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Please Help, I Don't Know Where to Turn!!!

blueAngel00 December 16th, 2022

This is rather complicated, so I apologize for that.

I joined 7 Cups the end of November. I applied as a Listener a couple days ago and could subsequently log in as one. Now that option is no longer available.

My application submission was very unorthodox (long story) and in between the submission fiasco and learning I could log in as a Listener, I requested a member name change. I had to request it through 7 Cups because apparently I tried to change it too close to my two week membership mark, and the system got confused or something and wouldn't let me, saying it was having technical difficulties.

In any case, one of the names I requested was the same as what I put on the Listener application. It was granted, only 7 Cups added two zeros at the end of the name.

There are so many more idiosyncracies in this scenario it's almost easier to believe I made it all up, but I didn't. What I need to know is who do I contact about all this? I don't mind reapplying, I just don't want 7 Cups to think I'm messing around with them or that I'm a lunatic or worse yet, kick me out of 7 Cups altogether.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction of who and how I should contact about all this? I'll be forever in your debt, thanks. ❤️

And thank you for reading this far! 🌹



RarelyCharlie December 16th, 2022

@blueAngel00 I suggest you Submit a request in the Help Center.


blueAngel00 OP December 16th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie sounds like a plan, thanks. And thank you for the link as well.

Can I please impose on you again? It's just a simple [dumb] question, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer but here goes anyway:

Is your user name as a member the same as your user name as a Listener?

The reason I ask is because members are advised to NOT use their real name, but Listeners are encouraged somewhat to do the exact opposite and USE they're real name.

Unless of course I misread or misunderstood something?

Thanks in advance and thanks again for your suggestion and link. 🌹


RarelyCharlie December 16th, 2022

@blueAngel00 I don't think I have ever seen any advice to listeners about using their real name. My real name is not Charlie 😉

However, I believe using your real name is permitted, unless there has been a change in the rules I'm not aware of.

My member name is completely different, and as far as I know I am not allowed to reveal it to you while writing as a listener. (But this rule did not exist when I first joined, and I think there might be at least one very old forum post of mine that does reveal my member name.)
