i dont know about potatoes but i am sure above stuff should definately be avoided during cold...
@Eternaldeniedchrist009 how survive without potatoes ?
Mint? That is unexpected. Mint teas are good for clearing the head and sinuses too. It can be drunk when one has a cold. So I