Healthy and Mindfulness Activities
Although it may not be a long duration, I did two yoga videos today one for 6 mins and the other for 5 mins :) These are my little acts of mindfulness and pushing towards living my healthy lifestyle. I am so grateful for indulging in this and hope to do this more.
This is so awesome for you! 👏🏼
Congrats to you on wanting to live, create & lead a healthier lifestyle for yourself!
Keep in mind that each & every small step adds up to even bigger ones over time! And The more you do it, the more it will begin to become a habit for you!
You’ve got this! And we are here to support you. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
I am planning to start doing yoga and I want to ask if you would like to share these videos with us? I started to lead a healthier lifestyle: healthy and tasty cooking, stretching, taking the vitamins I need found on Canadian pharmacy . I am thinking of starting to do yoga as well as it will help me and my mental health. I wish everyone health first of all
Sometimes just doing a small yoga practice makes a great difference :) You may feel empowered and want to do much more in the future.